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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@Fire-Congrats lady! I pray this is a sticky bean! Ohhhh the best part of telling the hubby! Do you have any ideas??? So fun!

@football-i just love how sweet you are! Know we all know what you mean, and we (at least me) are not offended :) I hope to be able to know the answer to your question soon haha! I have been pretty crampy since my trigger shot. I honestly think that my IUI was a breeze, but it's been the shot that has been so uncomfortable. It has made me really bloated and crampy. I have a TON of pressure down there too. Every day it's gets better as I am sure its getting out of my system. I will probably start testing at 7dpiui, only to test the trigger shot out of my system.

@skyline-I hope baby and you are doing well!!!

@athena-Saw your post last night and i hope Eli is feeling better and you two are getting some rest!

@miracle-How you doing?

@pisces-Hey lady! I hope all is well with you!!

AFM-morning ladies! Well today i am 2dpiui! Feels weird to write that ha. I am still crampy and have pressure down low, but every day is feeling better. Our RE suggested we BD the night of our IUI and the day after. I think that was the worst part haha. We didn't last night, but did this morning just to space it out a little more because of DH's count. I felt like i was getting a fever last night and i was right, but just a low grade fever. Still feeling it now. My temp is only 99 but i am one of those people who can totally tell when my body is off. Not too sure what that means or if its bad. I am just praying this is the only IUI we have to do!

10 years ago

@ LSchrader - I think I am going to buy the "Cavemans guide to pregnancy" book and put an I LOVE DADDY onsie on top with the digital test and tie it all in a bundle with ribbon. I will put my son in a big brother shirt and have him give it to daddy. I will try to record the whole thing. lol I am so excited.

10 years ago

I have been doing catch-up reading. Boy, was I behind!

First I have to say:

@athane - Congratulations! So glad Eli came in a timely fashion without any complications in labor. I'm so sad he had to spend time under the light, I hope your milk comes in good and BFing goes well from here on out.

@FireWife - Congratulations!!! Let us know what DH does when you tell him. Hoping this is a sticky little bean. So happy for you! And wow, your story sounded so similar to mine, except when I finally got dilated to 10 he still wouldn't engage after 4 hours of pushing. And I DID end up having to have a c-section.

@LSchrader - Congratulations and good luck!!! I hope the IUI does the trick and it takes on this first try. That trigger shot sounds awful, I really hope you only have to do it this one time!

@football - Congratulations to you, too! Another boy! I can tell you from personal experience, boy bundles are super sweet. Are y'all planning to pick out a name or save it until he's born? And that WAS a really great picture of you. :)

@lolee - I hope all your boys are doing well, it seems like you guys have had a lot to deal with. Sending you hugs!

@Bean - So glad DH was on board this cycle, I hope you catch the bean this cycle, or very, very soon!

@xoxo & @55 - How are things going?

@jandk - Did you ever test? Was it AF?

@pisces - I am very glad DH is coming home early, but sad that it might not be for long. Freezing his swimmers sounds like a good plan. Are you disappointed about not moving to Hawaii?

@miracle - That's strange that AF came around so early, definitely BD early this cycle, just in case she's trying to pull a fast one on you! Thank you for the well wishes!

@rebecca - Your c-section is set for tomorrow, right? I know how you feel, being given a deadline and hoping things will get started on their own. All I can say is, pray for a change in weather, eat some fresh oregano and basil, and drink some raspberry leaf tea. One of them might do the trick... If labor doesn't start between now and tomorrow morning, I hope the c-section goes well and that you have a smooth recovery.

@Rsquared - How did the u/s go? Did you ovulate?

AFM - Well, ladies, in a nutshell: I delivered via c-section after 55 hours of "failure to progress." Never saw the birthing pool.

