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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Bb2018, i am ftom ohio. I know i had 3 or 4 u/s by 19w last pregnancy. Just got my 7w to see how far along i was and the anomoly scan next appt. I should be about 19w. I was really hoping for a 12w one but it's passed now so next appt.
Calvingirl, so sorry to hear about your test. Should you be having a u/s to see gender soon? That would be so frustrating! I would opt out for the 3rd time. You will probably know by the time you get anything back from them again.

6 years ago • Post starter

Ok ladies...ready for a twist ending??? They f*cked it up. Can you believe it? The doctor that called me on Tuesday was reading me the results from my FIRST test. My second test results HADN'T COME IN YET!!! They were just reported yesterday. I found this out when I called Natera (company that does the Panorama NIPT test) and asked when the report would be posted. I figured if my low fetal fraction had increased, it would be worth it to go in for a 3rd blood draw, but if not, I'd just wait. They told me the results weren't in yet - had NOT been reported to my doctor yet and they must've screwed up!!

So today, I called doctor's office, explained the situation and sure enough, my results were in. Baby is low risk for Downs and Trisomnys 13, 18 and triploidy - all good, and WE"RE HAVING A GIRL!!!!

I cried like a baby on the phone and my husband squealed like a girl (we had her on speaker phone so we'd both find out at the same time). I'm so happy. I'm freaking out!!!

6 years ago

Omg!! Yea, calvingirl! Im at work on my break and actually teared up a little for you. So far, i think we have 3 girls and 2 boys on here. Go team pink!!!

6 years ago • Post starter

Congrats @calvingirl!! Glad they figured things out for you!! That’s another girl for our group! I have my 20 week scan on July 25 to see if the early gender scan tech was right about us having a girl also! I’ve gotten used to calling her a girl! :)

6 years ago

@calvingirl Yaaaayyy!!! what fantastic news all around! Shame on those doctors for stressing you out all these days. But I'm so glad they're was a happy ending after all!

What is the boy vs girl tally in the group?! And who is team green?

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

The tally so far is 3 girls, 2 boys. I think 1 green?

6 years ago • Post starter

I'm green, so far, so 2!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@Calvingirl. Congrats on having a girl.

User image[/url]

6 years ago

Good morning, everyone! Am a few minutes early for work and have 15 min before i leave at 525a. It is my 8th day and supposedly my day off, but ot and time and a half were too tempting. The holidays are very busy for us. I worked a little too hard yestersay amd my back, arms, and stomach muscles a bit sore. I needed the workout. It is my exercise. I need to tone down on lifting heavy boxes though.

Feeling great. I am 17wks today. This pregnancy is flying by. My last dragged out. Lol. Been contemplating on names and Teresa Maria Denise
Teresa Camille Denise
Teresa Janice Denise
are what come up. Teresa is my mom. Janice Marie is my only aunt that passed at 13 from cancer. Denise is passed from bf family. Camille is my bestie for 35 years middle name. What are your opinions?

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone,

Congratulations Calvingirl amazing news it was worth all that waiting in the end.

I'm 20 weeks tomorrow eeek! I can't believe I'm all ready half way there, it's flown by it at least it has since the 12 weeks scan. I have my anomaly scan on Friday, so I am keeping everything crossed everything is ok with our baby :) xxx

6 years ago

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