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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Well, "hanging in there" is right!!! I had a bit of an interesting last few days. On Saturday I started having regular mild contractions. At first I ignored them, thinking they were just Braxton Hicks' and would disappear shortly. After half an hour of this I decided to start timing them. I timed for an hour and found they were about 5 minutes apart and I was starting to get lower back pain as well. I still thought they would go away so spent the next couple of hours sorting out baby stiff and hospital bags (just in case). Even got some of the tiniest bby clothes on the line to air "just in case". Then when the cntractions were still there, and seemed stronger, I thought I should contact my midwife. Well, straight to the hospital we were sent. I was very pleased we had the hospital bags ready! They put me immediately onto a monitor, and of course the contractins seemed to have calmed down. But then they got me up to do a urine test and when they put me back on the monitor, there they were. Beautiful regular peaks. "Well that's different" said the midwife!! So then everything started happening quite fast. I was only 33 weeks 2 days and they were very concerned baby wouldn't be able to breathe if born in the next few days. So they did a fetal fibronectin test (positive) and started me immediately on a course of medication to stop the contractions and administered steroids for the lungs. It was a crazy time. And I was HUNGRY! I had missed my afternoon snack, and dinner. They wouldn't let me eat while they waited to be sure I wasn't about to push out a baby! After many hours in which it didn't look like the contractions were abating, they finally decided that as I thought they were mild enough to sleep through that it was safe to stop the monitor and let me get some rest. The doctor called in saying "make sure you are still in one piece in the morning". Well, I was. Although VERY tired with only 2.5 hours sleep. My husband slept better on the lazy boy chair they had in the delivery room. The next morning it looked a bit better. Still regular contractins but they were shorted and slightly less labour-like. So, they hifted me to the maternity ward. I still needed more anti-contraction medicine and another steroid injection. Also, the stroids skyrocketed my blood glucose so I was having to more than double my insulin and they were handling my management of that very carefully. I ended up being in hospital 3 nights, then they were happy that if baby decided to come it would all be okay, and my glucose was also under control so I got to go home. But that's it for work for me. I should have been working another 2.5 weeks but nope, lots of rest for me! I am going to have to work out what to do to not get bored. I am not allowed to do anythinng strenuous like washing or cooking etc. So frustrating when I see things that need to be done and I want to do them!

So yeah, time is definitely getting shorter! I might not be due for 6 weeks but baby could come any day, or not for weeks! Just one big waiting game now...

9 years ago

Wow shelob, you've had an eventful time, I bet you are relieved they managed to stop the labour. How are you feeling now? How scary! Just shows how close things are getting though. Its made me want to get my hospital bag packed and get ready just in case.

I'm feeling like poo, I'm seeing a physio once a week because of my pelvic pain. She says it's muscular. She examined me and poked different parts of my lower back and made me yell out loud and I burst into tears. It just took me by surprise and was so painful.

At least I know what the pain is now as I thought it may be ligaments or bones. She says I've got poor muscle strength in that area and need to work on it on a long term basis.

I've also got lots of exercises to do now and have to have massage on the tense parts to release the muscle tension. She then wants me to start pilates after the birth. I'm managing the SPD better now so just living with that until the birth is over.

I did my neck in this week too and not getting much sleep because of all this so feeling like a knackered old lady.

Sorry, rant over.... it's good to tell people who understand as nobody else does apart from my mum who has been a great support.

Candie, it sounds like you are feeling it too! I can sympathise with the heartburn as well but not carrying 2 little ones, it must be very heavy and tiring, I can't imagine it!

Babymine how are you getting on?

I was thinking I bet I will be the last one to drop. I was late with my first 2 and you are bound to be before me Candie with your twinnies.


9 years ago

OMG Shelob! You've had a heck of a time! Good for you at doing so well and keeping your strength! You don't even sound scared! How are you feeling now? I hope the bed rest doesn't get to you but luckily it's not for very long! I hope you can enjoy the rest and the babe is happy staying in there for atleast another month! :)

Oh ruth! Sounds like you're having a hard time at things too, hun! I think it's great that you're going to physio to help you! It's always painful at first but now you know what it is and how to fix it! That's half the battle! I hope you feel relief quickly and rant away anytime! We can all sympathize with you and it's better out than in!

I'm getting so annoyed at how tired/drained I'm getting at the littlest things! I understand why but doesn't make it easier to deal with! ;) It's hard for me to think I want to keep going thru this, and worse, for another month but I will if I can! Being in this all together and being able to chat with you ladies helps! We're still doing alot of renovations at home so things are happening slowly so praying these babies are patient... I was also 11 days late with my DD so hoping these are "later" too!!

