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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies!! Had a bumper catch up session reading all to catch up but it'll be a quick drop in to say Hi!

Sky- I'm well thanks. Getting ready for my holiday soon to visit my sister with my family, really looking forward to it. 39 weeks already, it sure has gone fast. Eeek nearly there

Athena- Great pictures of Eli! So clear and soon you will meet face to face.

Pisces- Flowers off your DH did I read, just love it when we get surprised ð???

Rebecca- Good news about VB but Titus being another 9/10lb! Eeeek! You will be great.

Miracle- sorry your out again this month but real happy to see things going well with you and DH.

Football- thanks for the Shakespeare girlfriend!
How are you? Tired out I bet from all that's going on, take it easy buttercup. I havn't been frolicking in pubs up until now but I sure am tonight! Got my hair curled , nails a vampy red and off to party the night away for my previous employers 6th yr anniversary.

Ashin- so sorry about your loss my lovely. My Heart goes out to you.

So sorry I havnt time to reply to others but my hearts with you all trying waiting for your little miracles. Will check in soon

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10 years ago

i have been using Opts. i got a positive on the 11th, today, i havent had any spotting today, but my breasts are still tender, hubby grabbed one of them last night and i about punched him cause it hurt. lol i havent had any more spotting but my taste buds are off, i had a bowl of cereal that is my favorite kind to have and i couldnt eat it, i thought it tasted horrid! i ended up just trashing it!and as i type this my stomach feels funky, like i may throw up. ugh. also im very tired today. i took a two hour nap when our daughter napped and im stll exhausted!

alittle about me:
i have a 2 year old daughter( just turned 2 on the 10th) my SO and i are married, have been married for 6 months, and have been ttc for about the same amount of time. :D we havent had any luck so far. but am hoping this month is our month!

10 years ago

Good Morning All!

6 DPO today and stressed beyond belief. I live close to the Ferguson riots and craziness and of course my DH has been called and put on the pumper truck task force in the area for the last few nights, so I am stressed beyond belief. I hope this doesnt hurt my chances this cycle. They just called in the national guard (About time because the violence, looting and fires need to stop)

My temps have been looking good so far this cycle. Fingers crossed for a BFP this month regardless.

Pray for peace!

10 years ago

Hi to all the newbies!

How is everyone?

@Miracle- How was the little get away? So sorry the witch got you :( Hope you're doing alright. Check in when you can

@Rebecca- Take it easy, lady! I'm glad you have some watchers out there making sure you behave ;) When is VBS finished?

@Athena- Sorry you're in some pain. Has it gotten any better? How are you feeling overall?

@LSchrader- Happy {late} anniversary! When does the IUI process for you start (like when in September)?

@Skyline- I am so excited to see your little one! I can't believe t's any time now. How are you feeling now that it's this close? Is your DH excited? Is the third trimester as bad as people make it seem? You and @Rebecca are like super women with all you do/have done. I don't know if I've mentioned it, but your maternity pictures are so gorgeous!

@Bean- I love the brown hair!! How have you been?! Are you getting settled in your new house?

AFM: Well ladies, I'm 13 weeks! This past weekend I've had more energy than I've had since before I got pregnant. I also haven't thrown up (or even felt nauseous) which has been fabulous. Of course it's a little freaky because I hope everything's alright, but then I remember a lot of women report this change around the end of the first/beginning of the second trimester. I keep trying to remind myself that I've had nothing to point to a loss or that there's something wrong, so I need to relax.

We have my 12 week appointment on Wednesday, and I'm hoping we get to hear the heartbeat! Oh, and the CM is no joke. Jeez haha. And I basically pee every 5 minutes like I haven't peed in hours. And I also had quite a bit of headaches in week 12 that were not fun. It was more like a continuous headache. Luckily school's out and I've been relaxing and enjoying the break. It starts up again next Monday, but that's okay because I graduate in December and am SOOOO excited!

Do y'all consider week 13 or 14 as the second trimester? I've been reading so many contradictory things, that I don't really know what to think haha.

Hope everyone's doing well.

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10 years ago

Football - hey there! So glad to hear you're feeling better and have more energy. So far as when the trimesters are divided, I just went by whatever I liked best! It always makes me feel better to say I'm "out of the woods" by 12 weeks. My OB told me last night that I'd be considered full term at 36 1/2 weeks, so I think splitting the trimesters by 12 weeks each time sounds good. Enjoy your time off, and hope your final semester of school goes by quickly and easily for you.

Firewife - I pray your DH has been able to stay safe and will continue to be so. When people's emotions run so high, they often do things before they think them through, and innocent people can get hurt. FXd this is the lucky cycle for you!

55comet555 - welcome! FXd for you this cycle too.

Bean - lovely to hear from you! Sorry your DH has been under the weather - was it dental work that made him feel so bad? I know you're looking forward to spending time with your sister. Check back in when you can!

