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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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701 - 710 of 916 Replies | Last Page

Jama0709- what is your lutheal phase usually? Think maybe ovulation was later? My LP is always 14 days.

Flamingogirl- not sure when I will test again maybe wait till AF or see what temps do. Will show my chart. 11 dpo today.

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6 years ago

I hope everyone is doing well and pray for sticky beans to anyone that is testing soon. For some reason my ticker has lost the countdown and no longer shows me it as my hubby was trying to figure out how many days I have left as today was his birthday. Went to check and it's not showing up on any responses I've done today.

Edited: Weird. Now it's showing up. Not sure what happened there. See if admin says anything.

@Beaut1ful38. How are feeling? Have you done any tests yet? I'm thinking this could be it for you based on your temps. I've stopped temping before both of my BFPs, so I never got to experience the drop and rise. Keep us posted.

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6 years ago • Edited

Well ladies still trying to be hopeful but I think AF will hit Friday. This Morning feeling cramps, sore boobs. temp is still 98.05 but dropped from yesterday was 98.2. Maybe I can still get a BFP if not I will continue to communicate with you ladies and we have been together for months and some of you almost a year!! I know my month will come.

6 years ago

I had cramps before AF arrived and it was a good sign that things were happening. How early do you feel cramps at the end of your cycle? I still have high hopes for you! I'm glad you will stay around hun. Your month and rainbow baby will come.

6 years ago • Post starter

I had cramps too before my BFP and I too thought AF would come. Please stay possitive.

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6 years ago

Well ladies think I am out. My temp dropped to 97.69 basically to my cover line. Means AF will arrive today or tomorrow right on time. On to the next month. Still taking Maca Root. At least I know it’s working. My temps have never stayed that high above 98.0 during my LP. Guess that means my progesterone levels are rising good after ovulation. to the next month. Just found out my sister in law is 11 weeks pregnant again. I am happy for her but I swear I think it only takes a and bam baby seed!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 not sure , I had what im thinking is af Monday , it started like normal just not as heavy and only lasted one day . I am puzzled because it would now be cd 4 and I only had one day of bleeding and maybe a spot here and there def not normal for me . My boobs are also still sore , so I may try to test tmrw just to be sure before I start preparing for next cycle , but I am sure im out I am just confused about the whole one day bleed . anyone else experience this ?

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6 years ago

I don't know what's going on in my body right now, but I hope it's something good. CD 24 today and probably ovulated around cd 14 (+/- a day or so). Been feeling queezy for a few days. Not much, just an uneasy feeling. Yesterday I suddenly began to freeze and I still do. It's like I'm cold to the core. So far nothing more than an imagined line on the test.

6 years ago

Jama, yes, i have done this. I "started" very early. Like 8dpo and for 1 day and very light. Coulda swore it was implantation bleeding but it wasn't. Very short cycle and not bfp. BBUUTT, within 1 or 2 cycles i was pregnant. Can't remember which.

6 years ago

Jams- did you test today??

Afm currently CD2!

6 years ago

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