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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Beaut1ful38 - Your chart is looking better and better! I think the temp staying high after the 6-7 dpo mark is a good indication of implantation and increasing progesterone! When I look back at my charts I find that the only one that was high after that time is the one I got my BFP on! Remember that tomorrow might still be early to pick up on the hormones so don't be discourage and test again at 11 dpo. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you and your rainbow babe!

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beaut1ful38. Temp looking good. I pray this is your rainbow baby.

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6 years ago

Well I broke and took a test. I am only 8dpo today. But I took it 7pm with only an hr hold. And it came out negative. I am sad but know it’s early!

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6 years ago • Edited

Oh beautiful, I’m sorry. Yes it’s still early, there’s hope. I’m 12 dpo and had a stark negative yesterday. I feel I’m out this month. :(

6 years ago

Ok is this possibly an implantation dip ?? Yesterday was 98.38 today 97.86. So close to my coverline at 97.60. Won’t test again till my temp shows me something more. Either AF coming sooner than expected or implantation.

6 years ago • Edited


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6 years ago

Photomama- I am sorry too! Every time I see a negative it just hurts and makes me feel down. But as the day went on and today temp feeling hopeful still!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - If it is an implantation dip then baby implanted right on time around 8-9 dpo! I'd wait at least 2-3 days before testing again. on the chart I shared I had a dip at 7dpo and it stayed lower for a few days and then went back up.

@Photomama - Sorry to hear you might be out this month.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beaut1ful38 Yes I tested 9-13 dpo and all :( but I am one day late havent tested today dont plan on it until monday , af hasnt showed im having waves of cramps bbs sore but didnt get sore until yesterday . I woke up feeling sick this morning but after moving around i felt better . I am so hoping for my BFP FX we have been trying for ever .

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6 years ago

Hello ladies,
I am 10dpo today and temp did rise to 98.24 this morning. As yesterday was 97.86 so A big jump again. I haven’t tested again since 8dpo but if the temp drop yesterday was implantation then i should start testing in 2-3 days.

6 years ago

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