Oliver Henry was born at 1:26 AM Sat. Sept. 6th. He weighed 9lbs 1oz and was 21" long. I had him for 10 hours in recovery before they took him to the NICU to give him antibiotics in case he had and infection from my water being ruptured for so long. He was there for 7 long days, almost all of which was spent struggling with the nurses over breastfeeding him exclusively. I'm going to write the whole story, hopefully I can remember everything.

We took him to his Well Baby visit yesterday and they said he was a very healthy baby and would see us back in 2 months. :) He weighed 9lbs even, so he's gained back most of his birth weight.

Thank you all for the well wishes!

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10 years ago


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10 Days Old :)

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10 years ago

@skyline-Hello momma!! So happy you popped in! Oh Oliver is so dang cute!!!! He is so alert and looks healthy and happy!!!! Congrats! I am so sorry his birth did not go the way you had planned and hoped for, but all that matters now is he is here!!!! Love him! I feel like a proud auntie! haha :)

10 years ago

@Skyline ~ Lschrader said it best.. I feel like a proud auntie too! Baby Oliver is seriously so adorable. His eyes are so clear and present. He looks like an old soul. I totally teared up seeing his pictures. Thank you so much for posting them as I don't have you or anyone else in this forum on my facebook :( Congratulations mama. Sorry you had to struggle for 55 hrs in labor, but grateful that you had a successful c section and a healthy baby boy. Yay!

@Firewife ~ CONGRATULATIONS on your bfp's. When will you get your blood work done? Praying for a sticky bean for you. Happy healthy 9 months to you!

@Lschrader ~ Hooray.. 2dpiui! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers daily.

@Rebecca ~ Thinking of you and baby Titus. You will be holding him tomorrow at the latest. Praying for a successful and smooth delivery for you and the lil one. Happy to know your oldest will be watching the younger ones for you guys... that is very sweet. I'm sure your whole family is so excited with anticipation. Can't wait to hear your birthing story soon.

@Football ~ Thank you.. I'm grateful to be making a little extra money right now too. Thank you for asking about my mom, she is healthy and doing well. Can you post any recent pics of you on here so that I can see what your baby bump is looking like these days?

@Athena ~ I don't have you on my fb, so I'm not able to see/hear your baby updates.. I can't wait until you are rested and well enough to post pics here so that I can see your sweet newborn.

AFM ~ My fertile week is just around the corner. Since O'd early last month Cd 13 or Cd 14. I'm going to be bedding earlier this cycle just in case. Today is Cd 8 or 9 not sure. I will be bedding the next 7 days.

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10 years ago • Post starter

@miracle- Glad to hear your mom is doing better! Enjoy your fertile period. I will be praying it's God's will you get your miracle baby this cycle. :) here is a picture of my bump in the beginning versus now. The picture on the left is at 7 weeks and the one on the right was just taken this past Sunday at 16w6d. I'm finally getting a bump! (Though I may have been pushing out my tummy a bit...)

My boobs have definitely grown, unfortunately. I was a 34GG before and now am well over 34HH. :/ while doing the breast exam, my doc at the last appointment made a comment about how massive they are and that that is before any milk is in!

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10 years ago

Miracle. ...thank you for the prayers. I've been so consumed with getting ready I haven't posted much, but I'm still thinking of and praying for each of you. Good luck and sticky vibes your way as you enter your fertile week.

Lschrader...eek! (Since I'm too round to jump up and down, picture me sitting in my rocking chair kicking my legs in excitement.) I'm sorry you had such a reaction to the shot, and hope you feel better, but I cant help but be excited for you. Even if I don't post for awhile, I'll still be peeking in to check on everyone.

Firewife...yay!!! Congratulations momma! Praying for a sticky bean. Keep us posted. glad to hear from you! Oliver is gorgeous, and Lschrader is right, I feel like a proud aunt, too. Wish you hadn't had such a hard time, but I'm glad to hear the story. Hope all three of you are settled in at home now.

Athena...saw on Facebook that baby Eli got to go home.Yay! Hope alk of you are well.

