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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

61 - 70 of 105 Replies | Last Page

Hey ladies,

I think I'm out, temps plummeted this morning, expecting AF today/tomorrow. Sending your way, I'll be stalking this board and hoping to see lots of


TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

Well I'm 11Dpo and I forgot first thing to test I was so sleepy still. So I took a FRER with SMU and got a positive. Let's hope that line keeps getting darker :)

A pic of my test is on my page.


7 years ago

I started af today :( So I am out for this cycle. Better luck next month.

7 years ago

We'll CD 27 of 28 day cycle for me and a BFN this morning???? still praying no af today or tomorrow. Will test again in the morning if no af.

7 years ago • Post starter

We'll I'm out ladies and then af came right on schedule today ???? Praying next month is my month for my rainbow baby! Baby dust to everyone! Praying y'all still get your BFP'S!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Did anyone get their BFP??? My Fertility window for this cycle is about to start...anyone else??

7 years ago • Post starter

I ended up getting a +opk yesterday so I am in my two week wait soon :)

7 years ago

Yay! Still waiting for my +opk. Should be coming soon. So we have already started baby dancin lol..

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey girlie!!!! Today is my last day for af..well I always count the extra day so my body can finish cleaning itself out. I'm CD 6 and going to start opks on CD10. What cd are you?

7 years ago

Did you do enough bding @email?

7 years ago

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