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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm sorry, Lizzy. I hope you don't leave me. I have enjoyed having a cycle buddy. And don't worry. I will be joining you today. My temps fell again big time. So all the spotting I have experienced is trying to show. I know the egg fertilized. I never have sore nipples, and they hurt so bad it was hard to sleep. I am really upset. Two close friends are 7 weeks and 5 weeks. My two other pregnancies were "one hit wonders." Oh well.

I hope the rest of you have better luck. It would be nice to see someone get that Christmas miracle.

12 years ago • Post starter

I won't leave Lily!! That was just AF talking...I was feeling pretty blue yesterday!! Very Hormonal!!

Don't be disappointed...this was not your baby honey!! Your baby is still on it's way and it will be perfect!!!!! :)

I really liked seeing the shift in my temps this month. What an eye opener as to how my body works. I am going to keep charting my temp. This month I have decided to buy 2 OV kits and test in the am and pm on CD 7-14!! I also will buy a smiley face kit to use on the days I think I get positives just to make sure. I was very confused with the ANSWER test strip kit last month and don't want that again.

I am not, however, using any HPT tests this month and my TWW will be filled with many activities. I am REFUSING to be stressed out this month. When it happens it happens :) I think I worried so much last month that I didn't even ovulate. I think that is why I had 4 days of positive OPKS. My body needs a stress free break!!! ")

Also...I am going to drink lots of decaf green tea and just breathe!!! I want you to do the same Mrs. Lily and things will work out!!! We will both get our miracle in 2012!! I have faith!! :)

Happy Holidays!!!

12 years ago

hello ladies..

i'm still with you.. i just hope doesn't show up anytime from now..

feeling exhausted & sleepy now even though i had slept early last night.. vivid dreams.. breast a bit sore .. abdominal & back aches.. yesterday i thought i had starting because i had brown spotting when i woke up.. the whole day none..

still keeping and praying for that

happy holidays to all..

12 years ago

Well, I'm glad you're still with me, Lizzy and lhen! did start today. I've been really bummin' about it. But we'll just again.

Lhen, it's looking like this might be your Christmas! I'll keep my

Merry Christmas everyone!

12 years ago • Post starter

AF was supposed to show today at 14 dpo and didn't! Not going to get excited yet though. I had mild cramping all day long and some creamy CM. I'll test tomorrow and report the results.

12 years ago

Tested twice today at 15 dpo...BFN. Guess I'm out too.

12 years ago

hello ladies..

i'm out this month.. badly showed up christmas day .. me and DH really felt bad.. we thought this is our time..

nonetheless we will have more BDing..

just keeping it light.. we still are going to be cycle buddies next month..

but i won't be obsessed next time..

12 years ago

Sorry to hear that, lhen . I know exactly how you feel. I was so upset when showed. We thought for sure this was our month too. I was hoping at least one of us would get that Christmas wish . I have too say you guys seriously made the TWW bearable though. I know you're keeping it light, as am I this time around, but keep me posted. I hope we'll all be in the New Year!

12 years ago • Post starter

Booooo I am so sorry to hear that none of us got our BFP's this month...oh well more BDing for us all!!!

I have to tell you girls that this month my doc told me to AX the OPK test strip kits because they are way to sensitive and can give mixed and confusing results. She recommended that I use the Smiley face OPK kit just to ensure I am ovulating and I have to admit...although they are bad expensive...I am SOLD!!!

They are easy to read, not at all confusing, and the strip and tester are seperate so you eject the strip after reading the screen and you can also see your line progressing. I can't believe how easy they are!!! I am in love!!!

Here we go again all...lets make this cycle less stressful and more exciting as we are all here for each other!!! LOL...maybe we should start a TWW book club...give us something to keep our minds occupied!!! :)

This is our month girls...I just know it!!!

12 years ago

happy new year ladies...

hi lizzy & lily.. yup i'm keeping for us all.. hope this is our month..

i'm still here with you.. that's a good idea TWW book club.. i'm joining in..

hope we could still be cycle buddies.. never give up getting that

12 years ago

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