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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@miraclemama I am so sorry about your RE appointment, but you are right, it will be a miracle and that's why God is going to give you one so keep praying and asking for it because it will happen. Faith and prayers that's all you need. I am sorry things have been hard just remember he will never give you something you won't be able to handle so keep possitive and keep being strong because it happened once is gonna happen again and this time is going to stick!! Prayers have been sent your way my dear!!

@LSchrader thanx for the support and good wishes, I am hopping too this is the beginning of a BFP for me :) how are you feeling? Two frozen eggs sounds great!! Hope you won't be needing them for a couple years tho.. <(^.^<)

@amber keep your chin up and stay possitive. Hope they get the answer you are looking for. Sending you a big hug

AFM I'm not gonna test... I'm not gonna test.... Mmmmm... nah! I tested again this afternoon hahaha!! I'm trying to find and excuse so I tested cuz I went to 2 dollar stores to buy same tests I used before for the next few days while in Mexico but both places were out so I ended buying the 89c ones from Wallmart which are same sensitivity and pink dye so I used one this afternoon after holding it for almost 3 hours and there is a faint line on this one too, very faint but a line after all so hopefully this lines gets darker in the next few days... I never felt this close, it is in God hands after all and I trust he is listening to my prayers :)

9 years ago

Hi everyone. 7 dpo today. Hanging out with my mom and step dad the past 2 days have been so wonderful. I get to see my sister and a great guy friend tomorrow who only live 40 minutes from my mom's house. Trying to focus on family, love, gratitudes and all that is great in my life. Yesterday's news from the RE was really heartbreaking for me to hear. I had my mom to cry to. My partner was back at home working a 12 hour day.

@Pisces - I am glad that your dh is getting to stick around and stay close to home right now. The tea I was drinking is Red Clover Blossom and Raspberry Leaf tea. Order them online in bulk from a company called Herb Affair. You also want to order nettles leaf to mix in with this. You can google Susan Weed Fertility or go on Youtube to hear how she prepares it and drinks it. You have to make it in an infusion for it to work. Many many woman over 40 with pcos, endemetriosis, scar tissue, blocked fallopian tubes have had successful pregnancies after drinking this tea 3 months or more. 1 - 4 cups of it daily, I would seriously try it.

@Zyara - Have you tested with a dollar hpt today? I pray that your trigger is out and it's the beginning of a bfp for you? Thinking of you. Hope you are having a nice vacation in Mexico.

@Lschrader - How are you feeling today? Keeping you in my daily prayers to see that long awaited beautiful bfp in a few weeks. My partner was not there with me. He had to work a 12 hr day and getting away and leaving his job and 2 kids and stroked mother who he takes care of leaves it impossible for him to go anywhere. My heart hurts too. The RE actually told me that my pregnancy that I had last year was probably the only one I will have and IF I were to get pregnant again it would end in miscarriage. His tone was kind, he wasn't trying to be mean or hurtful. He was telling me the facts from what he sees/knows every day in his field of work for over 33 years. My partner wants me to let it go and move on since it causes so much stress, sadness and heartache every month with me and our relationship. I told him NO! I am a dreamer and I am not giving up. I guess it's ridiculous of me to keep dreaming.

Hope everyone is having a nice Thursday. :)

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9 years ago • Post starter

@zyra-I hope your BFP is around the corner and that your line continues to get darker...i hope its not the trigger still!

@miracle-I am glad you got such a gracious doctor. I am also glad you are not giving up hope. I know we have chatted before about other options of becoming a mother. Would you ever consider adoption? A close friend of mine who did ivf and it didn't work for them, they miscarried at 10 weeks, have decided to move on to adoption. I can't imagine having to make that decision personally. I have always wanted to adopt, but have always wanted to experience pregnancy as well so I understand how hard it could be. I would love to do both. Have you every considered adopting or would you consider it?i know this is a very sensitive subject, but at least wanted to ask.

I feel totally normal. My back is achy but that is it. I just hope i start getting some kind of symptoms. I want this to work so bad.

9 years ago

Hi everyone. Hope you are all having a nice weekend. I just got back from a 6 day road trip. I had such a great time being with family. I hiked, sun bathed, jumped in ocean, dined out, went to the movies and sat around lots getting quality time in with family.

AFM - 10 dpo today. Having my usual pms symptoms.

How is everyone doing?

@Lschrader - How are you feeling?

@Zayara - Did you get any more faint positive hpt's?

