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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Dragonfly- I did read it I’m sorry to hear that. I went through somewhat the same with my son. But doctors didn’t catch it till he was born. Then at 2months old we had to see a specialist and he gave us the worse news ever. At 5 months old my baby boy had open heart surgery then at 5yrs he had a stent. And so on and so 2012 day after my birthday he had to have another open heart surgery. Since birth every year he has to see a cardiologist and get a bunch of test done. He is even on medication bc now he has irregular heart beats. But let me tell you that boy is a energized bunny he goes and goes you wouldn’t even think he has something wrong with his heart. He is my blessing. So I hope this helps we went though a lot to even thinking pacemaker. But I do know he will always have heart surgery down the road in his life. All we do is pray!! We go in nov for his yearly check up.

6 years ago • Edited

Just a small little update Everything is & has been great, here's a 4D ultrasound pic of My little Guy @31weeks can't wait to meet him.

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Oh my goodness. That's a lot for a little baby to handle. What was wrong with his heart if you don't mind me asking? I bet you weren't expecting that kind of bombshell to go off but I guess noone does really. But he is happy and healthy? He can play sports and whatever else he likes to do? I pray that everything will go well and that his valve will correct itself. I hope your sons appointment goes well and is in the clear?

Doctor says I can go home tomorrow but not sure if I will be off on medical leave till the ultrasound or I can go back to work since I am the only one who can do my job fully and still need to train my replacement.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- hope your doing better. He has TOF (pulmonary valve due to the oxygen and blood in the right ventricle) as well as heart murmur. As years went by other things start to hit too. Bc the heart was growing. It’s a very long story so only saying brief stuff. But he can’t play sports ... it don’t stop him from playing basketball outside and baseball and I even put him on soccer (not with school) I told dr he said ok how does he do I said he does well and he knows when to stop bc he gets tired other than that he is normal and healthy. Don’t worry I did a lot of research and asked a lot of questions.
I hope and pray your baby boy heals and will be healthy bundle of joy.

6 years ago • Edited

@Kimberke. Such a beautiful picture of your little man. I bet you are getting excited to meet him and hold him in your arms.

@Beaut1ful38. Thank you! I hope everything works out for him and that he will be happy and healthy. He's happy on the monitors so that's good. I should be getting out tomorrow sometime and will probably have to take medical leave but not be on bed rest, but with reduced restrictions. Will have to see what the doctor tells me tomorrow. Work will just have to manage without me till I am well enough to work and to train my replacement once they hire someone. I'm glad you did all the research and asked questions in regards to your son and that he knows when to stop if he gets too tired. He's a strong little man and can do anything he sets his mind to. All my tests are normal as I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid but the test was negative and my water didn't break. I will keep everyone uodated.

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6 years ago

Morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Still looking like I will go home sometime after lunch. One doctor says the heart is completely developed so that is amazing to hear. The nurses also said that they have no doubt the valve will function normally when I have my next ultrasound and he may or may not have a slight murmur but I guess lots of people have those and are fine and he won't require surgery. Such a relief to hear that. It will be totaly up to the doctor on whether or not I will be taken off work but left that for me to decide since I sit pretty much all day. I'm still on the fence as being at home is also stressful too with a two year old running around and renos on the go. I will keep you ladies in the loop. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and wisdom. It is so good to have such awesome to look up to. Thank you all.

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6 years ago • Edited

@Dragonfly23 - That is good news! Let us know how it all looks after your next ultrasound. I'm glad you get to go home today. As for taking work off I'd go with which ever place is going to less stressful. If being at work gives you the break from a hectic house right now with the renos then do that. Whatever you feel is best hun.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. Thanks girl. I will keep you posted on the ultrasound; which seems like eternity. With regards to work and renos. I'd rather be home watching my daughter while he works on the renos as he can't do that and watch the little one at the same time. He's managed so far without me there and she wants to help as well. She even took a level and started to use it. Too cute if I say.

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6 years ago

Just got word that I can go home. Such a relief. No restricted work duties since I sit at my desk all the time.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- that’s awesome news!!
Flamingogirl-how are you?
AFM: today I got a +opk on CD15 WOW!! Maca Root must be working for me!

6 years ago

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