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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi ladies!

How is everyone feeling?

@babymine - Good for you on being so dedicated on using cloth diapers! I thought of it, briefly, but just can't do it and especially with 2! Whew, no thanks. The price of diapers is crazy but so much easier, of course. What have you been crocheting/sewing? I got a sewing machine ages ago and never been able to use it since I don't really know what I'm doing... kudos for you for doing both! Maybe I'll take a class for sewing, someday. Did your ob/gyn say that you'll be so early since you think you'll be end of Dec? As for names, I've had a boy and girl name long before we had our DD so we'll stick with the other boy name (Conor) and got a new girl name (Abigail) and another boy name too, just in case (Liam). I think they're good names!

@ruth - Thank you for the reassurance of twins being normal to be different sizes! I'm so in the dark with it but am happy things are going so well otherwise. Sounds like you have your hands full with your 2 DD's with school and work! I hope works slows down for you soon as you don't need the stress and as for school and the girls being so active, that's a good thing but not much you can do! I only have 1 DD and it's alot of work so I can only imagine what you have with 2! I think you crocheting/knitting is a great idea! I would recommend crocheting - it's easier and faster to finish a project. I learned knitting first, on my own, and it was hard and my sister got me into crocheting and it's so much faster/easier but they are very different. You'll need to practice both to see which you're better at - not many excel at both but you could be lucky! Crocheting is more "airy/holey" with projects not so tight while knitting is slower but projects are tighter together? Hope that makes sense and good luck to you! It's fun and a good hobby! Let me know what you do!

@shelob - Wow! You gals are all determined to use cloth diapers! Awesome! I hope it works for you! Good idea on doing it after the first couple of months - not fun when you gotta change the babe like 10 times a day!! I'm sorry to hear about your GD but it's good you know now you got it and how to take care of it! I hope it won't be too difficult and I hear walking/exercise is the best to help! I'm not sure if you said but is this your first child?

AFM - I'm doing pretty good and am so happy things are going so well already! I went to the ob/gyn yesterday and they're over the moon with how well the babes are and measuring beautifully. Both babes are ahead and doing well weight wise which is a fear of mine - them going in the NICU. The one twin is still a week ahead and the 2nd is 6 days behind which is better than the previous 9 days! They move so much it's crazy - the tech doing the ultrasound yesterday was saying "they're playing together in there" which is funny to me and I hope they stay that way for a long time while being out. My tummy is measuring just over 30 weeks already so I'm a big mommy since I'm only 24 weeks! My BP is great too 120/70, I'm so surprised it's still so good with me having gestational hypertension with DD. Doc says I need to try and take it easy as I'm getting alot of pelvic bone pain/tenderness - it means stay off my feet/preferably lying down which is impossible with an active 3 yr old. Other than that and the indigestion at times along with being tired/not sleeping so well I'm great!

Hope you guys are doing well and haven't fallen asleep reading my novel! lol.

Btw, I know babymine won't celebrate Thanksgiving until next month but not sure about the rest of you... so throwing it out there just in case... Happy Thanksgiving to you all! :) And Happy Halloween too if I don't hear from any of you! Hopefully we can all indulge a little if not alot!


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10 years ago

Hi all,

I love your baby names Candie. Do you have suspicions on what sex the second baby might be? I think you will have one of each.

Well I'm just exhausted this week, i'm finding it harder to do anything. My whole body and mind just wants to shut down and sleep. I've worked a lot of hours into the night this week and had to get up with the kids the following day so this hasn't helped but I'm not sleeping well either. Is anyone else struggling to sleep? My pelvis hurts so much I can barely move in bed and I feel huge and heavy. Not sure I remember it being this hard last time. I've been trying to sleep in the afternoon when my youngest is at nursery.

My MIL has given me some knitting needles and a crochet needle and some wool so am going to give it a go when I can get an ounce of energy together. Thank for the explanation on the difference between the 2 Candie, that has helped. It will be nice have have something relaxing to focus on and enjoy.

How is everyone else doing? It seems to be going so quickly, I can't believe we are starting the third trimester now. Eeek!

9 years ago

Hi all!!

Candie this is my first baby, although I was pregnant early last year but miscarried. Unofrtunately diet and exercise are not enough for my diabetes. I just found out on Friday that I will need treatment so have to go in to the hospital on Monday to get sorted for that. I am a bit disappointed as we have done everything that was asked of us. All food is carefully calculated for carboohydrates, and we go for walks after every meal. Still I get the highs about 25% of the time.