Skyline - wow, you've done a super job getting everything ready for your little man! I'm impressed. You and Athena both have really been organized. I can't believe you're at 39 weeks, either! Time has flown! So excited to see the first pictures of your baby and hear how it all went.

jandkbabydreams - keep us updated on how you're doing!

athena - sorry to hear you're having pain, but I bet you're right and it's from the baby moving down. Love the picture! He looks adorable.

Miracle, Lschrader, Rsquared, Ashin, Pisces - hope you are all well.

If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry!

Afm - VBS officially ended Friday night, but Saturday we spent playing catch up with all the chores we'd left behind to get ready for it, so we haven't really had time to sit and relax. Sunday after church, the ladies gave me a baby shower. It was very small, but we got a lot of nice things, and I was very touched that they worked so hard to make it so nice. My DD went with me, and she had a blast opening presents and snuggling with blankets and animals. (She swore she was just testing them out for her brother! lol) I wound up in Labor and Delivery last night about 10pm. Titus had been very quiet all day, and once I got home from church I went to the restroom and realized I'd lost part of the mucus plug. (sorry if that's TMI) It wasn't bloody or anything like that, but when I talked to the Dr on call he said if Titus didn't start moving more after supper to call and he'd bring me in. So that's what happened. The good news is that Titus is just fine. Heartbeat was good, movement was good. But he's still breech. And I've started to dilate. The dr said if he hasn't flipped by my appt next Friday, he probably won't and they'll schedule a csection, and they'll push it forward if I keep dilating, because they don't want me laboring with a breech baby. They also said they won't do any of the external stuff they can do to try to flip a breech, because they didn't want to put any pressure on my old c section scar. However, they were very surprised when they did the ultrasound to see Titus was actually "practice breathing", which they said was very advanced for a baby that was only supposed to be 35 weeks. They said it was a sign of lung maturity, and they thought if he were born right now he'd be ok and not have to spend any time in the NICU. To be honest I'm quite bummed out with the prospect of a vaginal delivery being taken away from me. I know they're doing it to keep the baby and me safe and healthy, and I appreciate how careful they're being of both of us, but I just really wanted to deliver without having surgery. It's not that a c section is the end of the world, or that I've ever found them horribly painful or anything like that - so I'm not trying to scare any of the other pregnant or soon to be pregnant ladies - it's just the longer recovery time. I wanted to try to get pregnant again as soon as possible (not trying to sound greedy) and I'm not getting any younger. But I guess you could say this is another instance where my plans and God's plans don't line up, and I just have to take a deep breath and trust that He knows what's best and I need to be more patient.

Sorry for the long post! I always seem to write a book, and I don't mean to!

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10 years ago

@FireWife - You have a brave husband, I hope he's well and stays safe! Lots of prayers with you

@comet - FX for you, sounds like it could be a great cycle for you!

@skyline - you're in the home stretch! How exciting! Lots of prayers for a safe and healthy delivery, please keep us updated!

@rebecca - very exciting for you, your shower sounded amazing! Sounds like Titus is doing really well, and it's nice to hear you were considering a vaginal vs. C, hopefully it turns out well for you, as long as you and the baby are healthy. You'll be back to trying in no time even if you do have a C.

@Football - awesome on hitting your thirteen weeks, and I'm sorry about the horrendous headachesâ?¦I know this sounds silly, but do you get enough water? I know dehydration can bring them on.

Sorry if I missed anyone, hope everyone else is doing well.

I missed my appointment on Friday because the 405 hwy was shut down and it took close to 2.5 hours of a drive and then the doctor's office wouldn't call back. All in all a very frustrating day, I broke down and had a good cry. I needed it.

I ended up getting the name of a new doctor close by that also specializes in infertility. I actually got in on Monday and saw him. I still haven't gotten AF, all tests have been negative.

Doctor said I need to stop tracking everything and just enjoy it, he said I'll help you get pregnant. Super sweet doctor, with a great demeanor. He put together a plan for me. He said my hormones are all over the place which is why I haven't gotten AF yet. If i don't get AF by monday, I'm supposed to take Provera for 5 days to induce my period, once that starts, on CD 10 he will do ultrasounds every couple of days to see how the follicle is maturing, if all goes well and I ovulate, then I'm okay, but if he doesn't see follicle maturation then he'll put me on clomid.

So yesterday I was just a basket case, I don't like talking about this kind of personal stuff with anyone, so my husband made me talk to him which was so tough (since we just got married a few months back) but he was very comforting and I think he finally understood why I was such a hot mess. Now I waitâ?¦

have any of you ladies been on Provera? Or Clomid? Can you share your experiences?

Thank you!

Married 5/10/14, TTC #1, off BCP January 2014, TTC since June 2014, using CBFM, CBD OPK and tracking cycles.

