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June 2014 babies, let's wait together

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Hello ladies,

This is my 4th cycle trying for baby #3 (previous husband for the first second babies, age 5 & 7 years) had a chemical pregnancy this month at 4 weeks 4 days after 1 week of positive hpt. We had been having unprotective sex since march 2013. I am 32 years old and do is 29 years old and is military.

Today I am cd 5, with avg cycle length of 26 days with ovulation around cd 12-13.

Taking: materna, baby aspirin (new this month), evening primrose oil (cd 1 until ovulation then switched to dha), vit b6 (100 mg) and b12 (1200 mcg due to anemia a few years ago).

Trying the clear blue fertility monitor this month instead of traditionally opk tests.

Any cycle buddies???

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85 Replies • 11 years ago



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Oh, Cari, so sorry!

10 years ago

I am on 9dpo atm, I don't think I am lucky this month :(
But its all okay as I have a fertility appt on the 12th Nov.

How is everyone?

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10 years ago

Eeep! Woke up at my usual 4:30 thus morning, tested, went back to bed, couldnt sleep, so I looked at the test and BAM. BFP! Cautiously excited.

10 years ago

Eeep! Woke up at my usual 4:30 thus morning, tested, went back to bed, couldnt sleep, so I looked at the test and BAM. BFP! Cautiously excited.

10 years ago

Eeep! Woke up at my usual 4:30 thus morning, tested, went back to bed, couldnt sleep, so I looked at the test and BAM. BFP! Cautiously excited.

10 years ago

Snielsen- Woohoo!!! So happy and excited for you!

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

CONGRATS Snielson!!!! Wishing u all the love & luck ur heart can hold!!

10 years ago

Ok, so I'm thinking that I was out last Thursday because I had some red spotting to my knowledge was af, but then I don't remember getting any cramps whatsoever and I always get cramps...terrible cramps. Then I had brown spotting Friday, Sat and Sun and then it stopped. I've been nauseous everyday including today and yesterday I tried to throw up, but just couldn't. Today I went to tinkle and had light red spotting. I'm totally confused and need some insight. I am going to test today as I hadn't since I thought it was af. Thoughts ladies??

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

Any news cari? is due for me in two days and im really hoping she flies by. Wish me luck ladies!!!

10 years ago

Hoping-Nope! I guess it was just a light period. This whole week was bd'g. Ovulation was either yesterday or is today. So may the two week wait start! Also may af breeze by and not show her face!! GL!!!

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

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