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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@topo I have been thinking about that stupid BFN all day. When I saw my basil at 98.97 this morning I just knew I was gonna get a BFP even if it was faint. I hadn't had a cramp since like 8DPO, and as soon as I got the BFN, i have been cramping like the witch is coming. Just like the last 2ww, i think I'm out. Sux

11 years ago

Cramping can be good piecesgirl can mean u r implanting ur not out till af shows member babe its early for u right me on the other hand am patiently waiting for her i am closer then u boo i know it is hard but thats why we r here for eachother god is good he sees member

11 years ago

@pisces ~ Hey hon. I'm sorry you are feeling discouraged right now :( Remember what topo said and what you always tell us "Anything is possible and it's not over until the shows up. You have all of mon, tue and then wed when af is due. Also if you ovulated one day later this cycle for any reason then you have until thurs morning. That is 4 days away. You would still be in the implanting phase. 3/4 days makes a HUGE difference when testing. I have seen girls post that they had stark white bfn's on 12/13 dpo and then positive on 14 dpo. A matter of one day. Sometimes though it just sucks and so does bfn's. I am sending you a (((((hug)))))).

Don't panic girls if I don't get back with you for a day. I'm going to hole up with my honey. I will check in as soon as I can.

AFM ~ Still have crampin/pokes/twinges in uterus/ovaries area (more than usual) bloated, breasts hurt more by the minute. and very stuffy nose which sucks. Brief wave of nausea in the pit of my stomach today which lasted 3 min (strange) This is the time of the 2ww which drags on and makes me anxious. My levels of anxiety go up wondering if I am or I'm not. I have about 4 more days of wondering. I can do this wait WE all can do this. We are in it together girls.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@topo i know. My charts are too high for implant. We'll see what the temps are in the morning. This morning may have been some crazy fluke. A 98.97? I took in the dark and flashed my phone light on it as contacts. I jumped up and search for my glasses...lmao. I think it got me a little too excited. Still having hot flashes on and off. A little emotional I suppose.

11 years ago

Piecesgiel babe i know nothing about tempting sorry thought everything was good when temps r high we r here for eachother as for me look on the brightside u didnt take any meds so u shouldnt worry me im here ass backwards cuz of that lol

@miricalmomma where r u going umm nasty time lol them sound promising keep in touch i like what u said to piecesgirl she could of ovulated later i think i did to being i didnt trigger idk what im doing whats going on wit ov this is the only month in three months im not on meds or trigger nothin

11 years ago

@miraclemama and @topo leave it to the two of you to make me laugh. I need that! I knew better. Last cycle I did so well, it's that dang gum image gallery. I was good and stayed out of there all day. Not even a peek. I am watching Twilight, lol, I even ate pizza. Lol . Thanks Ladies.

@topo I hope she has a great couple of days with her man. How cute is that? When I need space (like today) I go up to the top floor and leave DH in his man cave two floors down just face timed me from down there ...lmao

11 years ago

Morning Ladies I had a dream about a baby boy. I holding him and he was cuddled against me...the most adorable little thing. I guess I went to sleep with baby on the brain.

How is everyone this morning? I hope all is well.

AFM: I couldn't figure out if it was hot all night or my room was hot. I even sneaked downstairs and cut the a/c on was 42 degrees. My temp was down this morning 98.27. My chart looks as wacky as Jack Nicolson in "one flew over the coo coo's nest". Lol...shaking my head. Did not test this morning! Woo hoo! I even went to go pee fast before I changed didn't even bring any test with me to work so I wouldn't be tempted. I am going to be a good girl.

11 years ago

afm tested bfn lol see what u guys did i probably ovulated later then i thought lol or with all the medication i fucked myself idk what is going on feeling all discombobulated lol baby dreams now piecesgirl woohoo nice as for me just waiting on af NO signs of her but bfn wtf is going on so confused.

11 years ago

@topo sorry about the BFN. I hate BFN's almost as much as I hate well more than cuz we need the witch to start new cycles. Lol... I used to take having AF every month for granted until I met my friend who hasn't had one in a year...I used to tell her that we should take my good ovaries and combine them with her good tubes and then we'd in business. Lol...I am hoping the Fertilaid works for her. You probably did O way later because I heard that is one thing, is it can throw you off at first.

As for my baby dream it was so real... I could almost smell him. I could almost feel his little body...awwwhhhh. Yeah I have actually gone bonkers. It's official.

11 years ago

If i ovulated later will af be later or bfp be later im dame confused i just need to know because i got that lancing today and the pills idk if those injections i was on for 3 months fertality drugs did anything im just confused
I believe in angels babe maybe since u smelled him he was real hes telling u hes there im a dream fanatic and i would be googling it so bad lol this weekend was awful my sister my bro my cuz all had new borns n my aunts n uncles asking me in ur term as i drink my mixed drink n beer i say when god says so they look at me weird like waiting to say i been trying 3 yrs fucks im just broken like wtf u want me to say tomorrow fuck lol had to let that out we will be fine luv trust god hears us he knows we deserve r blessings

11 years ago

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