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In Need of a 2WW Buddy - April Babies

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I start my 2ww on Saturday but I'm trying to get a jump start on having a group of ladies to journey the 2WW, discuss potential symptoms, type of cycle(no meds or meds, BDing or donor and etc.) The potential of having an April or very early May baby. Heck let's even journey down the discussions of the seasons of maternity clothes. I even want to hear what baby names you have picked out. What kind of delivery do you have planned (home birth, hospital and etc.)Have you used a mid-wife or doula before? I know we are not preggers right now but will be soon regardless of the day or month so why not discuss the thoughts we keep to ourselves and start speaking these babies into existence!!!!!!!!!

155 Replies • 5 years ago



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@beck. In out too. She is here and I cried like a baby in my fiance's arm last night. Yes I have always been impatient when it came to becoming a mom.

@mira I hate that our body's are such strange things..

Onto cycle 14 and 2nd Clonid cycle, I have this new cycle and another with clomid before my OBGyn sends me to a RE. Of course if we have to do an IUI then it will have to wait till after our March wedding cause we cant afford to do one while we pay for a wedding.

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5 years ago

@bug I wholeheartedly hope you don't need to go that IUI road. Best of luck to this new cycle.

@Mommy how are you doing now? How's the testing going on?

AFM. Waiting AF to show her ugly face. Had few streaks of blood and then nothing. It isn't unusual for me though. Just prefer the AF to come at once and not be such a tease. The sooner the better so I can continue with this TTC journey. This is getting really frustraiting.

5 years ago

Hi guys
Sorry I’ve been absent.
We had such a bush week and now my youngest is sick :(
Sorry to those who AF showed up :(
I still don’t have mine..... 2 days late but I feel like its coming!
I dunno we will see. I’m trying to not get excited or test yet after my chemical last month.
How is everyone else feeling other wise?
???? xx

5 years ago

@Becken I wish your little one to get better soon. and finger crossed for BFP!

AFM. Could the AF just show up properly? I want to move on to the next cycle already.

5 years ago

Hey ladies, Happy Monday! Sorry I was MIA, but I normally on log on during the week from my PC at work. I know a few ladies have expressed they are out but you not out to until she rears her head so I still count you in. How was everyone weekend besides the BFN?

AFM I tested of the weekend but I wanted a negative to ensure the trigger was out of my size so I finally got a negative so I tested this morning at 9DPO and got a BFN but its still early so we shall see. I'm going to purchase some FR 6 days sooner and take 1 tomorrow morning. I used the internet cheapies over the weekend.

5 years ago • Post starter

Oh and I have no symptoms, NADA, nothing and the pressure/cramp like stopped over the weekend. I had an acne breakout over the weekend but that's probably because I have had a lot of chocolate last week

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the welcomes everybody. Don't count yourself out yet, like each of you have said our bodies play weird tricks. Every month is different and every pregnancy is different. It is so addicting to symptom spot and test early but really it kinda means nothing. Some months I have every symptom and nothing and some months I have very few.

AFM: I think I am 4 DPO, but as I just said our bodies are strange and evil at times. I usually have ovulation pains and cramps on O day. So on Thursday CD15 I had bad backache, cramping pains on right side and then it all stopped several hours later, typical Mittleshmerz pain. Well on Friday afternoon the cramps hit again, even harder but this time on left side. Now I am confused which day I ovulated on. I have had mild cramps/low pressure everyday since that is pretty constant. More so than I can ever remember in past cycles. I have no idea what is going on with my body and if it is from the letrozole or endometriosis or a cyst or hopeful BFP.

5 years ago

AF is in full force today. I didnt count Saturday or Sunday as CD1 bc it was only spotting and I normally have 2 days of it. Called the doctor and my new clomid prescription is ready for me to use starting on CD 3.

Ladies hoping someone still waiting on a BFP gets on.

Here's to hoping for a May Baby/Babies for those that had AF show.

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5 years ago

@bug your doctor's office is not going to have you come in for a blood test just to be certain?

5 years ago • Post starter

@mommy nope but I know I'm not pregnant AF full force temp dropped bug time the last 3 days.

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5 years ago

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