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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

791 - 800 of 2177 Replies | Last Page

Nice one holly, i hope we are all with ya
Teacher I always test at 10dpo, ye its early so still hope if neg, honey, hope you get your very soon
39 Im too impatient, I always test 10/12/14 dpo can't help myself, I look forward to it then dread it on the day tut, crazy, Ill do 1st one Fri looking forward to reading that story
Ania not weird at all, Ive had that before and when I ovd this month I found it painful I swear I could feel him hitting it and felt bruised afterwards, also it was painful to sit down and bend over

8 years ago

Pinkster!!! You're alive!!!!!!! last night, and will every other night!!! Hoping to hit soon before I drive myself CRAZY!!!!

8 years ago

Good girl Holly, I did a message this morn on forum too, your poor man, I bet he's drained lol, 10 out of 10 for effort

8 years ago

HA Pinkster!!! Actually he's having fun! lol I think he jumped up faster when I mentioned it last night! HA!

8 years ago


Just got a letter from my Gyn, saying that my prolactin levels sugest that I didn't ovulated (taken on day 12 and 20) They also say they are "normal"

It probably means that this dip few days ago can be ovu connected and within a week I'll be getting my AF, as I missed the fertile window.

Am not holding my breath for BFP anymore.

8 years ago

I'm so sorry Aniayka... We are here for you! Hang in there girl!
I also have bad allergies & food allergies and that could also be a reason for my temp. shifts. I know what I'm allergic to and I stay away from those foods, but sometimes it gets me anyways! It's not easy! Sending

8 years ago

Ani keep the faith! Those tests are not exact science. Listen to your body and your gut feeling. Keep bd'ing until you get that BFP or AF.

Hi Shanta with Clomid. Hoping the pregnancy fairy visits you this cycle.

Here is the story I mentioned earlier. I am an advocate of mindfulness and positive thinking. So we were bd'ing yesterday and I thought that dh and I should be setting our intention to reproduce. So I googled intentions and fertility and this came up. I hope it helps someone.

8 years ago

39 thank you, thats a lovely story , Ania keep the faith -x-

8 years ago

Hi ladies,
Holly. Sorry but stretchy cm doesn't mean you ovulated, the only thing that can confirm ovulation is a rise in temp that stays high. We get stretchy cm before we ovulate and sometimes a little after. When the egg is released we produce progesterone and its this hormone that causes a bbt rise, the levels should stay high if we are pregnant which would keep our bbt up. I found a tab with your chart on it from before and your temps before your ovulation date were as high as after.
Are you taking Clomid? It can stop some people from ovulating, also it can make you uterine lining super thin which can cause a super light bleed. I have read a few women on here talking about problems with a super light bleed.
If I were you I would invest in some cheap opk' s and test daily to be on the safe side. Your doing the right thing by every other day, I'm sure with that dedication you will get your bfp soon xx

Teacher and Ani, good luck

I can't scroll back far enough to see where everyone is in their cycle so

Hope all our pregnant ladies are doing well xx

8 years ago • Post starter

Good morning!!! Hi Kerzie! Nope, I can't take any medications. I have allergies to a lot of medicines. Never been on clomid! I only take vit.D3 and B-complex with vit.c and folic acid, which I only started 1 month ago. Other than that tylenol once in a great while, nothing else.

8 years ago

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