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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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I was scheduled to go in at 12:30am on 2/12/2015 to begin the induction process. Around 10:30pm on 2/11/2015, I received a phone call from L&D notifying me that they were unusually busy and that they’d have to delay my admittance. They said they’d call me when a bed became available and to eat and drink like normal. I was bummed out to say the least. I had built up all my nerves around going in at 12:30am, yet this plan had suddenly changed. Jason and I decided we’d try to get some rest before the hospital called us in. I slept from about 11pm until 4:30am, waking every hour to so to check my phone. Needless to say, it wasn’t the best night sleep ever.

Around 5:30am on 2/12, I received another phone call from L&D asking if I could be there between 6:45-7am. I of course said yes and hung up the phone. As I was preparing getting ready, my phone went off again and I was told that three more women had shown up to the triage and they were yet again full. Postponed again. Ugh. We stayed up and decided to begin our day (which consisted of watching TV and me getting progressively more anxious).

FINALLY, after several check-ins only to be told they were too full, we got the call at 3:15pm to come in. We quickly packed our final things and said goodbye to my mother and grandmother who were staying at our house while they were in town.

The drive to the hospital was surreal and terrifying. I was feeling a mixture of emotions ranging from excited to meet our boy to terrified at what was inevitable (labor).

Once we got to the hospital, we got settled into the delivery room and I was hooked onto the IV and asked lots of medical history questions. At 5:45pm my doctor checked my progress and I was 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and baby was at a -3 station. At 6pm the Pitocin was started and we waited. And waited. And waited. We waited until 11:15 when the anesthesiologist came into the room and asked if I wanted my epidural then. I was hesitant at first as I wasn’t in a terrible amount of pain, but after thinking about how busy they’d been that day, the last thing I wanted to do was hold off on the epidural and then not be able to get it when I really needed it. So, I gave in and got the blessed shot. I was 3/4cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby was at a -2 station by this point.

Happy about the way things were progressing, my doctor came in around 4:40am to break my water. I went back to sleep and was awoken by my nurse around 6am informing me that she was turning off the Pitocin for 20/30 minutes because L&D had gotten busy again and she wasn’t going to be able to monitor my progress like she should. I trusted her and went back to sleep. Jason and I woke up for good around 8am. I was a little worried that things hadn’t progressed quicker, and apparently my doctor was concerned too because she requested the nurses place an internal contraction monitor. This consisted of having a nurse stick her hand through my cervix and go into my womb and place a little monitor between the baby and the womb. NOT FUN.

A few hours after having that monitor placed, my doctor came back into the room. Normally bright and cheerful, her demeanor was different. She sat on the bed by my feet and started off by saying, “I’m not happy about it at all and I’ve only just found out. I’ve started the process of telling some higher up people about what happened, but you should definitely make it known that you’re angry too. When they turned off your Pitocin, they didn’t immediately switch it back on. It was off for 5/6 hours and they didn’t even tell me what they had done. So you basically had to start all over again once they turned the Pitocin back on.” I was livid. On one hand, I was glad that there was an answer as to why labor was taking so long. But on the other hand, I had trusted my nurse and she had let me down. It put the baby in danger because my water was broken, it extended my labor by nearly 12 hours, and I was kept in the dark about everything!

I was later told that the Pitocin was started again around 11am. By 2pm, I was 7cm and 100% effaced. Around 3:30pm, I began to feel the urge to push. I had Jason call the nurse and tell her this with the hopes that she’d quickly come in and we could get the show on the road. Unfortunately, my doctor was next door delivering another baby so I had to wait. That wait was terrible. I wanted to push so bad and the pressure was so intense, but I also didn’t want to have the baby without any medical team present!

Finally, around 4:15pm, my doctor came in and allowed me to begin pushing while she got dressed. Baby was at a +2 station and coming! I pushed, and pushed, and pushed for what felt like forever (yet it also flew by??). At 4:42pm, the doctor placed our son on my chest and he began to cry. Jason cut the umbilical cord and we were officially separated. I just started crying. I couldn’t believe that I had given birth to our son. Soon after, I got the shakes really bad and was freezing. Afraid that I wasn’t able to keep him warm, I told the nurse they could clean him up and measure him.

7lbs 3oz and 20.5” long, our son was nice and healthy. I had a first-degree internal tear and a small labial tear (thanks to the internal monitor I had, his head came out in a weird position and caused this. He also got a small scratch on his head from it). He was nameless until his second day of life when we decided he shall be known as Winston James.

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9 years ago

Wow Football!! I was reading your story like if it was a novel, kept me on the edge!! I can't believe you had to go through all that but your reward was well worth it. I'm so happy that after all everything went great and both of you are healthy. I'm sending prayers your way!!

