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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Still looking like I will go home sometime after lunch. One doctor says the heart is completely developed so that is amazing to hear. The nurses also said that they have no doubt the valve will function normally when I have my next ultrasound and he may or may not have a slight murmur but I guess lots of people have those and are fine and he won't require surgery. Such a relief to hear that. It will be totaly up to the doctor on whether or not I will be taken off work but left that for me to decide since I sit pretty much all day. I'm still on the fence as being at home is also stressful too with a two year old running around and renos on the go. I will keep you ladies in the loop. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and wisdom. It is so good to have such awesome to look up to. Thank you all.

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6 years ago • Edited

I'm so glad to hear the update @dragonfly23! This. Has been quite a scare for you, as I can only imagine,but it sounds as if everything will end up just fine with the little guy.
We went on a major splurge for some baby goodies today and I'm so glad we did! We got a massive deal on a maxi cost pebble plus, pearl, and 2 way fix. All 3 for the price of 1.5! On top of that we got a swing, some tommee tipped bottles to test out, some swaddles,a room thermometer and my most coveted-a pregnancy pillow. So relieved and happy about our purchases. It becomes more real everyday that a baby bunny will soon be here

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Just got word that I can go home. Such a relief. No restricted work duties since I sit at my desk all the time.

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6 years ago

Wow! I have missed so much! I haven’t been getting any notifications of messages posted on here!! @dragonfly I’m glad to hear you’ve been cleared to go home and little man’s heart should be ok! I will keep him in my prayers! So cool to see everyone’s baby bump pics! You all look amazing! I’ll be 25 weeks tomorrow and will take an updated belly bump pic then! ????.

6 years ago


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6 years ago

So glad you were released home drangonfly23 and the heart problem doesn't sound too serious :) How's all the mama's getting on? I'm officially 28 weeks today. Starting to get rather uncomfortable now. Baby is kicking away like a crazy one, I have my next midwife appointment on Friday, which is the first since my 20 week anomaly scan, as apparently third time round they leave you pretty much to it, if you're a normal uncomplicated pregnancy, which fingers crossed, so far I am xxx

6 years ago

Hi all,
@Tryingafterloss - great bump! I'm only a couple of weeks behind you (22 wks) and I'll take a new one soon.
@Lakarmw - so far! I can't wait till I'm past this 2nd trimester hump. Glad baby is so active. My little girl has her active days and her non-active days that make me nervous. It's still early for me. Fingers crossed for keeping us all uncomplicated. I go back in two weeks for another anatomy scan to check her heart (they couldn't get a clear picture last time) and to take my glucose test again - which I'm sure I'll do fine with. I have no symptoms of GD, and I pretty much live on Vitamin Water which is just fancy Gatorade and tastes a lot like that crap they give you.
I'm having a hard 2nd trimester, honestly. It's harder than the 1st was. My hips seems to have gotten too loose too soon - in the morning and the evening, I can barely walk and I'm hanging on to things so my legs don't give out and I fall down. I sleep with tons of pillows in strategic places, but still in pain all night long so my sleep is not that good. Starting about 8pm every night, I have a horrible headache that lasts all night - no matter how much water, food or Tylenol I have ingested. It started about a week ago, and it's starting to let up a little. I slept good last night, so I'm thinking it's a growth spurt with crazy hormones and my body has to adjust.

I'll tell you what, this Girl pregnancy is WAY different than my two Boy pregnancies. Definitely more hormones flowing, and yet not the good ones because I have NO sex drive. Poor DH is getting seriously neglected. With Oscar, I was a walking orgasm...he got lots of attention, so this is very different. He doesn't complain - I just feel guilty. Anyone else dealing with Loss of sex drive instead of Gain? I know this should be our optimal time - but it just isn't this time for me.

6 years ago

@calvingirl. My hubby has a loss of sex drive and basically do it once a week. He claims it is because of the heat. I had more of a sex drive when I was pregnant with my daughter.

@Lakearmw. It is such a relief knowing that the heart problem isn't too serious. Will know more on my sept 18 ultrasound.

So, I have a couple issues and wonder of anyone has had them before. I have been having urethra pain when I walk and heard it could be because the baby's heas is putting pressure down below and the other is ear popping or it sounds like someone is constantly breathing in my ear. I did a bit of Googling and read that it is a pregnancy symptom and goes away after the baby is born. Never had it with my first pregnancy. Any ideas?

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6 years ago

Omg!! I’m suffering with the zero sex drive too!! I’m usually the one who is always ready to go but since we got pregnant I couldn’t seriously care any less about sex! I do feel bad for my hubby! He never says anything or tries to pressure me. I just hope my sex drive comes back after baby is born.

6 years ago

Calvingirl, so sorry to hear your feeling rubbish, I would recommend you telling your midwife about your hip pains, my friend has similar and she has a condition, I can't remember the name, but she's being fitted with a girdle to take some of the pressure off currently. So it may be worth getting checked if there's something that may help you.... I struggled a lot with hip pain for a few weeks with my son, then he flipped to breach and it went away so he must have just been lay funny and luckily it didn't return after he went head down again. As for the headaches..... with my daughter I suffered with terrible migranes at times, it turned out it was due to my iron levels being low, and once they put me on supplements they went away ???? but it could just be a hormonal thing... I really hope you feel better soon.
Dragonfly23 I am getting what seems like a shooting pain in my cervix at the moment, it comes and goes... I think it's because baby is head down low all ready, but I could be wrong, so I think it's just pressure from that. I remember having it really late on with the other 2 but maybe they didbt go head dkwn untill later...I will mentions it to the midwife on Friday... does this sound similar to what your feeling? Your ear pain/noise sounds very annoying... have you tried syringing them?xxx

6 years ago

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