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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey Ladies!!!!
@ Pisces, my dear friend and confident who has been with me all this beautiful journey. Thanks for all your support.
@Lschrader, so happy to know that you are receiving your miracle in 8 weeks.
All The ladies, Hi!!!! I hope the Lord fulfill your wishes even if it's first, second or third time, a baby is the purest wish.

AFM ... Laura Sofia came yesterday at 6:32 AM with a C - Section intervention, this was not expected but she started having a Growth restriction on her 38th week, so we decided to take her out. She is awesome,5.14'pounds, 49 cms, and with a beaaaaaatiful temper.

I'm so happy to share this news with you knowing and believing that God is ALWAYS doing something.
God bless you all.

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8 years ago

Hi ladies it was a bfn this morning an dp has had a complete meltdown not understandin why she's had every symptom there is including what she thought was an implantation bleed for it not be anything ..trying to tell her that altho it's the 3rd month trying it's the first time for her an that to catch first time is extremely lucky an not to feel too upset..she's convinced that maybe it's too early an if she ovulated late then maybe it wouldn't show yet even tho af is due 2moro an shes regular as clockwork you all say it's not over till af is here so maybe she's right but don't want her to get her hopes's so hard to watch! When I carried all mine I didn't have any symptons that I remember it was just a case of being late ..if af comes sheS wants to try again next month even tho we said to do every other month for us...hope it happens soon I can't bare to watch the heartbreak every month :(

8 years ago

Hi ladies it was a bfn this morning an dp has had a complete meltdown not understandin why she's had every symptom there is including what she thought was an implantation bleed for it not be anything ..trying to tell her that altho it's the 3rd month trying it's the first time for her an that to catch first time is extremely lucky an not to feel too upset..she's convinced that maybe it's too early an if she ovulated late then maybe it wouldn't show yet even tho af is due 2moro an shes regular as clockwork you all say it's not over till af is here so maybe she's right but don't want her to get her hopes's so hard to watch! When I carried all mine I didn't have any symptons that I remember it was just a case of being late ..if af comes sheS wants to try again next month even tho we said to do every other month for us...hope it happens soon I can't bare to watch the heartbreak every month :(

8 years ago

Hi ladies it was a bfn this morning an dp has had a complete meltdown not understandin why she's had every symptom there is including what she thought was an implantation bleed for it not be anything ..trying to tell her that altho it's the 3rd month trying it's the first time for her an that to catch first time is extremely lucky an not to feel too upset..she's convinced that maybe it's too early an if she ovulated late then maybe it wouldn't show yet even tho af is due 2moro an shes regular as clockwork you all say it's not over till af is here so maybe she's right but don't want her to get her hopes's so hard to watch! When I carried all mine I didn't have any symptons that I remember it was just a case of being late ..if af comes sheS wants to try again next month even tho we said to do every other month for us...hope it happens soon I can't bare to watch the heartbreak every month :(

8 years ago

Hi ladies it was a bfn this morning an dp has had a complete meltdown not understandin why she's had every symptom there is including what she thought was an implantation bleed for it not be anything ..trying to tell her that altho it's the 3rd month trying it's the first time for her an that to catch first time is extremely lucky an not to feel too upset..she's convinced that maybe it's too early an if she ovulated late then maybe it wouldn't show yet even tho af is due 2moro an shes regular as clockwork you all say it's not over till af is here so maybe she's right but don't want her to get her hopes's so hard to watch! When I carried all mine I didn't have any symptons that I remember it was just a case of being late ..if af comes sheS wants to try again next month even tho we said to do every other month for us...hope it happens soon I can't bare to watch the heartbreak every month :(

8 years ago

@jules- I am so sorry for the BFN. We have all seen them they truly suck. there is not way to feel good about it at all. It's so difficult when you feel like you have all the right symptoms. That is why symptoms are stressful to look for. Pregnancy and AF symptoms just look the same. I hope that she ovulated late and she gets a BFP soon. We are all here for you guys.

AFM-I just had my 32 week check up! I didn't gain any weight! Ha, i only bring that up, because at my last check up three weeks ago, i had gained 9 pounds!!! YIKES! I was also really swollen then and my swelling has gone away, thank goodness for that! That was no fun! Cannot believe we get to meet our miracle in 8 weeks! I am feeling pretty good and sleep well at night. Getting up to go the bathroom of course, and still having my pelvic pain. It's terrible. I feel like my hips are dislocating! My sister had this bad too. I guess my body is just preparing for labor! She thinks i will labor fast. I am hoping this little nugget makes an early appearance...not too early..maybe just a week :)

8 years ago

Lschrader.! Can't believe it's down to 8 weeks! Little Miss Lucy will be here before you know it! Then the fun begins. I'm sorry to hear Bentley isn't doing as well as you'd hoped. Our pets are family, too, and it hurts to see them age or get sick.

Jules...hi,and welcome to you both! Symptom spotting can really tear you up. We've all had months when we were 100% sure only to get a BFN. Only someone who's gone through it will ever understand. My advice is to try your best just to go through the TWW as normally as you can. Don't chart, don't write down your symptoms. That's what I do. Otherwise I obsess and I'm no good for my other kids or my dh. Having said that, the best of luck to you. You're not out till AF shows. With my 10 pregnancies, I've only gotten a BFP after AF was due, so 14/15 dpo.

