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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hope everyone is having a great weekend. :)
It's a partial work day today. Feeling lazy and tired today. Don't feel like doing anything. It's 80 degrees in my town today. We haven't really had a winter this season, but it was like this last winter as well. I love the sunshine but man it would be nice to have cooler temps and some RAIN!

@Bhanna - Thank you. I wish my uterus would receive conception too. I can't tell you how much I have wanted to be a mom. My heart aches. It's a desire in my heart and soul. I don't know what plans GOD has for me but I feel sadness a lot lately as my ship feels ready to sail soon. I'll be 43 in May this year. :(
That's so cool you have 2 little boys and it's understandable how you could want a little girl too. I pray that you get your little girl soon. I also understand the whole getting older thing. It is in my face everyday. Sending bfp prayers your way sweetie.

@Stepmommy - Glad you drink herbal teas as they are good for you. I hope you feel better soon. I will be keeping you in my prayers as you visit the dr this week. I hope you have a better experience than you did before with the kind of treatment you need to be getting from the doctor. I have't been through what you're describing so I don't have the best of advice other than to let you know I am sorry your feeling so sick. I pray you get relief and answers soon. Keep us posted.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hello everyone!!
I'm so excited to finally have some time to be able to post... It's been an eternity since my last post but this past month was crazy busy at work and at home since my sister came for the holidays and I had to deal with working and trying to spend time with her...
I hope you all had a great Christmas and that this 2015 will come full of blessings and good news for all.

I stopped the clomid and trigger shots last cycle since due the holiday time they said it was better for me to rest from medication and also since I had already 4 shots they kinda want to move to another things which makes me scare. They told me to call when my period arrived but so far I am 6 days late so I won't be calling until it shows. I haven't waste any time on testing, I do not even have the minimum suspicion of being pregnant since I was only intimate 3 days after my last period and last week couple times which is totally late for ovulation time so I do not hold any hopes this month. I kind of feel AF will show in the next few days, my bread is tender and looks bigger so all I have is to wait and then I'll go to doctor and talk to them to see what is next...I'm kind of depress of what they mean with "we will see what to do next" means since I feel like if I have something wrong that needs to be fix and the thought of test and inseminations is so scary for me. I wish I had a magic wand to just fix my body and make it work...
Well enough of sad thoughts, how you girls doing? I been wanting for weeks to post but like I said before I really didn't find the time tho..

I am sending you hugs and best wishes, hope this is our year!!

9 years ago

Hi ladies! I have some news that I'm really excited about/relieved by that I wanted to share...

Just got back from my 36 week appointment and had to get a NST and the cervical check...he passed the NST with flying colors (yay) and my doctor was really pleased with the ultrasound from last week. Also...before she did the cervical check, we started talking about where she'd like to see things, but she said she expects it to be firmly closed. Well, I'm at 2cm and 50% effaced! He's currently at a -3 station. She said we can skip Cervidil (YAYYAYYAYYAYYAY) and just go straight into Pitocin! We're for sure going in at midnight or 6am on either the 11th or 12th.

I can't believe it, but I'm SO grateful that my body's started the labor process on its own. I was recorded having some contractions already and I'm just so happy that we don't have to do Cervidil because that's one less type of medicine we have to use to intervene. Ahhh, I feel so much better!!

Hope you all are well :)

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9 years ago

Well I am having a crappy day today. I just found out that my rent ( I'm a renter ) is being raised 200.00 per month and that I need over 1,200.00 in car repairs. Yep.. this news all came within 20 minutes of one another today. Feeling stressed out.
I'm on Cd 21.. Af will be here next Tuesday one week away.

@Zyara - nice to hear from you. Glad you're taking a break from the meds. Sorry Af is taking her sweet time on showing up. Hoping you O'd way earlier or way later and you bedded in time to catch the egg. You never know.. stranger things have happened. Keep us posted on what is going on and what the dr's want you to do next. Keeping you in my prayers.

@Football - That's great news about your body going in to labor on it's own. Your 50% effaced? Yippie! Feb 11 th or 12 will be here before you know it. I can't wait to hear you birthing story and pictures of your newborn.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

@miracle-UGH i hate hate hate days like those. I am sorry! I hope today is better for you. I also really hope AF stays away. I am excited to hear about your appointment next month.

@football-So excited for you. I can't believe you are almost ready to meet your son! Whhhheeeeeeew!!

Well, we had our follow up appointment on Monday. I didn't update right away because my mind was flowing with thoughts and i couldnt wrap my mind around it all. My AMH (ovarian reserve) was lower than last year. Because of that, they want us to get going on IVF right away. DH's number were pretty bad, but luckily with IVF using ICSI bad counts are irrelevant. They are concerned because we both said we wanted three kids....they are not sure i will produce enough eggs that will be good to freeze for when it comes to baby number two, and by the time we want a second, my levels will be even lower, making our chances even harder. They suggested doing two batches of IVF...basically banking up our embryos to freeze and then doing a transfer. This of course means a lot of extra $$$. I think we have come to terms with the fact that we may only get one baby, and we are ok with that. If we are able to get more eggs then we will freeze them, but He will give us what He has planned for us. I just have to go along with that plan and trust Him.

