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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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That is literally the one reason I would be glad to see af. I threw up at least 2-3 times a day until he was born on most days . Only positive was I only gained 15 lbs my whole pregnancy .so it was really easy to get back to pre pregnancy weight . I only Dtd 9 days ago out of the whole month .(sad I know ) but I still cervix check daily .and It was high /soft open egg whites that one day and low and hard the next I don't know for sure just guessing . time really has flown !!! What all are you taking Tara ? I saw soy , no clomid? Folic ?

9 years ago

What am I not taking lol! I cant take clomid for the time being. My OBGYN is basically done with me as far as the ttc part. I understand cause I'm just out of her realm. I can't go back to Parints cause they go by my doctor's orders. She basically just wants me to find an RE and she is "certain" my only shot at children is IVF. Dh and I wanted to take a bit of a break and go natural for a while and see what happened with my cycles. I dont mind going to an RE...I just dont quite have that money. I'd have to save for a couple years before I could afford anything. One appointment is about $300 here. Parints alone cost me $700 a cycle. So in a nutshell, I'm stuck doing it on my own for a while.
So, my daily meds...
AM - 1500mg metformin, Foltanx, Maca Root
PM- prenatals, baby aspirin, FertileCM
If I do a soy cycle...I take the soy isos just like clomid.
I'm also doing fertility massage and castor oil packs over my uterus.
Then after OV, I start progesterone cream twice a day. I can also jumpstart AF by using the progesterone cream for 10 days.
I'm taking the Foltanx for my MTHFR. I cant break down folic acid like the average woman and it causes early m/c's. My last m/c, I was on folgard which is basically just a big dose of folic acid. But with mthfr, you cant break it down so it's adding fuel to the fire. Afterwards, I talked my doctor into giving me foltanx. It's the bioactive (most broken down) version of folic acid. So we're praying that it's the missing ingredient to keep me from miscarrying again.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting, my temp spikes used to be WAYYYYYYY up there but recently I have noticed that that I have a temp drop then a spike to just a tad above where I was two days prior and per my OPKs I had ovulated. See if it goes up tomorrow and I would say if it does then yes you OV.

9 years ago

I'm glad insanity is the order of the day. I'm 11 dpo today. Had bad cramps last night and this morning. Slept the whole day. Took a bath and the cramps were long gone by then. I've never spotted with any of my 2 pregnancies so I am positive I will not have any implantation bleeding. I am sitting with heartburn and sore boobs. I took a test yesterday and it was negative. Was probably too early. DH and I really want this baby and it's my 8 month TTC. Was on the Evra patches before that......

I'm losing my mind. Will go buy another test in the morning. AF only due on the 12th.

9 years ago

Tara --that is a lot .I understand the money factor .Babies are expensive enough with out having to spend $20,000+ to get pregnant ! I know you do jam berries have you thought of maybe doing some of the other hot products I the market ? I have a friend who sells you younique and she's made a couple thousand in the last 6 months .I know the it works girls sell a lot of wraps too .It just all about advertising:/ not something I'm into at all .Im way more introverted ,but maybe it could help with the money .do you still get to baby sit your nephew ? I saw a whole back your sister was being a brat about it .i hope your body responds well to this and you get your sticky bean without having to wait for ivf.Could you not just go to a different doctor ? Don't tell them about parints or your other doctor ? I just think its crazy that insurance doesn't cover this stuff !!!!!

9 years ago

My phone screen is cracked please ignore my typos .I also wanted to mention my dollar tree changed brands from the first signal tests to a small credit card sized box .the brand is veriquick .Dont waste your money !!!!!!! I got a dark pink evap on two and then a terrible dye run on the other .10 dpbd .af due today .all negative tests .i have taken so many .Its like the first time you eat cake after a long diet !!!lmao ;) I can't stop myself

9 years ago

Hi xomandy! Long time no talk...miss you girlie!

@queencandace- can't wait for a test update! I wish I had sore boobs! lol.

@nicky- I'm still doing Jamberry. It's been a slow year but it has helped pay for random stuff like dh's crossfit membership and random surprise bills. I'm dying to try some facebook parties but learning to do them properly is like figuring out tax forms LOL. I'm still watching my nephew as well. He's 2 1/2 now and is soaking up everything I'm teaching him. He loves sign's like a game for him. lol. Just today he was writing his letters on his leap-pad. He surprises me everyday! Oh he cracked me up today. He's now hiding when we play hide and seek. He was hiding in his room behind his door and I said, "Is there a baby in here?" and he goes, "nooooooooo". ROFL! I about lost it laughing. So on top of jamberry and babysitting..I also have my massage business. I'm working on my certification for fertility massage so I can help every uterus I can lol. I need a guinea pig to let me work on them.
I totally know how you feel! Once I stop poas...I cant stop myself! It's a true addiction LOL. Any sign of AF?

I looked over my chart and realized I left out some temps from my follicular phase. My temps were a steady 97.3 for most of the time except for a couple spikes when I'd wake up in the night with dh wrapped around me like a mini heater. Once I added them in...I got crosshairs. So I guess it's possible that I did OV sunday cause I do sometimes have a fallback rise. Tomorrow will tell but I'm not betting anything on it. Fingers crossed!
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Tara -that's so stinkin cute !!!!! Ive tried to show ds some signing and he can't quite catch anything but the open close hand for more or if he wants something .maybe try a Facebook party and only invite a couple of people the first go around .That way if you mess it up you can still invite the good people later .lol .I don't think I have had any symptoms ?? Got my first af 5 months ago .and they went from 50-40 to now my last cycles were 35and 32 days .My normal is 32-33 days .im on cycle day 34 now .Im pretty sure this was the first time I "ovulated " I haven't had any signs of ovulation in previous cycles .My symtoms last time were no sore boobs or acne ,cm dripping out when I went to pee (sorry tmi )twinges,smell /taste sensitivity and middle /lower back pain was how I knew I was pregnant because that had never happened to me so often .I had some random back pain the other day ,boobs feel fine ,I feel like I can smell everything and I'm starving one min and nauseous the next ...that's the only thing that's making me test so much .all negatives today .cervix is sticky /dry but very high and closed .

9 years ago

@nicky-I've been signing with him since he was about 3 months old. I didnt think he was picking it up until he was about 6 months old. He was balling his eyes out at a family get together and and I signed 'mommy is warming up your milk". He stopped crying instantly and waited til she brought his bottle. We were all shocked lol. He was about 13 months before he started signing. His first signs were "more" and "milk". Then he sort of stopped for a while and then these past 6 months...he's just gone crazy lol. Even though he's learning new words and sentences every day, he still gets a huge kick out of signing. He runs around the house saying his ABC's and wont move onto the next letter unless I sign it. Then he stares at his hand trying to move his hand into the form of the letter and then holds it up and proudly says, "A!" or "R!" or whatever the letter is. It's so cute. Trust me...your ds will pick it up soon enough :)

Hmmm...dont you just LOVE crazy, jacked up cycles? How many hpts do you have in your squirrel's nest?

AFM- temp went up .4 but only to 97.6

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

I have just been buying dollar store tests .i got like 10 in the walmart 88 cent bin and went crazy and took them all before 7 dpbd lol and I have just been buying dollar store tests since . I ordered some Christmas stuff online and went ahead and ordered a box of epts that were really cheap .11 days since bd .1 day overdue for af . Neg test this morning

9 years ago

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