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TTC October 2020 Babies

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Hi all! I'm back in the TTC game as of today. I just got my first post postpartum period so now I feel like I can try and track ovulation. I ordered some OPKs and will start using them in a week or so. I can't track BBT this time around because of my DD.

I used this site heavily while trying to conceive our daughter and made a bunch of friends that I still talk to. I'm looking forward to meeting some new ladies and sharing in this TTC journey again.

Here's a little bit about me. I started TTC in 2017 and it took us 9 months of tracking to get our first BFP. Our daughter was born on Valentine's day 2019 and is almost one! We want our kids about 2 years apart but know that it's not really our choice. We are hoping it will take 9 months (cycles) or less to conceive baby number 2. I expect to have irregular cycles starting out because we are still breast feeding. I had very regular periods before getting pregnant.

So! Who is trying for October babies and how's it going?

145 Replies • 4 years ago



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@Kaybee3 and @Kahlan+NatsMomma a Valentine's BFP would be AMAZING!!!!!! We had started ttcing in Dec in hopes of a BFP just in time Christmas as well.

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4 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am ttc#2 for 2y now. It took us 4 y to have #1 who is a boy. He is 2y2m. My cycles seem shorter now 25-30 than for most of my life 35-40. This week I will go pescatarian. I have been low carbs/keto for a while. I look forward to being in this journey with everyone. And congrats for the new . My baby is a November baby. I got pregnant just a few days before Valentine's day in 2017, and 3y later, hoping for the same.

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4 years ago

I’ll join the TTC for October babies group. I am 31, will be 32 next month. No live babies yet. My first pregnancy was this past spring and summer, identical twins, but I had a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. Their due date was Feb 4 coming up. Got shingles in the fall from the stress and the doctor mistakenly gave me the wrong medication which meant we couldn’t TTC for another month. Got pregnant after that wait but it was a chemical pregnancy. Feeling like I’ve lost the innocence of my first pregnancy but I am TTC and trying to get the joy again. Anyone know what I’m talking about or am I just super cynical??

4 years ago • Edited

Swebb- I also lost 2 before I had my first baby. A second trimester loss, then a MMC at around 10-11 weeks (started bleeding at my 8w dating sonogram). It made ttc stressful and daunting, for sure. And it makes the pregnancy very nerve wracking, too. But I then had my sweet daughter (conceived 8 months after MMC) then conceived my second daughter after only 1 postpartum period. The journey is full of anxiety and stress after experiencing loss, but also so much joy and excitement when you finally have that beautiful baby in you arms! Don’t lose hope!

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4 years ago • Edited

Kahlan+NatsMomma - Yes it sure is stressful, daunting, and I also agree about the joy and excitement. I keep getting memories of finding out I was pregnant the first time, how joyful I was and it just felt 'right'. Hoping I can find that again really soon. In the meantime I am getting into knitting to keep my hands and mind busy and want to start a really complex rainbow shawl - whether it's too soon to be making rainbow-baby themed things, it'll be comforting for me. Sorry you went through the losses as well, they are truly life-changing. This group will be fun to keep in touch with

4 years ago

On our 4th cycle hoping for a sticky baby this time. I had a chemical pregnancy last month so hoping all worked well this time. Already starting with symptoms again so for a BFP soon!

4 years ago • Edited

Cd1 today.


4 years ago

YOU GUYS!!! Check this out! Also, this is not spam, it's a picture of a pregnancy test. Lol

<a href=""><img src="

4 years ago

@ DanaG933 - Congratulations!!

4 years ago • Post starter

@ Mommy2021 - Hi!! Did you change your name from before? What was it? It's exciting to be trying again and seeing other Mama's going for more babies too.

4 years ago • Post starter

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