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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello ladies!!! Thought I would officially check in. I've been reading and keeping up but just hanging in the background like a creeper lol. nothing new here, been trying when the schedule allows and could possibly be in the running this cycle. Have another week until AF is due but I'm not holding my breath. Just trying to stay chill and not stress. Bf is still working 5 hours away so we try to catch it when we can.

Just want to say I'm praying and rooting for all you ladies!!!! I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day (and Tara, that means you too lol. Hopefully DH will surprise you with something). I am planning a day of crafts and cooking with my best friend cause she will be alone too. We are looking forward to it. Sangria, good food and a delicious smores something or other that looks amazing!!!

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9 years ago

@Tara, my husband faithfully gets me flowers every year for my birthday and Valentines Day. However, he is the LEAST romantic person you will ever meet! Last minute for everything, waited till this morning to try to find reservations. No success for anything after 4:00 so we are doing a Valentine Lunch :-) Can't complain too much, he did make the reservations. Birthdays and Christmas, he shops the day of my birthday and the day before we plan to open gifts! I HATE IT! Lol. I am such a planner and love everything done in advance, it drives me crazy.. I hope you have an amazing Valentines Day :-)

@E, hi! Glad you checked in. Fingers Crossed for you.

AFM, well this clomid gave me a Yeast Infection (sorry if TMI).. So needless to say I will be so glad when I take my last pill tomorrow. Husband and I had a huge fight yesterday but it was my fault. I flipped out on him for being a baby about not wanting to go in a cup.. Then I felt bad, I guess it works both ways. They don't understand or deal with things how we do nor what we have to go through so after many shed tears we chalked it up as a Clomid moment! LOL which is was probably just me but oh well.

9 years ago

@Eb- hey sugar! How are your AF's post surgery? Yum! Booze and smores! lol

@xomandy- ah...attack of the clomidzilla! lol...those will creep up on you. I'm sorry you guys fought :(. I learned they werent joking when they say that infertility is a huge test for marriage. And I had no idea clomid could cause a yeast infection!

Kinda snapped at dh after he got home from work about the whole v-day thing. He felt bad. I wound up emptying my heart to him as he held me in the kitchen. I told him about how empty I feel right now not being able to ttc and feel without purpose. I think I'm over emotional from the progesterone cream. On the way to eat at his parents house we talked about saturday and he asked if I wanted to go get sushi (lobster and crab sushi to make up for not getting crab legs lol). Then he said he wants to take me shopping WOW!!! I have a couple gift cards and I'm in need of a new bra and jeans (both have holes in them lol). So shopping and sushi! And normal saturday stuff...laundry, groceries, etc. Normal grownup stuff lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter


Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hey girl, they are nothing to write home about. But my cousin introduced me to essential oils and they have been helping a lot more than the regular Rex's prescribed. So that's a plus!!!

@xomandy- that's sucks about the yeast infection. They are no fun. And I had no clue about the side effects of Clomid. Hope it gets better soon!

@Tara-sushi and shopping is awesome! Rarely do I get to do one let alone both in one day lol.

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9 years ago

@Tara, LMAO about the Vibrator! Super glad DH made up for Vday :-)

As far as the yeast infections, my dr said it's the drastic change in hormones that causes them and if you get them fairly easy then you will pretty much get one every time. I do! Every time I take antibiotics :-( But he said it has no effect on getting pregnant or not but I think it is going away after I kicked his a$$ lol so I should be good. Today is my last day of taking it thank goodness.

9 years ago

Hello ladies hope all is well been away for a while wad stuck in the hospital for a week n needed some time to rest from having Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It has really been kicking my butt. But baby is doing great. Finally had my ultra sound on thrusday of last week we are officially having another baby boy wanted a girl but am happy that my little man is doing great! He is so beautiful. So in love with my little man can't wait to hold him in my arms looks like im farther along than I thought 19 wks n 2 days due on 7/11/15.

Here's a look at my handsome little man
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Well still praying for u ladies n ur miracles

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9 years ago

AWHHHHH Liliam, CONGRATS! We want a boy but I would be happy with either.

AFM, Left Ovary has 1 at 17.1 and 9.1 Right Ovary has 1 at 19.2 and 1 at 12.3 so we are going to let them mature for one more day then trigger tomorrow and IUI Thursday! Wash at 9:30 then IUI at 10:30.. Eeeeekkkkk I finally feel like we are moving forward. :-)

Tara where are you? How was your Valentines?

9 years ago

hi ladies just checking in. nothing to report other then waiting for Af to show up so we can start again. really nervous for the HSG and the other test. hear they hurt. :(

9 years ago

@EB- Which essential oils? I'm actually starting my essential oil continuing education classes today lol.

@lilliam- Congrats on the baby boy! July feels so far away!

@xomandy- those are awesome numbers? Yea two follicles!!!!!
Let me know how your IUI goes :). Not gonna lie, it's a weird feeling getting one done lol but it's exciting. Just remember to relax and DONT MAKE A FIST! Tightened fist = tightened uterus.
Just relax so dh's little Michael Phelps can get to your eggs!
Where are you? Not sure if you mean city or cycle so I'll answer both lol! St louis and cd 50 . I didnt realize I was that far into my cycle til now. On last day of progesterone so hopefully I'll get AF in a few days.

@Texas- I know the hsg can hurt temporarily if there is a blockage but remember it's only temporary pain for lifetime of happiness:). Just concentrate on why you are doing it :) i'll be praying it goes easy peezy!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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