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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

651 - 660 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

I never had O pain before starting meds. Had some pintches on O day after a quick surge on opks. But thats it. Got one bd in at least. Im going to continue my opks. Just not very aggressively. I caved and poas again. They have gotten a lot lighter through out today.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing today?

Dandy: how are your opk's this morning?

Lucky: how are you holding up? Two more days until your beta testing. Fingers crossed for a great outcome.

As for me, just in waiting mode. I am 3 dpo today. The hpt's are nearly negative this morning. I am heading out to go apple and pumpkin picking this morning with the hubby and our children. Should be fun. Hayrides and corn maze as well. It will be little ones first time. I still cannot believe that she will be 1 year old on 11/04. Time sure does fly.

7 years ago

Cronins that sounds like fun. It's a perfect fall day here for that. I'm doing well, just cont to say my prayers daily for that positive beta on Monday :-) I'm going to try and keep busy these next 2 days to pass the time.

7 years ago

Cronins, my opks have a little more color than the barely there lines last night. But where near positive though. Not sure about all the O pain yesterday. Awe a first Birthday soon. So much fun. We had to cancel our plans for today for pumpkin picking and the wild game reserve, since lo was sick yesterday. Hes much better today but I didnt know if he would get my nieces sick.
Lucky, l will continue to keep you in my prayers as well. Cant blame you for keeping busy this weekend. Any plans in particular?

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy I'm just going to paint some furniture lol. I had a house built 2 years ago and am still trying to decorate. Since I've spent all my money trying to get pregnant I'm using old furniture and just changing the look :-) Pinterest has so many good diy ideas.
So do you think you already Oed or still waiting?

7 years ago

Oh Lucky that sounds fun! I love doing stuff like that. Refurbishing is awesome. I bet thats going to turn out wonderful.
I honestly dnt know if I O'd or not. Im not ruling it out, but not banking on it either. If I dont get a pos opk in a few days, I will assume I did.

7 years ago • Post starter

Lucky, hows the painting going?
Cronins, hope you are having a blast!
Miam, are you feeling any better?
Afm, ovary pain is back. Noon opk darkened up a bit to near + but not quite. Hope it doesnt lighten back up

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : we had an awesome time. Now we have apples and pumpkins to feed an army, lol.

I am so glad that you are gearing up for ovulation. Glad you didn't miss the surge. Did you post it in the gallery?

7 years ago

Yes Cronins, I posted it earlier. : ) just did another, its cooking but think it looks the same as noons so far.
If you look at the very top of the pic is a piece of yesterdays. You can see how light it was.

7 years ago • Post starter

Well dandy, haven't accomplished much. Ended up just hanging out with my mom lol. She's good company so that helps :-)

7 years ago

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