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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@Lschrader - Hopefully your friends will go see a performance or play the slot machines while you and your dh get some baby dancing.. in VEGAS! That sounds so much fun by the way. Lucky you. Well maybe you will be lucky in the Casino and Lady Luck will bring you the jack pot in the bfp department. IUI in November sounds great too! Did your Dr ever say if the spotting for you is a fertility issue? I was curious about that. Sorry if you already answered that question, I can't remember. Oh and sending prayers your way as always!

I am thinking either a trip to go see my fam in the LA area. I aways feel happier after a week with them. Lately though, I have been wanting to drive to Oregon. I need to see greenery. My beautiful hometown is all brown and dried up from the severe drought we have been in.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. It's been very quiet on the forum lately. Not sure if anyone still checks/reads, but I thought I'd give an update on my 20 week...

My doctor was very pleased with the anatomy ultrasound results. She said everything looks great and that he's still measuring big. She's happy that he's been constantly measuring big, as women with chronic hypertension usually have underdeveloped babies (they grow at a slower rate).

Also, my blood pressure went down quite a bit (yay!) and she got the results back on my 24 hour urine sample. I needed to have under 300 mg of protein in my urine to be out of the mild pre-e zone. Luckily, I had so little protein in my urine, the lab said that they couldn't analyze it! So that was fantastic and quite a relief.

I did find out that due to my chronic hypertension, she won't let me go past 38 weeks. She said that unless my blood pressure acts out (goes either higher or lower than what it's been so far), she will deliver me at 38 weeks. Since she does inductions on Wednesdays, that means I'll be induced 2/11 and he'll likely be born on the 11th or 12th. The planner in me really likes that I know when he'll come, but I wanted my body to go into labor naturally. Our health is much more important, though!

In other news, my husband was able to feel the baby kick last week. It was such a special moment. He was moving about in my belly while we were laying in bed watching TV. I told my husband that he was moving and he gave me his hand. I placed it right where he was kicking and as soon as his hand touched my belly, the baby went wild! My husband kept his hand there a few minutes and then made a joke about how it's like the movie ;)

We also finished our registry! I didn't want to wait until I was feeling uncomfortable to do this so we went after my 20 week appointment on Tuesday and did it. Feels good to have it done. We also bought some things...we got the crib, the bedding, the stroller, and the carseat. We went with the Britax B-Ready travel system. It was delivered the other day and it was really surreal watching my husband put it together.

I can't believe we're having a baby in four months. It flies by.

I hope everyone is doing well and that the forum isn't dwindling away! Check in when you can, ladies. I love to hear from all of you!

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9 years ago

Today is Cd 30 and waiting for AF to arrive. I have all the usual pms symptoms telling me she will be here soon. I do however have sensitive nipple the past 2 days which I normally only get after I Ovulate for 3 or 4 days and then it stops. There is a small part of me wondering and a big part of me always dreaming, praying and hoping.

How are you ladies doing? Anything new?

@Football ~ I am here. Yes, it's been quiet in here. I figured with all the mama's giving birth to their lil ones, that it would dwindle down to a few of us left. Life has a way of moving thing on I supposed. However, I'm friends now with you girls on FB so that makes me happy knowing that we can still stay in touch regardless of this CTP forum.That's great news that you have no protein in your urine. 4 months is going to fly by so fast and then you will be holding your lil baby. I am happy that your dh felt the lil one move inside your belly. I have often worried that if might feel like an alien moving around in there. How does it feel to you? Good to know your BP is stable too. Wow, things are really coming together for you with the baby items, how awesome! When is your baby shower? I hope you get a ton of cool stuff for the baby.

@Lschrader ~ Is this the VEGAS weekend? I hope you are doing well and having fun!

All you other ladies, hope you are healthy and happy! Miss you. Miss us all checking in often.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Football...yay, yay, yay! So happy about your urine test! And it's awesome when someone else can feel the baby. Glad you have a good outlook on delivery maybe being slightly different, but dont give up on going into labor on your own. It could still happen.

Miracle...fx'd and praying lady. Hope you get to spend time with family. Love your etsy shop items.

Afm..I don't know about anyone else, but I havent posted due to all the craziness going on. The alternator in our van died. Two days later the truck battery died. Had to take my dd to the dr, turns out she has vaginitis (skin irrof the vagina due to infection) and a small part of her lady parts have fused together because of it. It might take until puberty before it goes back to normal. Our 16 yr old is having shin pains again, and has to have MRIs on both legs. Then Tuesdat evening our 11yr old ds fell playing outside and broke two bones in his foot. He's in a cast, but may need surgery. This has all happened since Thursday. I'm sure I have a few more gray hairs! But thank the Lord Titus is well and a happy baby.