Honcat. ...congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your family. God bless you, and enjoy all the baby snuggles and cuddles coming your way.

Athena....I love reading your posts about Eli. He's such a cutie, and has so much personality. I can tell you and your hubby really enjoy him. I'm so excited to hear you're going to be trying for #2!! I can't believe time has gone so quickly. Looking forward to your updates. Baby dust and good luck.

Miracle. ..I read your FB post, and it made me cry. I know our situations are different, but you expressed my anguish so well in the trails I've been through. Thank you for writing and posting that, and for starting this forum and being here with us. FX'D for you, wishing you all the luck in the world!

Pisces....hey, lady! Love hearing from you! I still pray for you , in the loss of your sister. I know it hasn't been easy for you. Darn insurance companies!! I'm sorry they're making a tough situation worse! I like your not giving up attitude. You know we're here with you.

Sorry I can't write more, but I'm at the Dr's office with my 2nd ds. Just a normal checkup, thank God! My dh and I are still trying. My cycles are finally normal after the d&c in July. I'm 8dpo, trying to ignore my body and just teach the kids and clean house. Lovery seeing this forum active again!! Love you all.

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8 years ago

Af is here :( at least it stops her anylzing it all night and she can start to prepare herself for next month..fortunately she has a exact 28 day cycle with a 13 day luteal phase an ovulates on the same day each month so we know when it will be...this month tho she had a positive opk on the Tuesday an then another one on Saturday..confusing which one is right!?

Thankyou for ur kind words it means a lot as no one knows we are trying so we're suffering alone right now ..her parents are difficult an wouldn't have anything good to say about it an I don't speak to mine so we don't have much of an outlet outside of the relationship!

8 years ago

@jules & DP sorry about AF I know how that sucks. At least you have had some progress with the chemical....maybe try progesterone cream right after ovulation just for added measure. When you say every other mean you try and then she tries or try one month and wait a month?

@rebecca I am like you, I am 7dpo carrying on and not bothering to get any hopes up. I am still regular as a clock with no reason for not getting pregnant. I am convinced this one tube has gone bad. My doctor did order an HSG for my next cycle, let's pray I can get in the very crowded Kaiser HMO radiology *side eye*

@athena I am glad you and hubby are going for it, my girls are 15m apart and they are so easy. They are older one is taking her sister as a date to the Homecoming dance on Saturday. She didn't ask her boyfriend because she said that her sisters first high school dance is more important and I love that she put her sister first.

@lsch I still can not believe 8weeks to go. Funny how time flies when you aren't the one carrying a small watermelon in your belly. I hope you have a great weekend with the family, I need to make a trip home sometime in December and check in with my nephews. They are staying with my dad and my step-mom...the oldest one doesn't like it because he can't be a spoiled brat but it's best right now.

@football got hit request and I got a quick peek and you and Winston...beautiful and he is just as handsome as he can be. I love the name Winston, it's so classic.

I tell you what this group has a talent for picking names. Winston, Oliver, Elijiah, Charlotte, Laura Sophia, Titus ...All Awesome Sauce!

@sky well whenever you're ready & it may happen by way of an accident. Ok and I tried to look for it but did you say women are making new eggs? Because I had something like that a few years ago, that they had initially thought that women had all the eggs by a very early age (can't remember what the age was) but that they recently found that women do make new eggs but the ovaries are what gets old. I have been taking ovaboost on and off...mostly off

@honcat are you ladies home yet or are you still at the hospital? Wishing you a speedy recovery so that you can just love all over Princess Sophia. When is your husbands bday, I already told you that you delivered him the best bday gift ever!!!

@miracle i did see your letter, I cried because I know your frustration. 1st baby or 4th baby the frustration is the same. I am still trusting God and not leaving unto my own understanding. I just wish I knew what my problem was...I know I'm O cramping is so real...when I had IVF before they gave me gonal and my ovaries felt so full and that's how I felt this past ovulation but I can't even allow myself to get excited anymore because I know the which is clockwork. It's sad. I don't even test anymore really...every time o do, I get more and more discouraged. I am trying to find a new found energy to continue on...but I'm no quitter and after my sisters sudden death, I am realizing life is short...I am living for myself and I am living for her. Glad you love the soccer games, that's how I feel about my girls and volleyball, they are exciting to watch and it's so nice to see them on the same court this year.

AFM: 7dpo nothing yo report because I'm not really looking for anything. I'm hungry but what else is new?

8 years ago

@pisces we are doin one one month an one the next month an so on.
I have pcos which didnt develop till after my daughter was born an my cycles are ao long I ovulate when most people would be having their periods an my luteal phase is 12 days but the thing that worries me is that my temp was consistantly stable never really changed so iv been told about this clomid alternative which works the same that can be bought in a supermarket so im goin to get some of them if dp gets no joy next month altho would be so nice for her to experience it all my pregnancys I never had any symptoms I was just late so I think next month we will just throw out the themometre an just wait an If periods then it comes an Id it don't then we test ...I say that now haha it will probably change!!
Im so aorry to hear about ur sister I can't imagine what ur going thru ..sending big hugs from across the pond xx

cant remember everyone's name but thanku for all ur words it's nice to be a part of this an to have someone to talk to an to vent frustrations..ur all pretty amazing an the support uv shown each other is incredible xx

8 years ago

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