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December 2017 Babies

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Hi Ladies,

I can't seem to find a board for December 2017 babies so I said I'd set one up

I hope there will be many Christmas miracles coming home with us this year. One last push for a 2017 baby.

Let me know how you're all getting on. I think this will be a very lucky month.


TTC#1 MC <img src=

194 Replies • 7 years ago



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It seems like my body is gearing up to ovulate again after my cp. I got a positive ovulation test today. DH and I BD yesterday and today....(CD 13& 14) ...this will be our last shot at a baby in 2017. Baby would be due Dec 26 2017 DH is out of town for work the next 4 the BD has been less about TTC and more about connecting before he leaves.

I have an appt with my doctor tomorrow regarding my chemicals.... hope that goes well.

Good luck ladies xo

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7 years ago

Have any of you ladies tried baby aspirin while TTC?

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7 years ago

I haven't tried the baby aspirin before but my doctor told me start taking it in case I have a simple clotting disorder. I have been now, she said she has had a lot of women have random success stories after starting it.

7 years ago

Do you start it on CD1 and take it every day ?

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7 years ago

I think so.

7 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'm out this month, no 2017 baby for me Hoping my BFP isn't too far away.

I'll still be stalking to cheer you on ladies! Hoping to see loads of BFP's here from Amarah, Brownsugar , secallender and LOADS more

to all


TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago • Post starter

ELGTrying so sorry to hear you are out again. I was really hoping for you.

Any updates from anyone else? Been kind of quiet on here. BrownSugar? calvinsgirls? ElleBeeEm

AFM I am 7 DPO. Back and hips have been hurting a lot but that's about it. I wanted to track my temps this cycle regardless just for data but they are all over the place. Some of that may be on me waking up at night but I don't think it can tell me much right now. For some crazy reason, maybe boredom I decided to test today...... I know so early. In my head I justified it as making sure there was nothing left over from MC, which I tested a week after and couldn't see anything, didn't bother uploading or anything. My levels were never over 200 before MC. Anyway, I tested and now I'm confused. I feel like I see something. Guess I will have to wait a couple days and test again see it its getting darker or lighter or nothing there. If anyone could go to my page and give my input I'd appreciate it. Even if you think I'm crazy

7 years ago

Hi everyone.

secallender: I think I can see something too. Hope it gets darker over the next few days! Keep us updated.

I'm DPO 11 today and all tests have been BFN so far. I'm expecting AF on Friday and started to feel cramping this morning so I'm not hopeful.

Sorry for everyone that is out this month, sending love.

7 years ago

secallender - I find the picture you posted very hard to see...any chance you could upload a clearer photo? I'd love to see and I really hope it's a line. My last pregnancy, I also saw a super faint line at 8dpo on an IC...way sooner than FRER...FRER didn't pick up the line until 11DPO. Rooting for you!

Em- I am sorry you're out this cycle... :(

For everyone else still in this month - sending baby dust!

Today is my "O" day according to my OPK...but I feel like I may have O'd yesterday as I had O pains...

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7 years ago

Ellebee - I'd test in a few days. Lots of people don't get a BFP until a missed period XO

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7 years ago

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