Well, the weather got way better today, almost all the ice melted and life is back to normal.
This morning I couldn't help the temptation and I finally tested. I read so many threads before people getting their BFP as early as 9 DPO and I finally gave in and did a FRER. My disappointment was heart braking when I saw the same lonely line I always get, not even an evap or faint. I wanted to cry so bad but then I really don't want DH to know how much stressing this whole TTC has become for me, stressing sad and full of disappointment. I know I am 10-11 DPO so I feel is over for me. I'm still 10-12 days away from AF but I am convinced it will arrive. I started bread tenderness and cramps as if I am already on my period. My backache is still there as a constant reminder and I honestly don't have any more strength. I feel very sad, we started TTC March 2013 and I finally feel like giving up and stop trying. My doctor mention last time I went when I had my shot, that if this month we were not successful he wanted to do an IUI or we could start thinking of IVF. I don't think I'll ever have the money to do IVF since my insurance won't cover infertility and I read is like 13000 dollars so maybe in few years we can afford it but not now :(
Anyway, I still went to dollar store and bought 15 pregnacy test, even when my hopes are in the floor, since my body is slow for everything I am hopping is taking its time and maybe I can have a true miracle. I'm not really hopeful about a possitive but I guess like you ladies always said, I'm not out until AF shows her ugly face.

Thank you for all the support you giving, honestly I would be crazy by now if it weren't for you, the only people I get to talk about this and who truly understand what I'm going through.
I'm sending a big hug!!

9 years ago

@Zyara - Sending you a big hug! 10-11DPO is definitely early enough not to give up hope for this cycle. Lost's of people have BFNs at 10-11DPO. Has your hubby ever had a semen analysis?

@football - Wow. Winston's birth story is similar to Oliver's, but thankfully your failure to progress was due to the pitocin being cut off, and not Winston being stuck! I started shaking uncontrollably while they were stitching me up on the operating table, I wasn't sure if it was because I was cold or what, they said it was the anesthesia. Hang in there! The Baby Blues are not fun, and they will pass! I would have a good day and then be a mess again the next day, as well. Adjusting to the demands of a nursing baby is also difficult, but that gets better too! I would highly recommend the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, it has info on just about everything. KellyMom .com is also full of good resources. I hope Winston starts to sleep better, Oliver responded very well to a tight swaddle, it really helped him stay asleep. Feel free to PM me any time if you want to talk about anything!

@miracle - I hope your friend is able to carry her baby to term! Sending you ((hugs)) as well, knowing of the hurt your heart! Sending you and as well. So glad you got some good BDing done during your fertile window!

@LSchrader - Just 11 days! I'm sorry the BC is making you feel crummy.

@Haraslp3 & Mamaof3babygirls - Welcome! Check back and let us know how you are doing.

@rebecca - Exciting! I can only imagine how difficult it is TTC with a baby and a brood. I saw you had liked his page! He has been reviewing movies for a pretty long time now, and I'm so glad he launched his own website this year, he had been wanting to for a while.

Hello to @athena & @pisces! Check in soon.

AFM - Thankfully the clogged ducts are resolved now. I won't complain if that is the worst nursing trial I have to endure. I'm still dreading the day one of them turns into mastitis though. As most of you are aware, I turned 30 yesterday. I'm still waiting to feel like a "grown up." Maybe when I'm 40? Yesterday was also the 6mo anniversary of Oliver's due date. Ha! Going on 16 months with no period, I won't complain about that!

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9 years ago

Hi ladies, don't have much time but wanted to ask for your prayers.

Winston's newborn wellness test came back and it showed mildly elevated TSH levels. It could very well be a fluke, but if not, it'll be a lifelong thing he'll have to deal with (by taking hormone replacement drugs). He has his two week check up tomorrow then his doctor wants us to head over to the hospital to get another heel prick to redo the test.

I'm trying not to stress and worry about my perfect little boy, but I feel like I've possibly failed him by this potential thyroid issue.

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9 years ago

@football - Sending you ((hugs))!! I hope it's a fluke. Try not to be down on yourself, any of us are capable of passing something negative on to our children.

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9 years ago

Football. ..praying for you and baby Winston. I hope it's a fluke, but sweetie he'll be ok if he should have it. Impossible I know, but try not to worry until they tell you anything definite. Take it one day at a time.

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9 years ago

So glad to find this thread. Gives me hope. I'm 13dpo today and no AF today.
BFN :-(
had a brown discharge on 11th&12th. Think o on 13th.
Felt pregnant last week. This week not many symptoms. Stronger smells and headaches.
So emotional. I keep crying....stress/ worry??
Ewcm 2-3 days confused.

