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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@jules That over the counter climid sounds interesting. As soon as this cycle hits, I am going to try and get an HSG of this tube and if its open, i'm going back on the ova boost and going to find clomid by any means necessary. I have an old doctor that may be able to prescribe me some and I also have a friend who lives next to mexico I may get her to go by me some. we'll see

AFM: 10dpo nothing to report because not really looking for anything. feels like the witch is coming so I expect her early this cycle...I hate her

8 years ago

Pisces. the same boat, 11dpo not feeling anything one way or the other, so should see AF in 3 more days. This TWW never gets any easier!

Jules...sorry to hear y'all didn't get a BFP. It can be hard emotionally. Hope you're both doing ok.

Afm...just so over this already. Wish getting pregnant were the biggest hurdle we face. Knowing I then have to get safely past 20 weeks.....guess I'm just in my mad phase right now. I'll feel more positive once AF starts.

But hey, Titus is 13 months today! That's guaranteed to cheer me up.

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8 years ago

@rebecca wow 13 months thats gone so quick I remember you posting about ur pregnancy :) are you trying again?
@pisces yes definitely try to get some the one Iv been told about is called soy flavon or something like that this ladies post about using that and preseed and fell pregnant after 5 yrs of trying

Afm..we're going to try soft cups as well this month as sperm can get damaged in the traveling process from pot to syringe ect ..dp has just finished af and we've worked out when ov is due an should be the last few days of the month :)

8 years ago

Jules....yes, we started trying again in Feb/March and got pregnant in April, but lost the baby July 3rd with an emergency d&c. We have four living children spread out over 17 years and have lost six. No reasons. Consensus seems to be if I can get to 20 weeks we're ok. Since I'm 42 I know my time is limited.

Ladies, my mom is really worrying me. Her diabetes is not under control and my sister she lives with won't get her in to a specialist. Mom was just diagnosed this summer, she's 75. I'm not on her list of people who have the right to handle her medical affairs, so my hands are tied. But my dh is diabetic and has been for almost 30 yrs, and I know what needs to be done. I'm afraid this is going to kill her, but no one is listening to me. I'm 18 hrs away. I'm so worried over this. If you think of us, please pray something will get them to take this as serious as it is.

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8 years ago

@jules I will look into that soy flavon. My sister told me that when she wanted to get pregnant with her youngest one of her friends at work told her to take an over the counter menopause medicine for a month and then stop & she would get pregnant. she said she did that that she got pregant immediately. If you read the entire blog then you should have seen @miraclemama & another one crack up about our fears with trying soft cups I would be that ONE person who got it stuck somehow... I still havent really figured out the cervix thing except to tell if its high or low but all of that "soft and slightly open' business...**shoulder shrugs" no idea what they mean.

@rebecca If your mothers health and her care are a concern PLEASE GET INVOLVED!!! STEP on who's ever toes you have in order to get her the right care. I begged my sister for months to allow me to send her to a specialist out of town because I had concerns about her quack doctors & she would never take me up on it. I wish I had been more proactive and just called & made an appointment for her & maybe they would have found that blood clot before it traveled to her lungs I wish I had done more. I know that God is going to send you a sticky 40week bean soon, just hang in there. I have not been able to GET pregnant...I had one chemical a couple of summers ago & nothing since then. I ovulate every month on time....I just dont get it. I think this tube is not working. I brought my concerns to my doctor and he said "you tube is not the problem, its your age"...How could he say that w/out even checking my tube??? How is my age the problem when my FSG and AMG are better than when I was 39? SMH I did not go back to that man...

How is everyone else?

AFM: 11dpo..waiting on the witch so I can schedule an HSG

8 years ago

So I was checking over the weekend for updates and saw NONE, then all of a sudden last night I realize there have been a lot of posts! I don't know how I missed them, I was checking! SMH

@miracle - We ARE amazing! Here is a link if you want to read about the new egg stuff:

Here is another bit of amazing news in women's fertility, a woman in the UK gave birth after receiving a uterine transplant!

Pretty amazing stuff, just sad that these things are only in the beginning stages, and are not widely available.

@HONCAT - My friends little girl had growth restriction, she weighed 4.14, so I am glad Laura Sofia was able to gain more than that! Lovely name, and congratulations!

@Jules - I hope DP is feeling better now after the let down! Some of my worst symptoms were just AF, and when I got my BFP, I didn't have any symptoms to speak of. It can be really rough. The first positive OPK is the one to go by, other hormones in the luteal phase can cause false positives. So as soon as you get a true positive OPK, stop testing!

@LSchrader - Ugh, that sucks that you are still having the pelvic pain, mine went away in the 3rd tri. Swelling is terrible too, I was insanely swollen after the c-section. I thought my feet were going to explode.

@rebecca - Are you 12DPO now? Keeping my fingers crossed! I know getting a BFP is only half the battle, I can't imagine how hard it is to face the uncertainty. I am glad that your cycle has regulated, though. I hope someone starts listening to you concerning your mom!

@pisces - I hope it hasn't gone bad! I hope the HSG comes back with good news! I agree, we picked out some great names, if I do say so myself! Yes, that is basically what the research is showing, you can check out the link I shared at the top. Basically, the "house" gets old and that is what shuts down fertility. You should really look into the Woman Code book/diet. She talks about how it helps maintain youth in your lady parts! I need to go back and read this about getting the soft cup stuck. I missed that episode! WHAT! What a boneheaded thing to say, I am glad you are not going back to that doctor.

AFM - I am stoked! I thought my temps were way off track, but nope, I got crosshairs at CD20! That is normal for me, so as long as there is not some luteal nonsense, my cycle should be normal length this month. I need to do better on my diet though, I still ate too much sugar and I am positive these fibroids are growing. I feel tender in the pelvis from time to time. I really want to go to the doctor, but mine is no longer in my network, so I am thinking of paying out of pocket, because I just don't want to go to someone I don't know and trust, and I want to know what is going on with the fibroids.

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8 years ago

@sky Thanks for the articles, very interesting news and a testiment to how amazing God is and the entire reproductive system. I have a fibroid diet that I had gotten for my sister one time. she said it was actually working and her cycles felt better. I will post it tomorrow.

AFM: I'm afraid the witch is on her way. lots of cramping and some spotting just now...I guess I will call tomorrow and schedule the HSG...i'm still bummed that she's here at all

8 years ago

Yes the witch is here ]

8 years ago

Pisces I hope it's not the witch but if so I'm glad you have a plan.

Sky that's really cool about the eggs, it's amazing how you hear one thing for years and then it turns out to be wrong.

Miracle I'm still praying for your miracle.

Jules I've tried soy isoflavones, I have pcos also. I ovulated the first 2 cycles on them but then nothing. I had to use clomid to get pregnant with my son. Sorry dp got a bfn, I really hope y'all catch the egg next month.

Honcat congrats I love her name.

Lschrader I got swollen while we were in Puerto Rico, but luckily after that it wasn't too bad. I had terrible pelvic pain also, of course I've pretty much always had hip issues where they pop in and out, but the only thing that helped when I was pregnant was a pillow between my legs while laying on my side.

Rebecca fxed that the witch stays away and you carry a healthy baby to term. I can't imagine your stress and fear. Also I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. I can't believe your sister isn't doing more smh.

Oh and Pisces I'm surprised you didn't smack that Doctor, but I bet if looks could kill.....

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

Forgot to update my happenings, opk was positive today,bd'd and dh rubbed my belly for good luck saying make a bun in there so as long as my temps reflect it tww here we come :)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

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