@Pisces - Saying hi! :)

@Rebecca - When is AF due?

Who else is trying to conceive in our group still?

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies

Just popping by to say 'HI'

I am so sorry about all what you went through @Miracle, and encouraged about your trust in God, His delays never meant denial, you will be a mother one way or the other and so is everyone else who is trying in this forum@Lschrader @Zayara @Pisces and @Rebecca.

Waw, you seem to have enjoyed your trip, lucky you with the ocean, I am staying in-land I see an ocean once in a long time, have to travel 8 - 18hrs to see one, unless I fly.

@ Zyra - baby dust girly, holding breath for your BFP

@Lschrader, all the best hey

@Amber, hope you get positive resolution towards the causes of miscarriages, I had one and is the horrible thing to experience, each time I imagine the age of my child, none the less is ok, God know better.

I may not be that active to comment on each post but I do read a lot and follow the sequence, though some of the terms/abbr are unique and not understandable, but because the topic is ttc, i just align towards that. lol

As for me, I am sticking to my resolution, I am done trying but will continue praying for you all. I am 5dpo with no hope and curiosity. But I will follow Susan Weed Fertility website to try and fight endos @Miracle has highlighted.

Baby dust to you all, LOVE YOUUUUUU

9 years ago

Hello ladies!! Hope everyone is doing great!!!

@LSchrader how everything is going? How are you feeling? I'm so excited to find out!! Sending your way lots of

@miraclemama how are you? I keep you in my thoughts

@everyone else thank you for all the good wishes and it is really appreciated and really needed. Sending you big hugs!!

AFM, being with the family back home has been wonderful, I'm enjoying so much and eating like long time ago I haven't. My moms food is the best one in the planet. Still can't wait to be back home, I miss DH and my furry babies. I finally went to the ENT Friday and he gave me an appointment for yesterday Sunday, he performed a minor surgery in my nose with topic anesthesia since we don't know if this cycle worked or not. It was quite painful but he was able to extirpate a small tumor inside my left nasal (nothing to worry about) which was causing me to be stuffy and with runny nose since my nose was naturally creating mucus to try to make it go out. After almost year and a half not breathing through my nose I'm happy to tell you today I breath perfect and I slept so wonderful. I am so relief!! I brought wih me 3 dollar test from Wallmart, did one at 11 and 12 DP UIU (yesterday and day before), both were which was heart breaking. Today I am 14 DP trigger with no symptoms of AF or pregnancy so I did not test today. I am expecting AF either tomorrow or Wednesday, if it haven't show Thursday I'll be testing with my last test left. I feel really sad, I was expecting this cycle to be the good one, everything was wonderful: ovulation time, follies grown, trigger and IUI timing, DH count.. But I guess my body just do not want to cooperate. I pray so much for this miracle to happen, I wonder if I am doing something wrong I'm still hoping tho, after all it is not over until the shows her ugly face.

9 years ago

@miracle- Doing well, but feeling quite negative today. Not really sure why. I think the closer i get to my beta the less i feel like it's actually going to happen. I decided that I don't think i will test beforehand. My clinic wants to see a beta of 100 of higher so If i test and get a BFP i dont want to later find out my levels aren't high enough. Plus, i really feel like i will see a BFN and I don't need that extra stress. I am so glad you had a great trip, you truly needed that!

@zyara-Oh lady I am so so sorry about your BFN. I pray your levels are just not high enough right now. We are all holding AF away and praying for your BFP! Stay positive. You are not out until she shows.

@bhann-glad to hear from you!

AFM-UGH, not feeling it! The last two days i have been starving...seriously cannot get full. I eat a full meal, then ten minutes later my stomach is growling and i want to eat again. This morning i did not wake up starving like yesterday, but I also wasn't awake at this time yesterday :) I am just feeling negative today. I know its because we are closer to our day that we find out. I need to stay positive. Everything was perfect. Our blasts were perfect, my lining was beyond perfect, timing was great. So just praying for good news. My back is really achy today just like it is the day of AF, but i know that can really go either way. Time will tell. So many of our friends and family know what;s going on and know where we are in our process so i just hope it's not a letdown for them if this didn't work. The only thing keeping me going is knowing we have two frozen blastocysts.