9 years ago

My dear Footballgirl I'm praying your baby will be ok, I'm pretty sure it was like u said, a fluke. I'm sending you all the love and support your way!!

Thank you all for the cheers and support. I'm 12-13DPO and still testing Negative. Oh well, I'm kind of used to this anyway... My period should come next week and I'm kind of expecting it to show.

Hugs for everyone, any news??

9 years ago

Hi Ladies, lots of activity going on in here the past few days. :)
I am about 7 dpo today with a raging yeast infection possible bacterial infection too. I'm waiting to find out the lab results tomorrow afternoon. Oh and I have to get another breast mammogram b/c the lump that I had tested back in Sept of last year which thank god was benign, it's acting up again. Painful and possibly growing bigger. Might have a few more growing next to it. Basically it's breast fibroids. SUCKS! I hope it's nothing to worry about.

@Football - Wow! The birth of Winston James was pretty intense. You are so strong and brave to have endured all that you did. I can't believe the stress you were under with one minute you're off to the hospital and the next minute your not. That would have made me so anxious and upset. I also can't believe that the nurse turned off your pitocin and never turned it back on. You're right, she put you and your baby at risk by doing that. How scary. Sorry your moods are up and down, but understandably so. Your hormones need some time to balance back out. Be gentle with yourself. You are a new mama. I hope that the tests come back okay with your lil one. Like others have mentioned, if he does have thyroid issues, it will still be okay. He will just need extra support to keep it up and running. Keep his immune system built up super high. Keep us posted.

@Zayara - I am sorry to hear about your bfn's you're getting this cycle. It really is not over until AF shows. I know what you mean about not being able afford IVF out of pocket, it's SO DANG expensive. So ridiculous the costs. I hope that your body does what it needs to do to conceive soon.

@dolphin - Welcome to the this ttc group of woman. I hope your symptoms are pregnancy related and not progesterone gearing up for AF to show. HCG the pregnancy hormone that gets released once implantation happens and progesterone that rises before AF shows both mimic one another, so it can all be so confusing. Wishing you the best of luck on getting your bfp.

@Rebecca - How are you? How is the family all doing.

@Skyline - Stay a kid as long as you can. Keeps ya healthy and young spirited. Glad the milk ducts resolved itself. Thank you for the well wishes for my cousin and the baby dust sent my way. :)

@Athena - Looking good girl. Keep up the good work, it's inspiring.

@Pisces - If you still read along once in a while, know that I think of you often. Hope you and your family are healthy and happy.

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9 years ago • Post starter

@miraclemama First of all I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and good wishes towards me. I know how much you understand and I am very thankful and blessed to have found this forum which gave me the opportunity to meet you and all the other ladies and to have friends to talk to since it's being very hard and lonely for me since I moved to USA. Second I also want to wish you that everything goes well and that your health is good. I got really worry when you mention about your breast thing and I am praying for you!! I keep you in my thoughts my beautiful lady :)

So I am 15 days post trigger and either 13-14 DPO, tested this morning and negative again so I didn't think about the subject no more and I let it go. I was awake at 4 am today with the need to pee so that's when I tested and I was unable to go back to bed after. I pretty much slept today all day when I finally had a chance, naped from 1 to 3 and from 5:30 to 8 pm lol. I was laying on the sofa few hours ago and I was having still some minor cramps and I felt pinching inside my uterus like if someone scratch me for a few seconds and then it was gone. Since that I still feel sore like same when AF is here. For some reason I started to look back in time and checked my notes from when I usually started my period after getting the trigger shot (which I got the past 4 months except January) I noticed then that I have had my period every time 14 and one time 15 days after I triggered which made me realize that AF should be in the corner and I should get it either today, tomorrow or Sunday the latest. That somehow gave me little hope since means I might be testing early because you are supposed to test after missed period so right now I'm praying for AF to stay away for the next few days and even if I keep testing negative I can call my RE and get a blood test just to be on the safe side. I noticed some white lotion like CM and my BB are still little sore so I am holding all my hopes! Please send me some good vibes for this to be my month!!

I'm testing again tomorrow and the next day and the next and I'll be a POaS addict until the witch shows her ugly face on me lol..

How everyone else is going?? Football? How is Winston?? And LSchrader how are you feeling? I'm excited about your IVF, I'm hoping this is the step for you to get that well deserved BFP for you. Rebecca, dolphin, skyline, Athena, Pisces... And everyone else, I keep you all in my thoughts, hope you are doing great can't wait to hear any news from you!!

Sending you big hugs!!

9 years ago

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