10 years ago

Raquared I pretty much lived on provera last year. I have pcos and I am very irregular. I was on my 4th round of Clomid when I got pregnant. I know your dr said to stop tracking but I would've never known when I ovulated if I didn't. Provera will make your period worse, at least it did for me and the longer it's been between cycles the worse it will be because there will be more to clean out. It made my cramps horrible and I had way more clots than normal.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

holy moly ladies! I have so much to catch up on. I have tried responding a few times now and just get so busy at work that i can't! I am sorry!!

I promise i will read through everything and respond when i can.

I hope everyone is doing well! We are going to have some babies in here soon which is SO exciting!

@football-I saw your announcement, yay!!!!

10 years ago

@rsquared, glad you found a doctor you really like. I hope everything goes well for you with AF and possible ultrasound. I've not been on either of those medications but I know that there are a lot of women who are.

@Rebecca, I'm glad you enjoyed your baby shower and that everything turned out well with baby Titus. I hope he turns his little caboose around for you! I can understand your concerns, I think about my husband's age quite often with our desire to start our family. He's nearly 7 years older than me. I hope everything turns out the way you want, at least mostly.

@football, so exciting for you! I know I would consider 12 weeks to be the end of the first trimester. I hope you get to hear the heartbeat too. Did you plan to find out if it's a boy or girl?

@firewife, I haven't been keeping up with the story since I don't watch the news but it sounds like hell on earth there. I hope and pray you and dh stay safe. I'm glad your temps have looked good so far.

@55comet, I couldn't help but giggle at wanting to punch your dh. How are you feeling now? I hope it's all good signs, and that the pain isn't so bad now.

@bean, hope you enjoy your holiday!

@skyline, how have you been the last few days? Are you still going for the due date or did baby have other plans? Hope everything is well.

Afm: the cramping continued for anther few hours, but they weren't as bad the next day. I'm catching myself symptom checking now and then but remind myself to stop again. Work has been crazy for me this week which is helping to keep my mind off it all. Today I felt a little crampy, like dull achey cramps, but not bad. If I am right about my o day, I'm 5 dpo today. Once I got my mind off it though, I didn't notice them at all. So I'm telling myself it's in my head. I guess time will tell.

10 years ago

@Bean - I know, time has certainly flown! I hope you have a marvelous holiday and enjoy the time with your family!! Love your hair, too, btw! :)

@55comet - A friend of mine started TTC #2 at the beginning of the year and it took her about 6 months to get her BFP. Hope it happens very soon for you! A +OPK means Ovulation will probably take place within the next 12-36 hours (or something like that) so you could have ovulated on the 12th.

@FireWife - I hope things get resolved there soon, and that the stress hasn't hindered you this cycle.

@football - The third trimester has been just fine for me, but I know that is not everyone's experience. I seriously have not gotten to any point where I was like, "When will this be over!?" or anything like that. I hope that is the same experience you have! :) The worst part right now is the skin on my belly gets so unhappy sometimes. It itches and I can't scratch because it will just make things worse. It's kind of numb from all the stretching. Your DH's face cracked me up after I read your comment on your announcement pic. How did the appointment go? It's crazy, but there is no universally agreed upon start/end point for the trimesters. It's like a "window" of time, basically. I was told about 3 different things by my pregnancy apps. I decided to go by the 14 week option.

@rebecca - Goodness, I feel like we procrastinated WAY too much to get a lot of things done. And I told DH I was shocked we've actually accomplished everything we said we should. I'm really quite proud of us. I really hope he flips and you get to try for a vaginal birth. Check out the spinning babies website, I think they have tips on ways you can get your baby to turn with posture and positions. (I don't think it involves a version or manhandling your uterus in any way.)

@Rsquared - Thank you! I'm sorry you had such a bad day trying to get to that appointment. :( Glad you found a closer Doc. @athena is definitely the one to talk to about those medications, she figure a lot of stuff out on her own and is now happily pregnant! :) As I mentioned before, my cycles were way out of whack and I took a break from TTC and did a hormone balancing diet for 3 months. It regulated my cycle and I plan to do it again after baby comes to make sure my hormones get back on track after he's born. I posted the diet a few pages back if you want to check it out.

@LSchrader - Saw your Ice Bucket video! :) How was your camping trip?

@jandk - I'm thinking I will make it to my due date, we shall see! Keeping my fingers crossed for you, and I hope you are able to keep your mind off symptom spotting!

@miracle - Hope you are doing well, and check in soon!

@pisces - Hope you are doing well, too, and stop by soon!

@athena - How have you been feeling?

Did I miss anyone?

AFM - Had contractions Mon and Tue of last week and had them last night and again tonight. My weekly appointment is tomorrow afternoon. I'm just trying to get as much advance work done at my job as I can and relax at home and take things easy until the Big Event.

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10 years ago

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