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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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How is everyone feeling? Ladies always remember - never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.

My DH and I have been trying for 3 months now. Ever since we started, my cycles have been a mess and everything feels different..

I never had ovulation cramps before, ever. My cycles were always on time.. anyways.

I'm in CD12 now. Have been getting cramps for 3 days on and off and this morning I cramped. NO EWCM whatsoever I'm too dry..dont know what's going on with me..

trying to stay positive.

10 years ago

Sorry I posted and ran the other day ladies. I'm doing better today. I was just having a rough day. Family problems with my brother in law (he finds me annoying so it's causing strife in the family). It's exhausting. The butthead wont even talk to me and it makes me feel super anxious around him. I mean...who wants to be in the same room with someone that despises them?
He apparently finds my humor the most annoying but to be humor is what gets me through the hard days. And then it got me thinking about everything and then I was depressed. But I'm having a better day today. We were supposed to be going to our family reunion in Ohio this weekend but between new tires for our car and needing a hotel for my cousin's wedding in Oct, we couldnt afford to go. Well, we could have but I'd have to dip into savings and that's for getting our babies!
Speaking of babies (totally off subject) inlaws peacocks are getting ready to hatch! Cant wait to see them!
BTW-cd21 today. I had some light spotting in my cm the other day but my temps are kinda of everywhere so I dont know what's up.

@sugaarplum- amen to that hun! I think about how BADLY I want to be a mommy every single day. Doesnt help constantly seeing baby pics on my fb feed. I need a permanent sign on my wall that says 'BANG HEAD HERE' for everytime I see a pregnancy announcement. I want to grab my stomach and yell, "WHY WONT YOU WORK RIGHT?" lol. I'm sorry your cycle is being erratic. Our storks need flying lessons!

@stepmommy- Welcome! YES lol! I'm always telling dh every sign and symptom. Before we started trying, he'd get aggravated when I'd tell him I was going to take a test cause I was nauseous. I remember one time he said "everytime you get a little cramp or get a stomach ache, you go crazy thinking you're pregnant". I seriously wanted to cause him bodily harm that day . As time went on though...he lets me explain every little symptom to him. In fact, he's known every time I've been pregnant before my bfp.

@philly girl- Welcome hun! I've had that side effect with clomid. I believe they call it Clomidzilla! I wish I was on it right now, cause I'd have a reason for being annoyed with my dh today lol.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Wow tara. It's like I'm reading my own issues with my brother in law... he's such a mommy's boy and him and his mother practically gang up on me, for no reason I guess other than "stealing their boy away??" I don't know..

I havee had it bad before and felt lonely because my bf (now husband) used to tell me they loved me and never believed me! Until he woke up and saw it all..

Just please don't feel alone..i always tell myself my family will always be me and him (and hopefully babies)..and it's up to them to accept it.

And oh, I love ur sense of humor, you're a tough gal, so don't you change! Be yourself, everyone else is background noise.

Ahhh I totally wish u and I could go out for a cocktail now just vent huh? x smile sweetie

10 years ago

Hello everyone! I'm going crazy myself right now I'm 14dpo and always start ontime and usually Spot two days before full flow (also always ontime) iv had a lot of symptoms and my boobs are still really sore AF hasn't started at all but I took a FRER today and BFN??? I just don't know I feel pregnant or like I did with all my other babies! I should of O on the 12th if I go from spotting or 14from full flow hubby and I did BD on the 9 10 11 14 and 16 I just don't know what to think at this time.

10 years ago

Samwal how long are your cycles usually?

10 years ago

28 days iv been using a my days app for over a year and mark the days I start spotting and FF and always start exactly when it tells me I should lol (that's how I came up with the 28day cycle too) still no AF today.

10 years ago

Wow well it sounds promising wait until 16dpo and try again! Keep me updated :)

10 years ago

Hey all! Sorry I've been mia, been vistiing with my bf in south FL. Last night I went to use the bathroom and noticed some pink when I wiped. I am only 3 dpo..... I never spot between cycles. Never. I have no clue what it could be. Any ideas?

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10 years ago

Erin it could be ovulation spotting since it's so early in your tww. I only had it happen once.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

What exactly is ovulation spotting? FF confirmed along with my opk's that I ovulated 4 days ago. I got the spotting of very bright pink/red 3dpo in the evening and then just a little brown the morning of 4 dpo (which is today) and nothing since this morning. If it was ovulation spotting, wouldn't it be brown or old since it happened 4 days ago? I'm wondering if it has something to do with the possibility of endo since thats what my doctors are throwing around....

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10 years ago

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