I went to a baby store yesterday and ordered my first official twin pillow - it's called My Brest Friend Twin nursing pillow - have you guys heard of the brand? I hear it's AMAZING and the best nursing pillow ever as it wraps around you and gives back support and alot of baby support with storage bags for snacks, drinks, toys, etc. I've also been wanting to get my hospital bag ready too - on my big to-do list! I wouldn't worry about being the last to drop, ruth! I really hope I can get past New Years and will be so jealous of you, all of you, who last longer than that! :PP

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9 years ago

Thanks girls! I agree it is great to be able to vent and talk about all those things that are on our minds that others don't understand!!

I think I got past being scared about it two days after being admitted to hospital. They said then that baby would be okay if born. I am getting happier by the day as in two days time I will be 25 weeks, another developmental milestone. By then baby should be able to suck!! I would actually like baby to come out before christmas. Otherwise I will be induced between Christmas and New Year and apparently the drugs will wreck havoc with my glocose levels which is NOT good!

We had a scan yesterday. Baby is measuring at about 37 weeks in size already!!! about 3kg apparantly. Unfortunately I have lost weight!!! ~1kg in the last month. Effectively I have lost 2kg as baby gained 1. Not god at all. So my food has been increased and insulin. But it will be tricky to get the insulin back on the right level. I had been getting great results the past week since leaving the hospital!

I am sorry you are both having a difficult time with aches and pains etc. I hope they settle down. My hip and back pains come and go. I find changing the way I sleep helps. So sometimes a pillow between the legs, and remove it when the pains come back! I don't think mine are as bad as either of yoours though.

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

Way to go Shelob! 35 weeks?! That's awesome! And your baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead too?! Even better if you go early so you must be smiling!! How's the resting going? Still having trouble or getting used to it? Don't worry about losing a little weight, it's not abnormal at this point with being so crowded in there but it would make it hard on your gestational diabetes but seems like you got it covered! I hope you're able to go early, naturally, so here's praying for an early Xmas present for you! Do you have everything ready in case you do?

We're finally past the 32 week milestone, ruth! I'm so happy about that! Have you had a checkup recently? How's the babe and you doing? I hope physio is getting easier on you and your exercises are helping too!

I had my checkup yesterday and things are still going amazing! Babies are measuring almost 2 weeks ahead too so they're just past 34 weeks and weighing 5.5lbs (2.5kgs) each so I'm beyond happy about that! Baby A (the boy I know of) has been head down for months now and has moved even further down and is now in the middle so I have to go see the ob/gyn weekly as they're worried the weight/pressure could cause me to go into pre-term labour/dilate so I have to becareful and can have these babes anytime if that happens. My tummy is also measuring 46 inches so not much more room to grow! I'm considered term at 36 weeks but not sure if it's the babes measuring 36 weeks or my gestational term but either way could be anytime to 2-4 weeks!! Eeeee! Still not ready and to top it off I'm STILL sick! This cold seemed to go away and came back with a nasty wet cough and because of that cough I've pulled a muscle in my stomach! It's excruciating when I cough, sneeze, blow my nose... as if I need this with everything going on but not much I can do. I also forgot to take my Zantac yesterday morning and ooo, I can't do that again! I couldn't eat supper the acid was so bad and it took forever for the Zantac to kick in when I did remember to take it (6pm) so I can't do that again! Can't have me starving!! lol. I gained 4 lbs again in 2 weeks so still doing great!

Hope you guys are well and talk soon :)

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9 years ago

Wow candie that is great news about the babies measuring to big!!! Tough when you run out of room though! The term date will be referring to gestational age rather than size. That is because unfortunately size doesn't realate to maturity. A 36 week baby that is tiny will be much healthier than a 34 week one that is huge.

So my life has again been turned upside down. Good thing I had already given up on work!!! I ended up back in hospital on Thursday night and am still here (Sunday) and likely to be here until baby is born! So things started off with contractions 3 minutes apart on Thursday afternoon. I timed them for 4 hours before calling my midwife. She sent us into hospital where I was examined. Baby's head was right down (in fact they can't even feel any of it above the pelvis now!) Friday things were looking calmer so they were planning on discharging me on Saturday. Well, my body had other plans! I woke before 4 Saturday morning in agony with such a painful back. Eventually realised it was happening in waves every 3 minutes - it was due to my contractions which had sped up again. All day the pains got worse, and the contractions slightly closer together. A vaginal exam had shown no change in the morning, but then in the evening after a run of terrible contractions they could see I had started to dilate and my cervix was now anterior. So, it looked like I was now in early labour. I was transferred to the birthing suite and everything rampled up quickly. Aboslute agony non stop by 1am. They were adamant I was in established labour but did another VE anyway. Everyone was shocked to discover that I had not progressed at all!! I was exhausted by this stage and in so much pain they said this was not goot for either me or baby so persuaded me to take light pain relief along with sleeping tablets and nifedipine to slow down the contractions. Worked a treat. I was fast asleep 45 minutes later and woke up 4 hours later with contractions only 10 minutes apart. So now we are playing the waiting game - again! I was sure we would have the baby in the early hours of the morning, but once again it could be hours, day or weeks! I am not sure if they will let me out of hospital again. We shall see!