9 years ago

@Lschrader - It has to be such a BIG emotional roller coaster you're on this cycle. Don't you worry about letting other people down. They might be understandable and they might not. This is YOUR body and emotions that is having to go through something so intense as IVF and TTC... NOT THEIRS! I can imagine you wanting to tell your families and best friends positive news though. I don't blame you for feeling down and not wanting to see a bfn, I wouldn't want to either. I know that so much is riding on this cycle taking. I pray it has and does. I am so glad you have frozen blastocysts too. Praying for good news! Sending positive thoughts your way!

@Zayara - So happy you are having a great time with family, eating great food and hanging with your mom. It really can be healing and very nurturing. Also happy to hear you found the issue with your breathing and no can breathe better than ever... yay! So sorry about the bfn's.. but it really is not over until the witch shows up in full force. Keeping fingers crossed for you and your dh. I wish it was easy to find out the answers to WHY conception has not taken place for each one of us.. that way we could fix it and get on with it already.. I have to keep my faith in GOD and his timing.

#BHanna - Thank you. Yes I do feel so lucky to live 12 miles from the beach and so does most of my family but 3 to 4 hours away from me. We are all beach people. It's so expensive to live near the ocean though. I hope that you do look into Susan Weeds success stories on her fertility blends for woman with infertility.

AFM - 11 dpo today. AF will be here in a few days.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Miracle - your time with family looked lovely, all that beach time had to have been very soothing to your soul. I have a question, but before I ask it I want you to know I'm not trying to upset you or cause trouble or turmoil. You said your specialist wouldn't do the surgery to separate your uterus unless you'd frozen some eggs...why? When I read that I have to admit I got a little upset. It doesn't sound like it's any of his business. If it's preventing you from getting pregnant, and you haven't gone through menopause, why should you have to have eggs frozen to justify the surgery? I'm sure I'm just not understanding the process, but like I said, it made me mad for you. If there isn't a good reason for him not doing the surgery, could you get another opinion? Sometimes male doctors just can't understand what women go through, and can be very patronizing when dealing with us. I only say this because we're basically the same age and I know how it feels when people act like you're old enough to be a grandma, instead of thinking about being a mommy. (Which we aren't that old!) Anyway, I know nothing is impossible with God, and I surely don't understand why He'd allow you to get pregnant, with the 1% chance the dr said you had, if He wasn't going to make a way for it to be possible for you. I'm sorry for writing so much and I hope I haven't upset you. I keep you in my prayers honey.

Zyara - oh, those BFNs, how they hurt us! I got to where I just wouldn't test until I was late. The roller coaster was too much for my heart. I'm glad you're with your mom and enjoying comfort there, and please don't give up hope until the witch shows her face. And I'm really glad you saw a dr that was able to solve your breathing problem! Hooray! Keeping my FXd for a BFP for you!

Lschrader - you're allowed to feel down and negative, it's ok! And Miracle is exactly right..don't worry about anyone else but yourself and your dh. I know you want to have good news to tell them, but in the end this is about what you and your dh want. If you're like me, your feeling down is just a result of wanting it so bad and having it go wrong so often. It's like your heart grows a callous to protect it from the disappointment. I think some of the best advice my counselor gave me was to just live in the moment. When you find yourself thinking ahead and getting down, acknowledge how you feel, but then try to stay in the here and now and don't focus on what might happen. Lord willing you'll get good news. We're here for you through all of it!

Bhana - nice to hear from you! Good luck on your research.

Afm - Today I'm either 6 or 7 dpo. Af should show up next Monday. I hope she doesn't!! But I know she might. I have to admit I don't know how in the world I'll handle two little ones, but I have to believe if God allows it He'll help me through it. Titus is such a sweetie. His big sister has started playing with him and his toys on the floor, and he's started trying to crawl to get to her! I feel like telling him to slow down! Lol My dd may her tonsils removed. We've been to the ENT and he wants to wait and see if the swelling in them will go down naturally. Life is busy.

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9 years ago

@miracle- Thank you! I do totally know know one will be upset or disappointed, but i think it's the feeling of wanting to be able to celebrate us! I am going to continue being pregnant until proven otherwise :) I pray AF doesn't show for you and your prove that doctor wrong. I loved everything Rebecca said.

@Rebecca-Thank you for your kind words. I loved your piece of advice from your counselor. I tend to get way ahead of myself when I should be living for right now. Right now, i am pregnant. I am going to live it up and tell myself I am. If Thursday comes and goes and i am not, then i will deal with it then. Thank you very much :)

My one main symptom of being hungry all the time is still here. I am holding on to that with everything i have!!!

9 years ago

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