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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'm due tomorrow for af I want her to hurry yep so I can start my new year out right! I did a walmart first signal a bfn. I have accepted it and ready to move forward unto 2013. Happy holiday a ladies.

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11 years ago

Well, I still don't know anything for sure The urine test at the doctor's came up negative, so they are doing a blood test. I was suppose to start today, but so far no AF. So, will have to wait till tomorrow to get the results back (at least hoping it doesn't take till Monday to get it back).

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11 years ago

Firstimer I hope you don't have to wait until Monday either! Will be checking in tomorrow!

AFM, after the doctor office lost my blood results that the lab sent over and going through a bunch of phone calls to get it re-faxed I finally got my results back from yesterday. My HCG levels are at 8 and then expected it to be lower. So another blood test next week and my doctors appointment then as well! Going to be a busy week next week with Christmas and all!! Having a "Ladies Day" with my mom next Friday! We got some snow, but not as much as I would have liked... I really wanted to make a snowman! LOL! I hope everyone is doing good!

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11 years ago

@Cristi78602: How are you Christi...? Hope all is coming back on track.. *hugs*

I had terrible morning sickness yesterday thus had to be rushed to emergency as i had blacked out at work due to the giddiness. Suspected HG but i was much better after the first bottle of drips and meds. thus i was able to go home after 7 hours of observation.

I managed to meed my little bean via the u/s and also heard the heartbeat which bought tears to my eyes. I was really so scared the past few weeks and im so glad the bean is safe and sound.
Thank to you and Grantsmama for giving me the right advice. *hugs*

11 years ago

Sha-RK I am so glad you saw and heard your little bean! It is tucked in safe and sound! Sorry you got so sick, but glad they were able to get you back up and going! Just remember to take it easy and drink lots of water! I can't wait to see pics of your little bean soon. I am assuming you will put them on the other site. I will be looking!

I am doing good... hubby and I were able to start BDing... Go back to the doctor next Thursday for hopefully my last follow-up appointment until I get a BFP again! My HCG was at 8... so hopefully next week it will be 0! Other than that... doing good! Just taking it easy until after Christmas and then we are starting back into the tracking and recording and testing!

Congrats to you again... so glad all is well! Big hugs to you lady and lots and lots of sticky vibes!

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11 years ago

candychic i am sorry to hear that you had a chemical sending a must have been awful for you.
how are things firstimer? hope your ok hun
wonderful news cristi that your back bedding again goodluck with everything.
You poor thing sha-ark hope your feeling better now, bet it was amazing to see your little bean! hun.
Sorry to all who's arrived! hate her! for this cycle come on hope dont get me also few days to go, have had creamy white discharge which i have not had before? and did break down yesterday while xmas shopping for a friends baby and over heard a lady say she was due in july, which would have been our baby due date, was awful been so good since it happened but that just crushed me! still very emotional, but kicking myself in the bum to get it out of system.
was so tempted to test today 2-3 days before af what you think ladies? last time i waited until i was 3 days late, so i dont know what to do? we are so hoping for a christmas miracle pray for us
hope everyone is good

11 years ago

candychic i am sorry to hear that you had a chemical sending a must have been awful for you.
how are things firstimer? hope your ok hun
wonderful news cristi that your back bedding again goodluck with everything.
You poor thing sha-ark hope your feeling better now, bet it was amazing to see your little bean! hun.
Sorry to all who's arrived! hate her! for this cycle come on hope dont get me also few days to go, have had creamy white discharge which i have not had before? and did break down yesterday while xmas shopping for a friends baby and over heard a lady say she was due in july, which would have been our baby due date, was awful been so good since it happened but that just crushed me! still very emotional, but kicking myself in the bum to get it out of system.
was so tempted to test today 2-3 days before af what you think ladies? last time i waited until i was 3 days late, so i dont know what to do? we are so hoping for a christmas miracle pray for us
hope everyone is good

11 years ago


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11 years ago

Yay firstimer! Congrats! That is soooo awesome!

I went to my nutritionist yesterday and we talked about hormones and fertility, and she gave me some progesterone cream to use during my next three cycles. She said it should overall make me feel better but also help with fertility. So here's to hoping it works! I start taking it on the 12th day of my cycle. (-:

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

11 years ago

Woohoo CONGRATS Firstimer! So excited for you! What is you EDD? Oh yay...Merry Christmas!

WhileImWaiting.. GL with the cream... I really hope this is your cycle!

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11 years ago

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