9 years ago

Goodness, Shelob! That baby is determined to make an early appearance or keep you guessing! It's a great thing he/she is doing so well and you're past 35 weeks!! I'm sure you're not too worried about your gestational age anymore are you? Now that you've taken the steroids to help with the lungs things should go very well! I'm sorry to hear you were in so much pain! Reading your story below reminded me of when I had my daughter... with the back pain, constant contractions, etc and no pain killers/epidural until almost 24 hrs! It's so painful but luckily your little tyke didn't come so you rest easy for a bit longer! I think it's good if you stay in the hospital with all this stuff happening and so quickly so you don't need to worry more! I hope you're comfortable and your hubby can stay/visit as long as he wants? Hang in there a little longer, momma!

Things are ok here - still in muscular pain hell with this cold. It was so bad yesterday morning I had a meltdown in front of my daughter and cried so hard (I honestly don't remember crying like that in forever) as I'm so sick of the pain and I don't want to constantly take Tylenol and drug my babies. I think my body listened or the babies moved as when I coughed for the rest of the day/night it's not as bad?! My DD was adorable and so worried - she ran and got me a tissue and I've never cried in front of her before but she knew what to do and she kept checking on me every minute. I felt so bad but thinking I needed to let it out! I've been so irritable lately especially mornings - I really think it's due to this cold and being uncomfortable/sore all the time. Anyone else feeling this way? I also think my muscular thing is moving as I'm getting more back pain, especially my right side, just around the corner under my ribs. I think it's due to moving around when trying to cough so it doesn't hurt so much so I'm pulling more muscles. lol. Gotta laugh about it now. I have an ob/gyn appt tomorrow so I'll find out and see how things are going!

I hope ruth and babymine are doing well! Been forever since we heard from babymine! I wonder if she has her little girl early?!

Have a good day all!

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9 years ago

Wow Shelob, it's all very dramatic with you! Like Candie said, at least you can relax a bit about the stage in pregnancy you are at. If it was born now especially with the steroids surely it would be ok. Will keep my fingers crossed for you that everything goes ok when it does happen. How exciting!

Candie, sounds like you are having a hard time. I've heard you can get pain in your ribs which is caused by the same problem as SPD where everything softens and puts too much pressure on the muscles. I guess it's the same thing as the baby or babies are pushing them and putting pressure on them. Sounds like you have a good little helper to look after you. Hope she will do the same when the babies come.

I'm woke up last night with excruciating cramp in my calf and couldn't get out of bed to exercise it out of the muscle because of my pelvic pain. I need my crutches to get me up now and couldn't get into position to get up. I was literally like a beached whale crying out for help. Luckily my husband was home and helped me out of bed after hearing me yelling. He probably thought I was in labour bless him, I've never seen him shoot out of bed like that before!

Us girls do have to put up with a lot don't we?! It will all be worth it in the end though all being well!

Has everyone decided what they will use for pain relief? I'm hoping things go like they have before and just use gas and air. Really wanting the baby to get out of breech position so it can be straight forward as I don't fancy the recovery period of caesarean and it would be such a shame after having 2 straight forward births.

Not long now girls! (or at least for most of us, i'm still thinking I'll be another 2 months and go into February).


9 years ago

Well... dramatic is right. The reason I have been quiet lately is that 5 days ago I had my baby!!! A boy (James) weighing 2.85kg (6lb 4oz). Still too early (35 weeks 5 days) but way better than if he had been born a couple of weeks earlier! We are both doing well. If you want I will tell you our birth story, but not if anyone doesn't want to hear things like that so close to their own delivery. It was not a smooth process as you can imagine (has anything in my pregnancy gone smoothly???) I am pretty tired but had a good night last night. Tonight might be harder as we are changing the feeding regime a little. Doing extra topup feeds to make sure he gains weight, which is dubious at the moment. He is so sleepy all the time from being premature so it is difficult to get him to eat enough. But oh so cute and we love him so much!!! I feel vindicated about all that time on bed rest and in hospital. Obviously it was needed and I am so relieved he didn't come any earlier!!!

9 years ago

Congratulations Shelob! Fantastic news that you and James are doing well! I would love to hear the birth story, things like that don't bother me in the slightest but if others don't want to hear it then maybe it's best not.

Do you know how long you will have to stay in hospital for? I hope he starts to take more food soon but at least you are in safe hands at the moment.

How exciting!xxxx

9 years ago

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