We started antenatal classes last week. It is nice to meet and chat with other women going through similar things. It is like being on here, but we aren't quite so graphic perhaps and seeing pregnant people face to face is a bit different.

9 years ago

Thanks Ruth!! I really do like the names we picked as well but it wasn't easy! Do you have any names picked out yet? I'm totally with you on being tired and exhausted - there are times I can only stand for 5-10 mins before I know I have to sit as I'm drained... hate it!! I'm not sleeping so well at night either and wake up atleast once to have to use the potty. I find I'm often consciously awake before my alarm or when I wake and feel pretty good but when I open my eyes then I'm not so good as I feel I didn't sleep enough... it's so weird. Do any of you have that? Maybe the sleep is worse now as my hubby is very sick and my daughter isn't so great either. My doc said you gotta watch the pelvis pain and if it's that painful and continues you really need to rest more or they'll make you go on bed rest as it's not good and can get worse. It must be all the work you do during the day - I know my pelvis is worse the more I'm on my feet for extended periods of time! Take care and take it easy, if you can, lady! Easier said than done, I know... Btw, with the knitting/crocheting what I found was the best is youtube videos with the tutorials on people doing stuff/projects! Especially great if you have a tablet to have beside you while you're working and can pause while you try it but whatever you got is good! :)

I'm sorry to hear about you needing treatment, Shelob! I hope it goes well and isn't too difficult for you! The walks will be great for you and is a nice break with your hubby! Lucky girl! Congrats on this being your first baby too!! That's so exciting and you luckily have it easier than us having atleast 1 child already so it's already taxing on us! I hope you're enjoying your time as much as possible with your hubby until the babe comes as it'll never be the same but not in a bad way! I'm sure lots of people told you this already! Good for you for the antenatal class too! I never did any of that but I think it's funny when I pass a pregnant woman on the street the looks that we given eachother - it's like we have a special bond. It's hard to describe but neat! :) I hope it continues to go well for you!

Not sure about you ladies but I can't wait until after I'm 28-30 weeks so we pass this viability stage!! Wish time would go quicker for that but not too much in a rush as I'm enjoying the bond with the babies and me! It's so precious to sit and feel them move... no one can touch that and you'll carry it with you forever! :)

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9 years ago

Hi girls,

How is everyone? How are you managing the diabetes Shelob? It doesn't seem fair to have to suffer with that when you are careful with your diet and exercise. Have you started you antenatal classes yet?

How are the twinnies Candie? Do you think they may be delivered early? Hope they are still growing well. Are you glad to get to 29 weeks? I thought pregnancies were viable at 24 weeks but they are less likely to have health problems and have a higher chance of survival at 29/30 weeks? It is good that we have got to this stage anyway and I certainly feel more reassured.

I've started on the knitting, thanks for the advice Candie. I decided to go with knitting rather than crocheting because my mum could teach me how to start off. I'm only practising at the moment and have managed to put some holes in it and it is supposed to be a straight edged dolls scarf but is a wobbly mess which is not straight at all so we'll see but it's fun.

I'm struggling with sleeping too, I keep waking up to turn over and the pain in my pelvis keeps me awake. I'm also waking up with leg and foot cramps a lot. I've heard potassium is good for them, does anyone else suffer with this and if so do you have any tips? They make me shoot out of bed in pain and then I do damage to my pelvis because I've not taken the time to get out of the bed. I've heard of round ligament pain Babymine, it might be the same thing but not sure. How are you coping with yours?

Are you still loving the pregnancy Babymine? I'm really enjoying mine too now, it's nice to know work will come to an end soon and we have so much to look forward to. I can't wait to find out what we are having too. We have a 4d scan next week but we are still planning on not finding out the sex.

It was bonfire night on Weds night here in England so we are off to a bonfire and fireworks display tonight with it being the weekend. My little one doesn't like the bangs though so we might get some tears.

Well wishes to all of

9 years ago

Hi everyone!!!

Ruth1981 my diabetes journey is ongoing. Still walking after every meal if we can and my insulin dose keeps going up and up because I get highs often (which don't affect me at all) but have had the occasional low too. Sugar crashes are NOT fun!!! I carry emergency jelly beans around with me at all times now along with my glucose testing kit just in case. I worked out that it was the timing of my snacks that was allowing the lows to happen and have been low free for over a week now! Baby is growing well. Very well. Too well... Over the 90th percentile in everything. Head circumferance is in the 97th percentile... Hmm. But I am SO happy I have a nice healthy baby in there!!! I just need to keep my blood glucose in check to avoid giving it issues later in life!

