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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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I want ice cream! Lol

I'll probably test again this evening i think i have at least 20hpts left. I wish i could get this headache to go away. It's making me irritable and the two youngest kids are not helping by trying to be little terrors today!

I ovulated a day or two early this month so I'm not sure when to expect AF. My LP is usually 15-16 days long.

8 years ago

I use opks each cycle. Even when we aren't TTC. I usually get my peak roughly 12hrs before i ovulate and i get really crampy and tender sides. When the pain becomes almost unbearable I assume the egg is releasing.
My hubby works nights too. He works from 6pm-6am and don't always have time to BD. This cycle our last BD was 3days before ovulation. The same happened with our third and fourth but was lucky enough to catch the egg! This time TTC, there have been cycles that we were able to BD the day before suspected ovulation but no bfp.

8 years ago

I use OPKs too even when I'm not trying to conceive . See , I am an addict too lol . I didn't buy tests on the way home . My head hurt so bad all I could think about was getting the kids home . We have three lol and there must be a full moon . Trying not to symptom spot like a crazy Person . Hope it's not allergies

8 years ago

im 4DPO and im not feeling any symptoms today but a little crampy yesterday lets get out BFP

8 years ago

I didn't buy any tonight either... Mine was acting up through the store and my feet hurt and i just wanted to get home. Lol

I will use the digital test in the morning and see what it says...

Depending on if AF shows or not, I may purchase some OPKs so that I can see if I ovulate or not and to pinpoint when. I just don't want to get crabby/upset because we aren't able to BD on time.

8 years ago • Post starter

Held urine for 4hrs and POAS. Dipped two because the first one i got out had some indents on it and made me skeptical. Lol. Both again have the very slightest of a pale shadow (squinters). At a glance they look like BFNs. Guess it's onto 10dpo to see what it brings. It's really hard for me to not pee every hour or two. It started hurting as i got closer to 4hrs.
My lower back is hurting more than it did this morning, though i chalk that up to chasing after 4 kids. Lol. And my headache is still lingering.
Good luck tomorrow Rachel!

8 years ago

Good luck with testing Rachel and supermom.
Glad it's not just my kids who have taken a walk on the wild side lol

8 years ago

Thanks ladies!! I will keep you posted!

8 years ago • Post starter

Well... No test this morning. Last night before I went to bed, I opened the wrapper on the test, so that I wasn't doing a "pee dance" this morning--- and apparently the test is light sensitive and activated... And I couldn't even hurry up and pee on it because I just went!!

There's a drugstore on my way to work... I may stop and grab some and test at work because I'm curious/anxious. Still no AF... My CM is creamy white/ lotion-like and I tried to feel my cervix--- I don't know if it's low, medium or high (don't know how that's gauged) but it feels puffy and soft to me.

I will keep you updated if anything changes!

Good luck this morning if you guys are testing... Hopefully it goes better than mine did! Lol

8 years ago • Post starter

Who would have thunk that it was light sensitive ??? No testing for me . No dang screaming symptoms

8 years ago

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