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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hope4rainbowbaby- Thank you so much!!! Yes maca has done wonders even my Fertile CM is on point! Amazing!
I can’t wait for you to post that the little one is here!!!! And came naturally but if not either way you soon will be holding your baby boy!

6 years ago • Edited

I’m finally on my O day!!! this cycle has been a beautiful one! Maca has done wonders for me.

6 years ago

It's been little over a week since af showed up. Yesterday I realised I didn't know wich cd it was and it honestly felt really good. I only have one app now that counts the days to my next af, and that's it. The only thing I'm gonna do this cycle is to try B-complex supplements. Not for fertility, but in an attempt to help ease my fatigue. I've been feeling extremely tired for the last week and part of it is definitely the weather (it's been ages since we had this hot and dry weather here in Sweden), but I think my fibromyalgia is causing it too.

Onto something more positive - I really look forward to start studying. I got accepted and will study for 3 years to become a "medical administrator". I love working with computers and it will definitely be more suitable for my aching body than to work in the elderly care or at kindergarten.

6 years ago

Diviniumliv- sounds like your relaxing more. I heard that is when you least expect to conceive. If you stress about it then it doesn’t happen. Dr even told me that. Also happy for you on your new career choice. Change is good.

6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv. Congrats on the new studies. I am sure you will enjoy it especially if you enjoy working with computers.

@Beaut1ful38. I'm so glad the Maca has helped you this cycle. I used it the month I got pregnant. I'm sorry, I don't want to bring this up but it's been on my mind and a bit emotional today. All of this makes me sad for you. Everytime I look at my ticker and countdown the days till I hold my son in my arms, I think of you and that you and I would be due around the same time . However, I know you will have your rainbow baby and will be able to hold him/her in your arms.

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6 years ago

Hi ladies! Sorry I haven’t popped my head in for ages!
I just wanted to update and follow on a bit more.
I had a 3.5 week “period” this cycle and the latter was more like fresh blood mixed with copious amounts of EWCM. Really puzzling.
Never had a positive opk...
I had THREE faint bfp on frer this morning!!!!!
I can’t believe it.
Of course I’m gonna go grab some more and pee on my money until I believe it!

6 years ago

Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA recently. DH and I were on vacation last week so I didn't spend much time on the internet.

@Beaut1ful38 - You O'd so close to your birthday! I hope you get a rainbow birthday BFP soon!!

@Luckducky90 - If you post any tests let us know!! Good luck!!

@DiviniumLiv - I hope the new studies and career path are what you are looking for. Change for the positive can be so good for us. As humans I think we all crave a little change now and then.

6 years ago • Post starter

Oh! And hope4rainbowbay I hope that little boy has arrive or is about to any second now!!!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!!
Dragonfly- so sweet yes I thought about that the other day too. It just wasn’t my time yet. I feel positive about this cycle.

Luckyducky90- omg yes post some test I like to see some will give me hope!!

Flamingogirl- hope you had an awesome vacation trip. Relaxing with your little bean inside growing! Can’t belive your 12weeks already. Have you made the big announcement already??

AFM, I am 4dpo both apps say I ovulated thurs. my temps have stayed at @98 so far. What I feel are Mild cramps, lower backaches. Tired a little, but if l get up and do something I get energy. Hungry more but snack wise. Creamy cm, tender boobs. And HOT. Also restless sleep, and vivid dreams (dreamed I gave birth to a baby girl in water) . Not sure if it’s the Maca Root. And I have that feeling again at 2dpo “I feel pregnant” ...I really really feel positive on this cycle. I will probably test this weekend.

6 years ago • Edited

@Beaut1ful38. I really hope this is it for you. Praying for sticky vibes and sending baby dust your way. I hope your birthday was fun and exciting.

@FlamingoGirl13. Hope you had a good vacation and got to see some amazing sites. Have you felt any movement and did you have any ultrasounds yet?

Just thought I would let everyone know (hope she doesn't mind) in case someone is worried, that hope4rainbowbaby had her baby boy last week (wed or thurs). I won't say any more as it is for her to share.

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6 years ago • Edited

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