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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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DiviniumLiv- so sorry your going through this. Has your doctor said anything?

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - I'm not in contact with a fertility specialist atm. We've just moved and unfortunately the clinic that's closest now doesn't give any help to those who already have kids. So I have to contact a private clinic, which I don't have the money for until the end of the year.

However, someone recommended me to take a test with second morning urine instead. So I did and it showed a faint line, but not enough that I'm gonna celebrate just yet.

6 years ago

Well, still nothing more than a hint of a line and my spottings arrived.. So I'm definitely out. Thinking of trying a different supplement this time, but not sure what to try.

6 years ago

Red maca worked great for me with both pregnancies. That was the one thing i really thought helped ne.

6 years ago

@Kelliria - funny you should say that, 'cuz I was actually researching on maca and thinking of buying it when af shows up.

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - How are you feeling this week? More symptoms? Did you say your first visit and ultrasound are on the 24th? I hope it goes well and you can see that rainbow baby growing! I'm so very excited for you!

@DiviniumLiv - I'm sorry af showed up again this cycle. It sounds like the maca has worked for a number of ladies on here so I say give it a go!

AFM - I'm waiting to start feeling by baby move! Hopefully sometime in the next week. My placenta is on the front of my uterus so that means it will take me a bit longer. My twin had an anterior placenta with her first baby and she said she felt her moving around week 20. Every night before I got to sleep I concentrate and see if I can feel the baby move. I thought I felt something moving the other day but it's so hard to tell right now!

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I heard lots of gurgling noises when I lay down. Doctors told me it was him kicking. My placenta is in the front too and it took a long time to hear the heartbeat; hope you got to hear yours.

Not much to report here but just getting ready for d-day. I'm ready to hold him now and get my body back. Walking, sitting and standing yesterday was so painful that I swear I had to go to the hospital. Today is my doctors appointment and tonight is my birthday supper. A whole 34 lol. I completely forgot to mention that my son's heart valve has no leaks and doctor isn't too concerned. That is such a relief knowing and can just wait out the remaining days I have left. Hope everyone is doing well. Baby dust to all.

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6 years ago

@Dragonfly23 - They found the heartbeat with no problem at 13 weeks, but last week she struggled for a bit and said it was because of my placenta. I bet you are getting ready! It's so good to hear that his heart is all good . What day is your due date? Have you felt any braxton hicks? It could be any day now for you! My DH's cousin just had her baby at 37 weeks! Can't wait to hear your birth story and I hope it's not to long from now.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I'm due Oct 10 and I have felt braxton hicks, theynare just like menstrual cramps; very low. Labour pains are felt by the belly button.

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6 years ago

I bought the red maca and thought I try powder. Well, if there's a next time then I'll definitely buy the capsules instead. The best thing I found so far to make it taste less yucky, is to mix it in a glass of orange juice. Let's hope it's worth it.

6 years ago

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