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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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So relieved.. I hadn't went to see his family yet, I just didn't think I could face seeing that he was really gone.. we went this evening and I am sooo glad we did! Being able to let it out then talk about our favorite memories - AND found out he gave his life to the Lord a week before he passed - iI feel so much better! I even got to hold him in a little urn his fiance had got so she always had a piece of him with her. I told him I was sorry for not coming to see him Sunday and how much we loved him. I instantly felt at peace, like hewas telling me its okay and not to worry. On tthe way home as we topped the mountain I caught a glimpse of the most beautiful sunset just as it passed behind the mountains. I am at peace.. still miss him like crazy and the pain is still there, but I feel at peace. Thank you for your prayers, they've been working!

9 years ago

@jace- I'm so glad you're feeling better sweetheart :)

Cd5 today. Called dr again to figure out when my surgery will be. No such luck. Receptionist kind of gave me the run around saying they need to contact my insurance first...which they did well over a week ago. Then she said they have to make sure that the surgery center has an opening for me. She said it should be next tuesday or wednesday but they'll let me know in a couple days. I'd feel better if she would have actually looked at my file so I'll be ticked if I call thursday if I dont hear from them and they act like I never tried to schedule it. Dh has to put in time off as well and he cant wait til the last minute.

It's just frustrating that they want me to have surgery next week and wont even tell me what day til 5 days before. Feel like I need more time to prepare. Sorry, just needed to vent.

Still trying to figure out dh's anniversary present. I like the sculpture idea but not sure if it's a dh gift. So I've narrowed it down to a fishing pole with a cork (wood) rod handle so we can start fishing together again or planting a japanese maple in the backyard.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone! How was the weekend for everyone? So glad your surgery is coming through! I'd call everyday if it were me haha I believe in being the squeaky wheel!!

I'm 8 dpo. Don't feel any different from any other month I don't think.

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

Hello Ladies

i haven't wrote in a while, nothing new from me except that we are taking a summer break from TTC. I was really depressed from the pills and we figured we should enjoy our summer and our vacation and start over in September. In the meanwhile i may have the laparoscopic surgery to see if everything is ok in there, i have a first appointment with the doctor next week on the 16th.

Tara i will pray for you so that everything turns out ok with the surgery and all.

Wish you all ladies all the luck in the world and lots of Baby dust!

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9 years ago

Good to hear from you Astrid! I'm glad you're going to enjoy your summer. It's important to have some fun too :)

I'll be praying for your possible surgery as well as Tara's.

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

Sorry I have been MIA, Hi everyone!!

Jace's Mom, I keep forgetting your name :-) I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hate Cancer, it scares the shit out of me! I pray that one day we will find cures for all of it! Happy belated birthday as well !!!!!!

Tara, your June sounds about like ours.. July is sort of calm, we have trips planned in August and September along with getting the kiddo back to school! Summers are always crazy for us :-) Happy early birthday. I will tell you on Friday as well! Hopefully you get your surgery done ASAP. I hate when you call and they do not pull your chart or make notes, makes you feel like you are just being brushed off along with all the other patients.

@Enbutler, glad to hear everything is going great!

AFM, well I couldn't even tell you what CD I was cause I haven't paid attention. I do know I should ovulate this weekend! :-) We have a wedding to attend Saturday evening then out on the town so we just got a hotel downtown instead of driving. I will be doing an OPK and hubby better be able to perform! Lol no getting drunk for him.. LOL. We are just going to continue to not stress and go with the flow till September and start again with the RE. I will admit, it feels GREAT to not worry and track and prick yourself :-) I still pray everyday that it happens for us naturally though. We still take our ungodly amount of pills a day!

For everyone I missed, I will get back on later and read further back.

9 years ago

Hallo Ladies!

xomandy, i agree, it is wonderful to not think about symptoms and what day you are and so on... we are soooooooo enjoying life since we decided to take a break!
In the meantime my dh got his results for the new sperm test, everything is normal, only the ph is 8,5 insted of 7,5-8. It could be also from what he ate, doc said not to worry.
We are flying today to my parents in Romania for the week-end, my beautiful niece turns 4 and my mom has also Bday so it is going to be a beautiful week-end.

Wish you all a great we and Tara, you are always in my prayers!

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9 years ago

Obviously i failed in attaching the pic of Evelyn... she just had a kindergarten celebration and she was dressed up as a cat. her costume was a White Dress with a black tail and black collar, both made of feathers. She asked me over the phone: have you ever seen a cat with feathers??? Wow, i laughed my a** out...

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9 years ago

Happy Birthday TARA!!!!!!! I hope you have an amazing day and weekend :-)

Astrid, have fun and be safe!

9 years ago

How are you ladies?

I'm 13dpo today and took a test for a BFN! Darn it. Next month il one in Florida during my fertile month so I'm out for 2 months now :(. Focusing on supplements, tracking my cycle with bbt and opk so I can at least feel like I'm doing something that will help even if I can't get pregnant for a couple months.

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

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