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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Dandy : try not to worry. Whenever I took clomid exclusively, I always seemed to ovulate closer to the 10 days after my last clomid pill. Perhaps you'll do the same thing. Just keep bding just in case. Hugs...

8 years ago

Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing today?

I am CD 8 with a near positive opk. Looks like I may ovulate in a few days. Getting excited.

8 years ago

Good morning. Thats awsome about your opk! Im trying so hard to stay positive about mine, but its hard.

8 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Ladies,

good luck Cronins and Dandy hope we get our BFP soon!

AFM- CD16 Hoping to see a +OPK soon I have been testing in the morning and the evening. for whatever reason my evening tests are still darker than my FMU. Do you think that red raspberry tea leaf could be messing with me? DH an are trying to bed at least every other day just in case.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Miam, hello there. I dont know anything about the tea. Is this your first month on it? Anything is possible. This clomid sure is messing with mine. Hope you get your positive soon. Im cd 15 n 6 days passed the meds. Even if i o twards the 10 day after mark. I would think i would see some progression soon. Its so nerve racking. Thinking of calling my dr and see if she will do a folicle scan and let me make pmnts. I hate to ask that though. Guess ill wait it out till my 21 day progesterone test

8 years ago • Post starter

Dandy- if you do end up getting a scan, ask for the cash pay rate if your insurance doesn't cover. When I had my hsg done they ran it through like insurance would cover but it didn't so I called the hospital and asked for the cash pay rate and I ended up paying less than I would have with's crazy!

8 years ago

Dandy- yea this is the first month on it. physically I feel good and technically I usually don't see my first BFP until CD16-18 But Im right there with you I usually see some sort of progression. it seems like they have been the same for days now. I was hoping to ovulate early that way if the do the 21day progression test it would hopefully showed I ovulated. oh well guess I will just have to wait and see.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Thank you lucky, yes my dr office has a self pay discount. I guess im kinda of embarrassed to ask about a payment plan, they usualy require full payment before they even see you. I can totaly understand that though. I may jst have to wait it out. Im so stressed about it. Hoping like crazy, i just fall into a big ol pos today or tmrw. : )

8 years ago • Post starter

Pos meaning positive of course. N not fall in a big ol pile of sh!&. Lol. I had a good laugh when i read that. I needed that laugh for sure.

8 years ago • Post starter

Lol! Definately made me laugh.

8 years ago

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