We actually have our last antenatal class today! Even though I read a very informative book cover to cover I have enjoyed the class and it has made me feel a lot more confident and therefore relaxed about it all. I feel like if I went into labour tomorrow I would be fine.

I can't knit. Well, I can make a wobbly thing too. Actually once I made a hat! But there is no way I can remember how I did it. I think I had a LOT of help from Mum! But I have SOOOO much wollen stuff that I will never ever need to knit. Some lovely people have given me the most beautiful hand knitted hats, booties and cardigans. And I will get all the stuff passed down from my niece (on loan in case of another baby of course :) )

I have had the same (though not as bad) issues as you with rolling over in bed and getting pains. I had to learn to keep my legs together when I roll over. Difficult when asleep and not thinking about it! Some people suggest a pillow between the legs to help it. I found that that made my back sore instead!

31 week 2 days today. Baby is over 2kg now!!! That is based on a scan a week ago. A friend just gave birth a week ago and her newborn was 2.2kg! So mine is definitely big... I am LOVING being regnant now too. The more interactive the baby becomes the more I enjoy it. I hate heartburn, and pains are annoying but they don't take away from the overall enjoyment. They say that the second trimester is the honeymoon peiod but I am loviing this trimester even more. I think a huge part of it is knowing that baby is likely to be fine if born from any point now on. I was excited to read the viability point and every week after that has made me more excited that I might actually succeed in having a live baby.

Tonight we are having a fireworks party with friends. Interesting that you call Guy Fawkes night "bonfire night". Is that the usual over in the UK? Are people generally aware of the significance of the night or has it just become a fun time? Are you allowed private fireworks displays? Over here we learn in primary school about who Guy Fawkes was. There is more and more talk of banning private purchases of fireworks as some people are reckless with it and set fire to all sorts of things accidently. I don't like to light fireworks myself but enjoy watching them. People have been letting them off every night since they went on sale and I think tonight will be a busy one for that!!

Candie so sorry to hear about your sleeping issues! I have some nights I feel like that, but they seem to alternate with ones where I wake up feeling amazing! Like last night. LOTS of dreams but I slept soundly for 8 hours. So good!

I must say during the first trimester I couldn't understand why people could function with another child in the house. I couldn't eat properly and even moving too quickly or in the wrong way made me feel sick. And smells... I really don't know how I will cope if we are fortunate enough to have a second one. My husband is amazing though! Did soooo much for me. I didn''t even have to open the fridge! So yea, I feel for all of you with other children and hope to one day understand it better :)

Wow baby is really moving now. I love when it makes my whole tummy move like a jelly. And I have no fat on me!!! In fact at my last diabetes hospital appointment I was specifically told that I could have deserts every now and then if I wanted and just inject more insulin because I am not putting on much weight. Only really baby weight. Apart from my tummy every other bit of me looks perfectly normal! I would like to put on a bit more weight actually as I am planning to breastfeed and will need fat reserves to help me with that!

I had better go get ready for antenatal class... So relaxed though :)

9 years ago

Wow I didn't know any other countries celebrated Guy Falkes night! We call it that here too but I must say I do opt for bonfire night or fireworks night most of the time. They teach it in schools here too but it is generally just a fun night and lots of people don't chose to celebrate it anyway. Hope you enjoyed your evening as we did. My little one was terrified of the bangs to start with until my husband held her ears and then she started to enjoy it.

Sounds like you are doing well managing the diabetes Shelob, you can't do much more than you are doing and at least you've conquered the lows. Must be awful. With my girls pregnancies I got low blood pressure and kept feeling like I was going to faint even when sat down. It happened all the time. I'm sure it was nothing like what you are going through but it really affected my day to day life. I don't seem to have it with this pregnancy fingers crossed.


9 years ago

We did have a great evening watching the pyromaniacs in our group lighting heaps and heaps of fireworks! This kids (there were lots of little ones) decided halfway through that they didn't like it anymore because of the noise and went inside to play. We were discussing how the fireworks these days do seem to be designed for adults rather than children. There is a lot of social and political pressure to ban them but we will enjoy the fun while we are allowed to.

