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April 2020 Babies

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These tests were from today at 13-14 dpo, I have a good feeling about this little beanie baby and have convinced myself to stop testing. Won’t have appointment for dating ultrasound until about 8 weeks but I’m fairly sure I’m due early April. Anyone else with me?

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161 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thanks for the welcome everyone!! Sorry didn't post back sooner, but our 22 month old keeps us hopping. She didn't get to really nap today so she's been a bit cranky and wanting to nurse a bit more. So tender and painful past few days.

Was just talking to dh about 1st appointment have scheduled on the 19th. But after I made it on Friday, I realized I work on the 19th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. He thinks I should just move appointment to next day, but I guess must just be me and want to get that first appointment in. I kinda wanna see if my boss will let me leave at 12:20 so I can shower and leave shortly after. I don't think he realizes the worries and wanting to have reassurances from meetings with the doctor.

Maybe it's just pregnancy hormones?

Can't wait to hear how everyone's upcoming appointments and ultrasounds go!!

5 years ago

@pixie Nice! How would you feel about 2 babies?
@Lissa looks great!! I’m only a couple of years younger than you are btw so I get the worrying about stats for our age group. But many women our age have healthy babies too so I’ve been trying to focus more on that lately and at the same time I’m doing my best not to project too much and just think of the here and now.
I’m feeling really exhausted today and have been pretty moody but the nausea is still very mild

5 years ago

@agatch I know what you mean about statistics. I try to stay positive... doesn't help when I told my mom yesterday that we're pregnant she asked when we do the genetic testing. Thanks Mom!!

But like you said just think of the here and now and be super happy!

5 years ago

Having multiples would be interesting and a bit stressful, but they do run in the family and I think we could happily manage if that were the case. Otherwise 2 is our magic number and this would likely be our last. Planned, two kids would work well for us. It’ll be interesting to see if anyone of us is expecting more than one little beanie baby!

5 years ago • Post starter

@Crams if you call your dr office back, they may be able to give you an appointment for the day before and not the day after: one day less of waiting!

5 years ago

I was thinking about that too, but if I switched the appointment from Friday to Monday my dh wouldn't be able to go as he's covering for another co-worker at his workplace.

5 years ago

5 weeks today absolute spotty mess again, wonder if it's a boy again? Haha how's everyone feeling? I'm still tired and eating lots but otherwise not much else Haha
I've had dreams of twins but I think it's because I'm scared of having them as I really want to avoid a premature birth again

5 years ago

Have mood swings hit anyone else yet? Minor things are either making me teary-eyed or absolutely fuming lol.

5 years ago • Post starter

@pixie i think i'm having mood swings. I'm usually very level headed but i have been acting strange these past couple of weeks. I thought it was the anxiety i'm feeling about my upcoming appointment, but maybe it is just the hormones.

5 years ago

Pixie I’m fuming every five minutes. Over nothing. I feel awful, like I should just lock myself away til it’s over. Cracked it at my little girl last night because she was pulling stuff out of the fridge like a normal toddler but I couldn’t handle it.

Doesn’t help that I’ve got a throat infection... at least I’m off work sick so I’m just mooching on the couch watching tv at the moment!

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5 years ago

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