Football...sweetie, you certainly don't look fat at all! Truly, you look lovely. Thank you so, so much for the prayers. I'll probably be much more nervous tomorrow, but tonight I'm too tired.

Afm... believe it or not, but my dd came to me last night complaining of pain when she went to the bathroom! I couldn't believe we'd be dealing with this again, and right as I'd be away from her for four days. So asap this morning i took her to the pediatrician. Turns out it's a yeast infection this time, not a uti. But it still entailed a morning spent running around like a crazy woman getting cranberry juice, yogurt, and her meds. Not to mention the pediatrician wanted all three kids to get their flu shots before I went into the hospital. So after lunch I headed back out to take them back to the dr. My poor dh spent all day at home getting caught up on his work and then doing a last bit of cleaning. And at 6pm we took the kids to their first AWANAS program of the year. I told my dh God must really know I needed to be kept busy so I wouldn't worry! Lol!! We'll head out tomorrow around 10:30, then wait on the dr to be ready for us. Since our dd has medicine to take, my dh will have to go back and forth from the hospital to take care of her. I hate that he'll have so much on him. If you think of him, please pray he has plenty of energy and that he takes care of himself, too. He's always said I'm his anchor, which means he worries about me in times like this. :) I may not post for awhile, but I won't forget you ladies. I couldn't have made it this far with my sanity without your support.

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10 years ago

@LSchrader - Thank you! :) I never thought I would be dealing with these emotions. I had tried to mentally prepare myself for things not going as hoped, because I am well aware that birth rarely goes as planned... but nothing could have really prepared me for ALL that happened over that week and a half. I didn't have time to think about anything while it was happening, but now I have nothing but time to think about it. *big sigh* I will get through this! Thankfully Oliver is a patient and forgiving little guy. (Except for diaper changes! )
How are you feeling? Have all the trigger shot symptoms passed?

@miracle - Aw. Thank you! He does have a very knowing look in his eyes... I think he's going to take after his Daddy. C-sections scare me so much, thankfully it wasn't that bad... but I can't say I ever want another one. I told the doc to be very careful with my bladder. If it suffered any damage in surgery, I would have been SO upset. I have enough bladder issues! Thankfully, my bladder is doing just fine. Hey, IF you want to add me on Facebook, just look me up: Rebekah Provence. (But I understand if you want to keep Forum and Facebook separate.)
Throwing lots of your way as you enter your fertile window!

@football - Dang! Hopefully they won't get too much bigger after your milk comes in. If they grew now, that can mean they won't grow as much later. Mine didn't grow any until after my milk came in.

@rebecca - Thank you! I guess you are pretty close to surgery time and won't see this before, but I'm wishing you the best of luck and hope your recovery is smooth and that Titus is a strong healthy boy!

I hope everyone is having a good day today!

AFM - About to take a shower before Oliver's 12 o'clock feeding and planning to do his photo shoot later today. I hope to sit down and write some of his birth story at some point as well.

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10 years ago

@rebecca-oh my goodness, I seriously hope your DD is feeling better and that you do not have to worry about her! Today is the day you meet Titus!!! It's his Birthday! Yay! We are all praying for you and cannot wait to become aunties for the third time in such a short period!!!!

@skyline-I think our bodies do that to us on purpose so we don't have time to over think what we are doing. Everything worked out for you and Oliver just the way He had planned for you. I am glad he is a patient little guy. You are a wonderful mom!

@football-You are adorable and that is seriously what i looked like all week from my trigger shot! HA! Such a sweet little baby bump! You look beautiful.

AFM-I slept in today and went to work late. That is exactly what I needed. My fever is gone, thank goodness and I can finally wear pants! I was so bloated and swollen from my shot that i was stuck wearing leggings all week! Ha. I took an OPK this morning because i wanted to see how strong the positive was (didn't want to waste an HPT) and it was blazing positive. They say that the trigger shot should be out of your system by 8-9 day past trigger. We shall see!

10 years ago

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