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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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OMG Beautiful!!!!!! Congrats!!! Wow that’s such a nice line too! This is your rainbow! Soooo happy for you. I think the two I took were false positives or something maybe Evans or indents? Was taken at 5 mins I took another test today and was negative. I can post the very faint positives. It’s ok though I wasn’t celebrating me yet, I’m just so happy for you! I don’t have the other test it’s in the hotel room where my family is sleeping, but here’s the frer.

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6 years ago

Beaut1ful38, YEA!!!!! I am so happy for you! I take the powder red maca. 2 tsp a day. I always take it for 4wks then a week off. It is the dose on package, 2tsp. I read intensively and my dr said it is ok.
Photomama, i hope your line gets darker as well!! FINGERS CROSSED!

6 years ago

Ugh you guys... all the cramping. Period just started boo!

6 years ago

Thank you ladies!! I’m still in shock! As I didn’t feel to much different. Just the cramps. This time I know Implantation took place on 9dpo.
I am going to continue taken maca root but went down to 500mg do what you said @ kelliria- and take A week off and go back.

Photomama- I’m so sorry AF arrived. Due to lines maybe a chemical?

6 years ago • Edited

@photomoma. That was what my test looked like then AF showed so I just caught the tailend of the BFP. So the month after I started testing earlier to try to see what happens. I'm truely sorry hun. Praying for you for next month.

@Beaut1ful38. I stopped taking Maca right after my BFP. Was worried something might happen. Congrats again hun. Maybe see you over in the other group.

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6 years ago • Edited

@Beaut1ful38 - Congratulations!! I was away without internet all weekend to celebrate our second wedding anniversary. It was so nice to be greeted by your BFP news this morning. I'm so excited for you! You've made my week!!!

@photomama - I'm sorry AF arrived and the tests were false positives. I hope the cruise with your family is still good and helps take your mind off things.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!!

OMG !! I don’t check in here much now because my little boy is keeping me busy (he’s 6 weeks 5 days old today!!), but I recently did and was SO thrilled to read the great news on you Beaut1ful38 !! CONGRATULATIONS Beaut1ful38 and I’m SO happy to hear that you’re pregnant! Cheering for you!

@photomama: Sorry to hear that AF showed up and I know it’s disappointing but hey - a new beginning with this new month!

Meanwhile: all is good here. My little boy is growing and is SO cute (I’m very biased lol). My husband and I adore him. It’s funny - I kind of miss being pregnant now! Lol i still cannot believe I had a baby! Lol So for those of you who are TTC: don’t lose hope, try to stay relaxed and enjoy the journey! It takes time sometimes but the wait is so worth it! I look back at my TTC time with nostalgia lol My little miracle is here and yours will be here too! to all of you who are TTC!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Thank you so much ladies! I go for my 1st blood work today to Check levels then again Thursday. Based on HCG rise she will then schedule my 1st appointment. Trying to stay calm.

6 years ago

9 dpo and are feeling extremely tired most of the day. Gets a light nausea when I'm hungry and also have some pelvic ache mainly on my right side. If I stand up to fast I can feel it pulling on my right side. Nothing more than a shadow at best on my test this morning, but it's still early. Praying this is my month.

6 years ago

10 dpo today and got some of my tests in the mail at lunch. Took a test on a 3 hour hold and I think I saw something faint well within the timeframe. However, it's totally negative now that it's dried. Gonna try a frer tomorrow with fmu and hopefully it will show a line too. At least that's what I'm hoping.

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6 years ago

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