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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Louie79- I am so sorry to read it wasn't a bfn this month. We haven't had much luck in Oct ladies, let's hope November is a bettter one for all of us!

How is everyone else doing? I know HopefullyAMommy and I are using opks' - I am temping this month. Is anyone else doing anything this month to help predict ovulation?

8 years ago

Aww louie sorry fingers cross for you next time

Afm i used cb digi this month to predict ov with positive on cd 12 and peak on cd 13 im also on clomid cd 3 to 7 and af arrived for me this month on the 7th currently around 3 to 4 dpo had ovary pain almost all yesterday on right side creamy cm and i can feel little tingling in breast

Hows eveyone else

8 years ago

Twwtoolong- I'm also using PreSeed along with the OPKs.

Xoxojadorecouture-I was having bad pain slightly yesterday and even worse today. So I'm hoping I can get it right this time around.

So ladies I got my first positive yesterday and I tested again today and I got another positive. I did the do both days and used the PreSeed also. I'm going to test again tomorrow and see how that goes but I'm going to bd tomorrow as well. Hopefully I caught it right this time.

How is everyone doing so far?

8 years ago • Post starter

@hopefullymommy Omg thats great hope you catch the eggy im 4dpo now just twinges breast pain and lil flutters not tryna over think i used preseed my first time i got my bfp i love that stuff

8 years ago

@ hopefulmommy
Thanks for your words of encouragement.

Apparently the much talked about effect of spotting due to implantation has not been backed up by data according to a study carried out by countdowntopregnancy (see it here:

I was wondering what any ladies had to say about that? Did anyone who got a BFP get spotting a few days before AF and, if so, how many days before AF was it?

I do frequently get spotting before AF - sometimes even five or so days beforehand sometimes only one. However, with ttc I guess I am more likely to read my spotting as implantation so see the same symptoms and read it as a positive sign. Don't want to be lying to myself but at the same time, want to be hopeful that even spotting can be a good sign (I got it at 9dpo yesterday but not today).

@ Xoxojadorecoutur
how is it going with the wait before testing? I am doing the same and it's not easy. Its alwaysd at the back of my mind all day long.

Any ideas with how to keep ourselves busy so as not to head straight for the cupboard and grab an hpt? When I am not at home away from the tests I can do that easily (no surprise there :o) I even go through with myself why I should wait and when I can test.

And then I get up in the morning, hpt in cupboard, fmu ready for the testing, and all my calm rational self-pep talk goes out the window and I have to restrain from testing as though it was the first time doing so.

All the best to those trying for the next cycle and fingers crossed for those testing soon xx

8 years ago

@@hopefullymommy my dr doesn't want me to test full 2 weeks whicj would be Halloween or technically nov 4th ill be 14dpo but im going test on cd 21 9dpo

8 years ago

@@hopefullymommy my dr doesn't want me to test full 2 weeks which would be Halloween or technically nov 4th ill be 14dpo but im going test on cd 21 9dpo

8 years ago

HopefullyAMommy - Sounds like you got the timing just right this cycle! I have heard of preseed, but haven't tried it yet! I hope it works for you!

lucidity - the waiting is the worst! I always have a stock of cheapie dollar store tests for days that I just no longer have the patience to wait!

I am only cd 11 today - did an opk yesterday and not even at faint line. I o'd on cd 15 last month, so lots of bd'ing this weekend and into next week. We thought we'd bd most of this week too for good measure. I read somewhere that it is better quality sprem if you do the deed regularly.

I am temping this month as well - I am usually within the same 15 min window every morning and do it as soon as my alarm goes off, but I already have a .7 deg F change. Not sure I am buying into that just yet - I'll have to wait and see what happens after I get a positive opk.

Ladies in the tww - hang in there!!!

Ladies in the lead up to ovulation- good luck and lots of baby dust!

8 years ago

xoxojadorecouture-That gives me some kind of hope using the PreSeed. I'm hoping that I did catch the egg. I'm definitely not trying to think that much into all the symptoms this cycle. Yes you should definitely wait as long as you can to test! Good Luck and try to listen to your dr. I know it's hard especially when you want to test to find out.

Lucidity-Your very welcome hun! I know how rough this journey is. I just want to be as supportive as I can with you ladies. As far as the implantation bleeding, I'm not too sure because that has never happened to me before. Im hopeful for you! Good Luck!

twwtoolong-I think I did get the timing right, let's just now hope that this bean is a sticky one. I got three postitives on my OPK's, and BD'd all three of those days. Im not going to be able to do it again until Sunday and started BDing on the 20th, so I hope that I'm not cheating myself by losing 2 days. Get as much in as you can, I hope you have a sticky bean as well hunny and thank you for all the advice on the OPKs.

Ladies I wish you all Luck and sending plenty of baby dust your way! Try to hold off on the testing as much as you can. Thank you for all the encouraging words. *HUGS*

8 years ago • Post starter

update 5 or 6 dpo felt flutter under naval off and on for the last 3 nights ive been having hot flashes and lots off vivid dreams i even dream about water which i heard was a good sign

@hopefullymommy ima try i want test 9dpo tho just to see i od early this cycle of clomid and preseed iz gfeat nice slippery ph just right fingers crossed for you.

8 years ago

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