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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@zyara - So sorry it was the witch! :( I was really getting my hopes up that this was your cycle!

@miracle - No, I hadn't had a chance to write a post and go into the fibriods, it's been a crazy time with wedding showers for one of DH's sisters and taking a trip to SC. When the Dr. had me open for the c-section she located four total I believe. The big one was the 6cm in diameter and it was the one that started degenerating at 16 weeks and caused me all that terrible pain. She said she tied it off to cut off the blood supply. The other were smaller, like marbles I think. Anyway, I still need to find those links about shrinking them with diet... I know one thing I read is that sugar feeds them, sugar = BAD. And you know what, I have been eating tons of sugar since Oliver was born! I am going to have to really get my diet under control soon. Anyway, I will find those links and share more when I have more time!

@LSchrader - Have you got a nub shot? lol It's the ONE thing that I found that might actually be an accurate way to get an idea if it's a boy or girl before their parts are fully formed. A girls "nub" runs parallel to the spine, and a boys is a slight angle. You have to have a side shot. Can't wait to find out what you are having! :)

AFM - Oliver is NINE MONTHS OLD now. Can't believe it! Life has been a little crazy, the big thing is, DH MAY have some job prospects. That would be SO amazing if something works out. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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9 years ago

@skyline-I just fb you the pictures that i posted after my 12 weeks u/s. I have no clue if that is the "nub" or not! Ha. Either way i am so happy. The closer we get to finding out, i am finding the less i truly care! I a girl would be fun to mix it up and one my close friends is having a girl so that would be fun to do together, but the first boy and my husbands side would be pretty great too! So either way, i am so happy!

i cannot believe he is 9 months old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Insane!!!! Exciting about DH, hoping it all works out!!!!! You guys going to be working on baby #2 anytime soon?

9 years ago

Hi ladies. We're in the beginning stages of our vacation. It's been great until today, when I started lightly bleeding. My apt is tomorrow am. Praying everything is ok. Things are pretty stressful right now.

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9 years ago

My appointment was a bust. No Dr's in the office this morning, so they did the intake over the phone. I'll have an ultrasound on the 26th. Still spotting.

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9 years ago

I don't know if or when I will ovulate this month. Not banking on anything. I told my partner that I'm over all of this. My attitude is "whatever and forget it all". I just want to enjoy my days. Baby dance every other day during fertile time and "IF" by some miraculous chance I get to conceive than so be it.

@Rebecca - I really hope and pray that the light bleed you're having is nothing serious. Please keep us posted. Sounds like you need a vacation, but hopefully you will be able to relax with all that is going on. I will keep you in my prayers that EVERYTHING is okay with the baby.

@Skyline - Yes, I heard that sugar feeds fibroids. Soy products do too. My mom has gone on intense cleanses and diet restrictions throughout her life. Some of this was to shrink her fibroids. She would get them down to a marble size many times, but only to grow back to the size of lemons and oranges which is crazy to me. She told me she had weird bleeding patterns and pain for over 20 something years that were totally unnecessary. Since I'm pretty finished with my child bearing years, I might just have them removed or get a hysterectomy. I will see what my dr wants me to do. I hope you can get your sugar cravings down. Could be a candida overgrowth. Candida CRAVES sugar. Can't believe Oliver is 9 months old already! Time is flying by so fast.

@Lschrader - Happy to hear you are having amazing weather up there in the Pacific Northwest. I hope you get lots of time to enjoy it. I really can't believe that you are 14 weeks. Your dream of baby gender sounded fun. I am saying girl! Glad to hear you are open and happy either way. We shall know soon enough. I can't wait to hear.

@Zyara - How are you doing? Is the witch being nice to you.

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9 years ago • Post starter

@rebecca-Oh my goodness, that is so scary. I just experienced this too. As you know, light spotting is very common in early pregnancy. Are you cramping at all? I am shocked that they wont have you in for an ultrasound until the 26th!! I would demand and earlier one. Why does a doctor have to the be there to do an ultrasound??

@miracle-I dont know how to feel. I know you want a child SO bad, but you have been dedicating your life to this for so long now that part of me feels like you are missing out on other things. I want you to be a mother more than anyone i know. You deserve it. I just also want you to enjoy your life and not get to a point where you look back and feel like you didn't live. If being a biological mother does not happen, i think you would be an amazing adoptive mother. I know people throw out that without really knowing about it. It is expensive and it is very time consuming, i just feel like there is a greater calling for you and i am not sure what that is, but part of me is leaning towards something like adoption. I just know where your heart it is. I have said this a million times and i will say it again. Our God is good. He is faithful. He would never put this desire in your heart, let you have it for ten seconds, then rip it away without ever intending to fill that hole one way or another. Maybe it's not biologically, but you will be a mother. You were not just made to be an auntie to all of our littles...we were made to be aunties to YOURS!

AFM- Well 14 weeks tomorrow. Cannot belieive it. So crazy. I am sick only at night right now, usually right before bed. This is TMI, sorry, but my throat is so sore for throwing up. I am so excited for this part to end! I want my appetite back, engery and a little sense of normalcy! Don't get me wrong, i am so thankful to be here.

9 years ago

@rebecca-I can't stop thinking about you. How are you?

9 years ago

@Lschrader - Thank you so much for your kind words. I too can't help but think that I was born to mother. I'd like to think that getting pregnant once for a brief moment only to end in a miscarriage was not it for me. If so, I think that sucks! I am counting my blessings right now because I have been able to mother my partner's kids these past 7 years. I have watched them grow from 4 & 6 to 11 and almost 13 years old. They love me and I love them. So not all has been horrible. I'm trying to look on the bright side of life. I am in my fertile week and definitely doing my part in baby dancing. Just tired of the let down. I want to just enjoy my partner. No demands or pressure on my partner or I to time bedding right this minute. That only created stress and tension. How are you today?

@Rebecca - How are you? You okay? Feeling worried about you. Please check in soon.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies,

Just passing by to say hi. I hope all the tummies are doing good. And also hope that God will grant the wish of all the ladies that are waiting for that little miracle.

Lschrader: Wow... 14 weeks, really happy for you!!!

Zyara: I hope everything goes ok on this cycle.

Rebecca: How are you doing lady, did spotting stopped?

Miracle: Every effort you make is worth it... please keep the faith, God makes miracles ALL the time.

AFM I'm 21 weeks and we are having a girl!!!

Have a great week!!!!

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9 years ago

@honcat- a GIRL! Yippppy! We needed a girl to break up the trend of all boys!!! Congrats!!! How are you feeling? Were you sick at all?

@miracle-I am glad you have such a great attitude about it all. I am glad that you are enjoying life with your partner as well. You both deserve that. TTC is probably the most trying situation on a couple. Sometimes you just need to put the focus back on you two. I hope this is your lucky cycle and you just enjoy the time rather than stress!!

9 years ago

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