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In Need of a 2WW Buddy - April Babies

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I start my 2ww on Saturday but I'm trying to get a jump start on having a group of ladies to journey the 2WW, discuss potential symptoms, type of cycle(no meds or meds, BDing or donor and etc.) The potential of having an April or very early May baby. Heck let's even journey down the discussions of the seasons of maternity clothes. I even want to hear what baby names you have picked out. What kind of delivery do you have planned (home birth, hospital and etc.)Have you used a mid-wife or doula before? I know we are not preggers right now but will be soon regardless of the day or month so why not discuss the thoughts we keep to ourselves and start speaking these babies into existence!!!!!!!!!

155 Replies • 5 years ago



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@beck New cycle new opportunity! Let's hope this cycle is your cycle. At least you can try out those delicious wines now, if trying to find something positive from AF showing up. Hoping you can enjoy rest of your trip!

How about others? Any signs?

5 years ago • Edited

@mira still hanging in here. Only bled lightly for a few hours if even and nothing since so I don't think it was actually my period, maybe just some spotting. So not quite back to CD1 yet! Thought it might be IB like you said after all but just did a pregnancy test with FMU and its a BFN. Not sure what my body is doing now! How are you feeling?

Hope everyone is getting on well still!

5 years ago

@Beck That sounds interesting. So finger crossed for that IB theory.
Why is our bodies acting up?

AFM. Took 10mIU/ml HPT this morning. At first minute it looked like this...

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5 years ago

... But dried up blank! What is going on?

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5 years ago

@mira that is weird, it looks like there is something there on the first photo! Do you have any more tests to try again?

5 years ago

@mira strange

Ladies. I am pretty sure I am out. HuGE temp drop this morning with some minor cramping going on. Feeling out and from what I read late implantation if that is the case here is not a good sign of a viable BFP. I tested yesterday and today and the test show nothing. Feeling defeated even though I said I would be okay with not getting pregnant this cycle due to my friends wedding April 5th but I cant help but feel emotional that my first cycle of clomid didnt work. I have attached .my btt chart

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5 years ago

@Beck It sure is. I think I'm going to take another one later. We'll see what happens...

@bug Indeed.
I'm so sorry for that drop. All the best for the upcoming cycle!

EDIT. Took another one after holding for 4hours. Was negative. The one I took this morning was probably just defective. I think I'm going to wait for few days before testig again or maybe AF comes up before that. I think tests should show something by now.

5 years ago • Edited

@mira sorry to hear it was negative, try wait a few days before testing again if you can. I've definitely heard of people not having positives till later so there is still hope!

@bug how are you getting on?

AFM I'm definitely out this month, AF arrived with a bang last night. I'm already impatient for my ovulation days to come! If this has taught me one thing it is that I'm very impatient ????

5 years ago

@Beck I'm sorry for AF showing up. Best of luck with this cycle!
I can relate with being impatient. Every cycle I'm telling myself I would wait with testing. Still I always start testing and stressing super early.

AFM. Got light pink with my discharge and some of my symptoms are faiding. Waiting for AF to come now because I know she's coming in few days. I always get bloody discharge few days before. Certainly was a really starge cycle with my body. I'm actually kind of disappointed in it...

5 years ago

@beck. In out too. She is here and I cried like a baby in my fiance's arm last night. Yes I have always been impatient when it came to becoming a mom.

@mira I hate that our body's are such strange things..

Onto cycle 14 and 2nd Clonid cycle, I have this new cycle and another with clomid before my OBGyn sends me to a RE. Of course if we have to do an IUI then it will have to wait till after our March wedding cause we cant afford to do one while we pay for a wedding.

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5 years ago

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