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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@miracle---yay we love money coming in! I keep seeing your adorable hats on FB and i want one so bad! I love the slouchy ones. So cute. I hope this is your cycle, FX for you love! Still no positive opk but getting closer. I go in today again for another ultrasound. I brought my trigger with me hoping that they will tell me i am ready and to trigger right then. Finger's crossed this happens soon! I am getting impatient!

@amber-Congrats!! How exciting! You knew you were pregnant! Keep us updated!

AFM-Like i said to Miracle, I am going in for my second ultrasound today. I am ovulating later this cycle which is a little odd, but it's really not late. I am still only CD13. Last IUI was done on CD12 and last month I ovulated on CD10, so just a little later for me. I am hoping today shows i have good mature eggs, will trigger and have IUI tomorrow. It is kind of nice that it will be on a Friday so i can just go home afterwards and then rest all weekend. I look back at last time and don't know how i made it through the week! ha. I will post later today after my u/s.

Hope everyone is doing well!!

9 years ago

@amber - Congratulations!! Good luck when you go in for the U/S. Hope the little bean is snug in the right spot!

@LSchrader - I hope you get the go-ahead for the shot today! Let us know what happens.

@miracle - Hooray for good sales! I was able to make one batch of pumpkin spice cake pops and have determined that I have to quit for now. Way too hard to get a batch made in my limited spare time.

@football - I *think* you want to try and make sure to eat protein in your meals leading up to the test, and obviously, stay away from sweets.

AFM - Oliver is 2 months old today! I feel pretty much 100% now, aside from some hormonal stuff like dry skin.

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9 years ago

Football...before I took my test, they told me to just eat normally, otherwise it might throw things off. I don't know, just what they said.

Miracle...I love the slouchy hats! Don't know if my round face could carry one off, but they look so feminine. Glad sales are up!, 2 months already! Oliver is so darn cute. LOVE the blanket someone made for him with the Bible verse on it, I laughed out loud.

Lschrader...praying for you! Hope it goes well tomorrow and you get to rest over the weekend.

Amber....congrats! Let us know how your appointment goes. Hope your little one is safe and sound,

Afm....things have calmed down quite a bit. I feel perfectly normal, other than struggling to get it all done with a nursing baby. Have to let some of it go, but its not easy for me. :) Too ocd. I guess! A question for the new moms...have you heard you can ovulate and nit have a period while nursing? I know this is my 4th child,but I never paid attention before! Thought I had all the time in the world to get pregnant again.

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9 years ago

Well ladies, I am losing it! I totally thought I came on here and updated everyone about my appointment yesterday! Guess not. oooops!

SO, here is our latest. BOTH of my follicles are now measuring at 18mm. My doctor was very surprised to see that the left side had caught up, and the right one seemed to have slowed down. On monday, my left was 14mm and right was 16mm. They typically grow 2mm per day, so my left was right on track with growth, but my right was a little small. She thinks my left will be the one to release the egg, but its always possible both will. I am very eager about this and really hope they both do. We really want twins! So i will take my trigger shot tonight at 10:00 p.m. and my IUI will be Sunday at 10:00 a.m. I was happy to see she wanted to schedule it 36 hours after my trigger. I have read so many times how that is the way to go. My trigger shot will ensure I ovulate a mature follicle(s). It basically completes the last steps an egg takes before ovulation so that helps with timing. My doctor thinks I could go without it, but it wont hurt to take. Plus I have it, and if it increases our chances to release the other egg that is mature too, we are all for it.

Another interested tidbit....I wanted her to go over DH's sperm count from our last IUI because they seemed really high. She looked over all the numbers and was pretty shocked. She is interested to see what Sunday shows us, because if they are as good or better, then clearly the surgery was the way to go and his numbers are REALLY improving, but if they are not that great...than maybe it was a total fluke, or something went wrong in the lab. Of course we are praying for the first and that his numbers are just awesome now! How awesome would that be! We could maybe even just try on our own! I will not get ahead of myself just yet...

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoys their Friday!!!

9 years ago

Good Morning..

@Lschrader - You're post made me smile and feel so hopeful for you and your dh no matter what. Of course I want this IUI to result in a bfp, but knowing that your dh's SA numbers could have improved is so cool. I can't wait to hear. Looks like you're ovulating later this cycle than normal right? I think that's a good thing. Your body is producing and maturing healthy eggs right now, which is great. Isn't November when that reading said anyways that would be connected to a BFP cycle? Just thought about that.. :)

@Amber - Congratulations on your bfp. Sending you sticky vibes and a healthy and happy 9 months.

@Rebecca - Thanks for the slouchy hat compliment. I think they look great on most people. If you're a hat person that is. :) Glad to hear things are settling down a bit now for you and the home front. :)

@Skyline - pumpkin spice cake pops sounds so dlish! I love pumpkin scones, so I'm sure I'd LOVE the cake pops. Although in the past year I have gained 20 lbs.. no joking.. so I need to limit my sugar/carb intake right now.. the addiction is hard. I can NOT believe Oliver is 2 months already, wow! Happy 2 months. :)

@Athena - How are you? Loving the posts on FB. You and the baby look great.

@Football - Just sending a smile and wave your way.