I had an interesting day of glucose management yesterday. At our last antenatal class my blood sugar dropped to 4 (3.5 makes me feel awful) so I ate my 15g carbs. I was a bit worried though as I knew the insulin would still be working away for another two hours. Fortunately we had morning tea a little while later and I was careful to eat a good amount of carbohydrate. People really liked my rolled oat biscuits, and I had taken a container of plain carrot sticks which went down really well!! Healthy bunch :) In the evening unfortunately my insulin ran out! Now I know what to look for to see that it is imminent but that was a bit of a surprise and rather sad. I had been planning on taking extra insulin and having a nice meal and desert. So, we went for a 20 min walk after dinner and before fireworks and I didn't finish eating all my carbs just in case. My glucose ended up being 6.7 which although over my limit of 6.0 was not too high, so I was happy!

The other exciting part of yesterday was buying some nappies! We are planning to start off with disposables but move into mostly reusable when I feel up to it (sister has a set to lend us). There were not many super important things that we needed to get sorted before baby comes, but that was one of them. It is really hard to decide what size to get as we don't know how big baby will be. We decided on a pack of small ones for 3-5kg but our baby could be almost at the upper limit when it arrives. or, if it arrives early it could be way smaller. It is over 2kg now! The last thing I need to get sorted soon is the capsule. We have one we can use, but I want to get it checked out for safety and possibly borrow one off a friend or look into hiring alternatively if need be. Once that is sorted I will know we can at least bring baby home!

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

So nice to be able to read up on how well you are both doing! Love it!

I'm glad your glucose management is going well, Shelob! Sounds like you have a very good handle on it! Are you sorry that your antenatal classes are over? Are there more classes you can take or will you take it easy from now on? I hope you made friends/have contacts you can stay in touch with to swap stories! It's nice to have the support!

OMG ruth we are so much alike! I have pain in my pelvis but more during the day with moving around than at night but having horrible muscle spasms/pain at night! I have to watch how I stretch so I don't get them - it's usually in my calves, my left especially. I don't get it all the time but often and heard potassium is good so I try and eat more bananas and have more dairy. Do any of you have any swelling yet in hands/feet or numbness? I've had to deal with numbness in my fingers for well over a month, almost always my right hand, middle finger alot! So weird so I try and do stretches! Are any of you doing Kegel exercises? I keep trying to remember to! lol.

So glad knitting is going well for you too, ruth, and that you have your mom to show you! I had no one so had to go on visual stuff online but whatever works! Don't worry about the wobbles, they'll straighten out with the more practice you get! It is fun though!! I'm still working on my crochet blanket, 3/4 done only 1 :( might be all I can do but it's better than none!

You know I've never heard of Guy Fawkes/Falkes? Who is he?? We do have fireworks here but only special occasions/summer for Canada Day, Queen Victoria Day, Labour Day, etc. Nice you guys get to enjoy the fireworks and bonfires! WOW! Haven't been to a bonfire since I was a child at the beach during the summer...

The twinnies are doing amazing! Went to the obgyn this past Thursday and they're only 1 day apart now!!!!! So happy about that! And they're both around 3.5lbs and measuring 2 weeks ahead so I'll definitely be going early but not sure when yet. Been so busy lately and my husband has been sick with a very bad cold for a month now so alot of stuff is on hold and we're nowhere near being done the babies room! There is no baby room yet!! I'm getting worried... also looking into a night doula to help but it's pricy and all my hubby thinks nowadays is dollar signs on everything. To top it off I finally got this cold my man has but praying it won't so bad but it's slowing me down and the coughing fits - the babies must be hating me! I am happy that I'm finally 29 weeks though!! Time is going too quick now, wish it would slow down...

How are you guys doing with getting everything prepared? Are all your rooms ready? Got all the furniture, clothes, strollers, etc. you need? Are you all getting ready for Xmas yet or will any of you be going anywhere? I'm bummed that it's going to be very quiet for me as we have to travel to family and won't be risking it this year...

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9 years ago

Hi mamas!

How are we all feeling? Time is creeping up WAY too fast and we'll be seeing our babies soon! Are we excited? Ready?! lol! As if we can really be ready!!

I'm so exhausted these days it's horrible! My heartburn/indigestion is so bad too I have to take Zantac regularly! :( I'm still loving, at times, being pregnant and all the movements but getting to my breaking point where I want this over with!! Anyone else?

Hope you are all doing good and hanging in there!


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9 years ago

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