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9 years ago

Hi ladies, i am here too! I have been SO busy! We are leaving for vegas this weekend (YAY!) and our office is moving tomorrow so its been a crazy crazy week!!

@miracle- i PRAY that she stays away and that your sore nips are a great sign!!!!

@football-So happy everything is going well and that dad was able to feel his babe! That is exciting to know exactly when he will be here also. I get what you mean, but good outlook!

@rebecca-Holy moly lady! Your life has been insane! I have NO room to complain! I hope everything starts to calm down for you guys!!!

Hope everyone is doing well!

9 years ago

@Rebecca ~ Thanks, I have been super busy with my Etsy shop. I will be up unitl after midnight tonight working on a ton of orders. I am happy! I just landed a very large order a few days ago. This time of year for the holidays, my shop goes crazy busy! I need the money, so it's nice. You my friend, have been through way too much this past week.. wow! I am hoping the storm is over and that everything settles down very soon. So sorry to hear about your son having pain in his legs again. Also your poor daughter with the vaginitis. Did the vaginitis cause her labia to fuse together? How scary and painful for her. Speaking of painful, your other poor son who fell and broke two bones in his foot.. I am sending prayers for you whole family! You are SUPER MOM! I hope you are getting some support and rest of some sorts.

@Lschrader ~ Glad you checked in! :) I hope my af stays away too. Would be beyond amazing. Speaking of amazing, I hope you have a blast in Vegas. If it's your fertile time, sneak a quickie in when your roomies are gone... find a bathroom, dark car port or whatever.. and make sure you bed.. lol.

AFM - My chest starting hurting very bad this evening.. like I've been short winded in my lungs. Breast hurt too. Feeling dehydrated.. look dehydrated. Feel like crap. Been light cramping for a few days gearing up for af. Hopefully this isn't a horrible af approaching.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Miracle...yes, my dd's labia has fused together from the infection. Sorry, i was on my phone and the stupid thing messed up my words. The pediatrician says its common in girls her age, and that it might take until puberty to fix itself. Something about estrogen in her system. But if it continues to fuse, she may need surgery so she can pee. My dd cried for 30 minutes afterwards, even though she didn't understand everything. Hope AF stays away! The month i got my BFP, I had the worst cramps ever and was convinced I was going to start.

Lschrader. ..have fun! And dont let company stop you! Just like Miracle said, sneak off for a quickie! :)

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9 years ago

@Miracle- Hope AF stays away! Didn't you have trouble with breathing back in January, too? Not trying to get your hopes up, but that could be a good sign! :) I'm praying it is! So happy that your shop is keeping you busy! I'm graduating on December 20th, and I don't want to have my shower while I'm still in school but then it's the holidays right we were thinking about having the shower in early January! It'll need to be soon since he'll be born early/mid February! The kicks felt like little muscle twitches at first. They still do, just stronger. It's a crazy weird feeling, and sometimes they hurt, but it's so comforting.

@Rebecca- I'm **HOPING** I go into labor naturally, but I honestly don't think it'll happen. I was expecting to perhaps have an early March baby. Buuuut, the good thing about being induced (if my bp doesn't act out and make me go even earlier) is that my mom bought her ticket to fly out on the 10th so hopefully she'll be able to be at the hospital with me. That'd mean so much to me and it wouldn't be able to happen if I wasn't induced since that takes all the guessing out of the game. My doc also reassured me that she prefers to to vaginal births with chronic hypertension and so it's all okay. I'm just excited to meet the little guy. HOLY MOLY, you have had quite the week! I'm sorry it all hit you at once. I hope your DD is okay and comfortable. How scary. Glad that Titus is okay, though. Hopefully you catch a break and things slow down for your family. *hugs*

@LSchrader- Vegas!? How fun! Has your husband heard back about his request at work? Be safe and enjoy Vegas and like @Miracle said, sneak in some BDing!! ;)

Hello to everyone else!!!!

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9 years ago

Good Morning, slept like total crap last night. I awoke ALL night long tossing and turning. Today is cd 31. No sign of AF. I am a regular 29/30 day clock work cycle. I have not gone past cd 31 in in 15 months, accept my mc cycle back in jan. I am going to wait at least until tomorrow to test if AF doesn't show herself. I did start this fertility tincture this past week along with raspberry tea daily. I am wondering if the tincture is going to make my cycle longer or off?

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9 years ago • Post starter

@Miracle- Oh I am so excited to read she's a no-show so far! You SO deserve to get your lasting BFP. Just so you know, the month I got my BFP, I was cramping too. It made me think that she'd show any minute (even was wearing tampons when we were out and about just in case). I pray this is it for you!

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9 years ago

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