@Bean - Hi, hope you are doing well.

@Pisces - Countdown begins for your dh to come home.. how excited are you? Thinking of you.

AFM - Feeling a bit discouraged lately. I try to keep a sunny disposition about ttc but ladies I feel defeated, discouraged and like my dreams of being a biological mom are not going to happen. Even worse, I'm pretty sure me and my partner will be going separate ways soon.

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9 years ago • Post starter

@rebecca - Yeah, it was a burp cloth someone made for my FIL. I think they were very happy to get to use it when Oliver stayed with them the other day. Glad things have settled down over there! I'm sure that feels great. I too, have had to let some tings go. Not enough time to do everything, so I'm just trying to focus on, and stay on top of the basics. I'm not sure about ovulating without a period following, but the first ovulation is always "silent" because you can't have a period until AFTER you ovulate, obviously. lol

@LSchrader - Nice! Can't wait to find out if your DH's count has continued to improve. And I really hope you get that double ovulation you are hoping for!! OOOoooh, I'm getting excited.

@miracle - I have always been more of a salty/savory kind of girl, I like sweets too, but not more than average. Well, now that I am breastfeeding, I have had SUCH a sweet tooth! It's terrible. I'm going to have to get ahold of myself. Oh, miracle, sending you a big hug! I hope that you and your DP can figure out the best path.

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9 years ago

Thanks girls for the we'll wishes!! Hope everyone is doing we'll if trying to conceive or pregnant.

I had my dr appointment today and ultrasound. My hgc levels that were taken on Tuesday were only 14. So I had an ultrasound and they couldn't find anything. Having to take more blood work all week to monitor that they are rising and next Friday it's back for another ultrasound. Feeling very stressed out about this. I must have conceived late or something else is wrong.
Really hoping I don't have another ectopic.

9 years ago

@Skyline - Thank you. I'm just trying to find the acceptance of "what is" right now in my life which has been hard. Interesting how our bodies change and crave different things at different times in our lives.

@Amber - Sorry your having a stressful time. I can understand especially since you mentioned you have had an ectopic in the past. I'm praying that your numbers double on time and that everything is ok with your pregnancy.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, after reading all 354 replies I finally decided to join this website just to be part of your group. It is amazing all the support you girls give each other!
Im 32 years old, I got marry on March 2013 and moved from Cancun to Texas. It is being very hard to live all my life and friends behind specially now when ttc since I have nobody to share my feelings or experiences thought this process. We been trying since March with no luck, first we took it easy and said to ourselves "it will come on the right time" but nothing came along so I started to panic. I went to a RE 6 months ago, apparently everything in both of us is healthy and good for baby making and the doctor said it might be the timing, he decided to give us a little help with clomid but still nothing so 2 months ago I had my first trigger shot. DH got ill and we only baby dance for 2 days (the day of the shot and the next day) but had no luck. This October 27th I had my second shot and did TI the day of the shot and the next 4 days, also doctor deposited my DH sperm inside me next to cervix on October 28th to help a little, I am currently on the tww, this has been so stressful, I am due to AF on November 15th. I been feeling all kind of symptoms, since I started with clomid I have very vivid dreams that this weeks have got worse, I had discomfort on my uterus for the past week, breast pain for over a week starting with a little but now is more intense, also I had low back pain since last week, today I felt nausea and pelvic discomfort and lots of wetness down there which made me take several trips to wc to check if AF showed earlier. I tested yesterday with clear blue and got a BFN which makes me think I am not preggo. I feel very depressed, I really admire you girls for being so supportive with each others and for keeping the positive attitude.

9 years ago

Morning ladies! Alright, well we had our IUI yesterday morning and it went well. We were disappointed in DH's count, and it appears that the last one may have been a fluke because they were back where they have been all along. It was frustrating, but they said there were enough to get the job done still. Only 5.4 million. 5 million is the lowest they like to see so that is kinda scary. I am not too hopeful about it, but i know God works miracles every day. This time around, my trigger shot didn't affect me one bit. No cramping, no pain, nothing, so that was great. I feel normal unlike last time! So now we wait. The calendar on here says I should expect AF on November 22 which is only 13dpo, but because I ovulated later than normal (but normal for everyone else ha) it makes sense. I am So ok with a shorter TWW!

@miracle- I am so sorry you are feeling so down right now. I feel like every few months you go through this, and Pisces is usually the perfect person to brighten up your day! I think she would tell you though, that you need to take a deep breathe, get some time to yourself and reflect on why you and your partner are so good together. There is a reason you are always pulled back to one another. I know I have asked you this before, but i cant remember your answer...would you guys ever look into IUI?

@ambermarissa6-Oh lady, i so hope your numbers improve and everything is just fine! When will you know for sure? I am sure you are so stressed out, but try to take it easy and think very positive thoughts!

@zyara_luz-Welcome! Wow, that is a lot of reading! ha, yes it's been quite the journey for us ladies and we are all very close. Welcome to the group. You mention taking a it Ovidrel? If so, I have taken it twice now while doing IUI's. I would love to know how your body reacted to it! I am sorry you are feeling so down, but you still have a lot of time before AF is due so it makes total sense why you are still getting BFN' are testing too early :) Stay positive!

9 years ago

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