So our plan is to still continue on February with our meds, with a retrieval and transfer in March. once we made this decision, and we both 100% agreed on it, i felt SO much better. We just need to go with our gut and not be swayed by all this technology and possibilities of having tons of kids. We will transfer two embryos, if we have two good ones, and pray for twins! I cannot wait to be a mom, and i hope this is just the start of our next journey.

I hope everyone is doing really well. @pisces-any updates with you lady?? Since i keep so up to date with every on FB, i wont touch everyone here!

9 years ago

@Lschrader - I'm sorry to here about the low AMH. I'm glad that you and your dh are okay with 1 child if that's what ends up happening. Wow, feb will be here before you know it. When will you be doing the ivf embryo retrieval.transfer in March? Do you have a specific date picked out? Things are getting exciting for you. Twins would be AWESOME! Do twins run in your family?

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9 years ago • Post starter

@miracle-Yeah at this point, we just want a baby. If one is all we get, that that is ok. Twins do actually run in my family. My sister has fraternal twins, one boy and one girl. Although, that kinda is thrown out the window with IVF. If we get twins, its because we will have transferred two embies.

Excited to start this. I guess we technically have one last "shot" before start, but i would say there is probably a 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally!

Hope everyone is doing well today!

9 years ago

@miracle - Aw, thanks. :) I was SO thrilled with the way the pictures turned out. My friend did a really good job. That really sucks! $200 increase at one time? That's insane! And the car trouble, too. When it rains, it pours. I hope you can catch a break. I'm sorry it has been a crappy winter and the drought is still in your region.

@LSchrader - What causes your AMH to get low (other than ovulating each month, of course), did they offer any insight on that point? I really hope you either hit the jackpot with twins or can get enough frozen for a second IVF in the future.

@football - 50% effaced is awesomeness! Dilation doesn't mean much if your cervix isn't thinning, so it's a great sign.

@zyara - I can't remember how many cycles you said you have been TTC. I just wanted to encourage you, it can take a perfectly healthy couple 6 months to a year to conceive, so if it's only been a few cycles, there is no need to feel like you are broken.

@Bhanna - When you are on the "reply" page, if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page you will see a window with "most recent replies". You can use that to see what people wrote, if you can't remember. Hope that made sense, if not, don't worry about it! :)

@Stepmommy - So sorry you had such bad experiences with doctors! See if you can find a better doctor, one who will listen.

@rebecca - Holy cow! You have way too much on your plate right now, hope things get sorted out in a smooth and speedy fashion! (((hugs)))

AFM - I'm starting to feel very unsafe in our neighborhood. First, our house was broken into (which is the big one), then the gas station just up the hill from our house was robbed and the clerk shot! (That happened on the 12th.) Then, last Thursday I was sitting on my couch nursing Oliver when someone tries to open the front door. They didn't knock or anything, just tried the knob and then I saw them walk by the window. Freaked me out!!! That day we didn't get any mail either, and my mom had sent DH a birthday card the previous day. It never came, so I don't know if it was lost in the mail or if our mail was stolen.

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9 years ago

@skyline - That would surely make me feel unsafe too if I had all that happening in my neighborhood. Your recent break in, gas station shooting, mail missing and now someone jiggled your doorknob.. Oh hell no! What are you and your dh going to do? Is there a better part of town to live in that's affordable? I will be praying for you and your family's protection and safety. Call on Archangel Michael to protect your home and family.

@Lschrader - Interesting about the fraternal twins in your family. With the IVF you never know if they get 2 good strong embies what can happen.. Praying for 1 sticky embie.. that's all you need. :) I hope your cycle is a first time success like my best friend's was. She did a medicated ivf with icsi and it worked for her and her dh first try. Her husband had poor quality/quantity sperm, it was slim to no chance of it ever happening naturally. So it can happen for you too.

AFM - Having some more down days ladies around ttc. It's getting harder and harder to believe in a baby miracle for me. :( My appointment (consultation) with the fertility specialist in Los Angeles, Ca is in 3 weeks. I joined a support group online for woman with uterine anomalies. It's informative and helpful. I checked them out a few years ago and participated in the chat rooms a few times. I forgot all about them until the other night when I started feeling really down about ttc. I have you ladies and now them too for support.. thankfully.

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9 years ago • Post starter

@miracle - When we bought our house we took advantage of the Georgia Dream Loan, basically, it was a $5000 loan to cover closing costs and a small down payment. No interest or anything, but we have to pay off the loan before we can refinance or sell the house. We are trying to save and get everything paid off, but it's just going to take time. So we can't relocate any time soon.

I am so glad you found a supportive group of ladies who know what your are going through personally, that is wonderful to have that extra support and understanding from woman going through similar situations. I really hope the consultation goes well, and you are able to move forward and pursue the answers you want and need!

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9 years ago

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