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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Fingers crossed, 2Firsty!!!

Jess, I hope you are feeling 100% SOON!

Waiting, thanks for the good wishes! And I am coming to dinner, too, lol. I think that is the most beautiful cake I have ever seen. I love the way you did the rosettes.

Today's update. After I spent about 3 hours on the road, I was safely arrived at the clinic at 9:15 am, scheduled for IUI at 12:30 but moved to 11 since I was so early.

Because my husband is working in another state, he was not with me to sign a change of donor form, but they said they could do a verbal verification over the phone. He had been scheduled to fly home last night. The flight was cancelled and he did not board the rebooked flight this morning in order to be available to deal with this form that we had been warned about.

After a couple of hours, almost everyone in the waiting room was called. I overheard a girl who was called saying "I dropped off at 11." At 11? I am thinking why am I still here. I asked the receptionist if my husband had been called. She said not yet, because there had to be 2 staff witnesses on the phone call. This, she explained, had been impossible to arrange in the last 2 hours. The clinic is in a basement that has no cell reception, so I had not been communicating with my husband. At this point, I heard the receptionist on the phone telling someone this call needs to get done and I went upstairs and confirmed with my husband that it was completed shortly after.

I sat and waited some more, getting a bit nervous when I noticed I was the only one left. At 12:15, the nurse comes out and tells me the form has to have a notarized signature from my husband. I was prepared for this - hubs was waiting all morning with computer, internet, printer and notary just in case, but after the phone call had returned to his worksite a good 20 minutes away. I tell her, that is not a problem, my husband is ready to do this.

She starts saying, "no, it's too late. You can skip a cycle. It's no problem. You can't find a notary, it's Saturday. Everything is so last minute." This went on for a while. I told her I definitely cannot skip a cycle. This ovulation is 1 of the 6 remaining eggs I may be lucky enough to ovulate before I turn 45 and I have to be inseminated. She said my doctor is not comfortable with the verbal and needs a signed form. I said fine, we have been waiting all morning to sign this damn form. (My doc is not onsite, they are a large group of docs.) She said there's not time, the doctor leaves at 12:30.

WTF! My original appointment today was 12:40. Who was going to do the IUI? The janitor? And why had I not been told to get the signature any time within the 3 hours I sat there. I am so upset with the whole thing. Whose interests are they protecting anyway? Not mine, for sure. And why can't I have whatever sperm I want inserted? I need my husband's permission? Would I have to have my father's permission if I weren't married?

They "allowed" me to "try" to get the papers signed and notarized for tomorrow and I have an appointment at 10. So I am off again at 6 am to Manhattan to return the tank and then to Manhasset for the IUI.

It took about 3 seconds to email the form to my husband using my phone, which he then took back into town and printed, signed and notarized. I had it in my hand less than 30 minutes after I sent it. I was shaking with anger at them. And they said to my husband on the phone, "do you know she just walked in here this morning off the street with a new donor in a tank?" We had been already using a donor, so still not sure why they were making a colossal case over this.

I am seriously considering going someplace else with my new insurance. This was just such uncaring and incomprehensibly obstinate and careless behavior. And reckless considering the circumstances. Outrageous. Way to put the patient's needs first. I don't think I will be able to interact effectively with this practice again.

I am sorry for the novel! It helped so much to get it out. My poor husband I don't think can listen to much more of this.

9 years ago

@late- I was actually making a fist and grinding my teeth while reading your post. Holy frijoles! Dont know how you kept your composure. I would have been so upset I would have cried in the office. I'm so sorry you went through that :(.

@jace- LOL!!!! Not creeper at all! For some reason my photobucket app on my phone adds my name to the link and doesnt completely disappear like it should. It's doesnt do it from my ipad but photobucket no longer works well with ipads so I have to do it from my phone.

Thank you for the compliments on the cake ladies :). My mother in law was so confused why I wouldnt let her cut it. Dh is like, "'s not real". She freaked out thinking we didnt have real cake to serve LOL.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

@late - I know saying I'm sorry for their ignorance doesn't do any good, but I mean it.. I am SO sorry that you had to deal with all that BS today. I couldn't imagine having to sit out another month because of stupid people. To be stressed already about it & to do your job & theirs making sure that you had everything worked out - and all they had to do was give you their time!!!! OMG!!!!!"! I'm telling you, I am shaking I'm so mad at how they treated. I cannot understand how any business can actually stay in business when they treat ANYONE like that! I really am sorry.. sounds like they have no idea what they're doing or how to do their job. Sending thoughts & prayers your way!

9 years ago

Thank you for the empathy, Waiting and Jess. You guys are helping me keep my sanity through all this. I am praying for and thinking of you both and all the other girls.

Short version: Today, though, it all worked out.

TLDR version: I had a bit of deja vu, getting up at the crack of dawn to return the tank to Manhattan and then driving to the clinic again. I was super early due to a blessedly no traffic Sunday morning and I was at the clinic at 9 am for an 11 o'clock appointment.

The androgyny lab woman and the receptionist were very nice to me, both yesterday and today. I could tell they really felt bad about what happened yesterday. I think it was a combination of my doc dictating things from afar but not being entirely on the ball with returning calls and a really overworked nursing staff that is pretty much dealing with each thing as it happens.

I got the 2 notarized versions of the form into the right hands right away and settled in for the wait. I started getting nervous when 11 came and went and I didn't get called, but they called me at 11:30, I signed out my sample and went into the exam room and got ready. The androgyny lab woman said it was a really great sample. Good to know :)

Then, a bit of weirdness when the nurse did not prepare the syringe; she just left everything there. I always ask for the small speculum and the white catheter - it is more flexible and thinner. The larger speculum scrapes and pinches me. The other catheter is painful and makes me want to get sick. So I was thinking, maybe she has to go get one of these items? Usually, they get it ready then the doc pops in and it's all done in less than 10 minutes. Also, they never did the sonogram either yesterday, so I am worried about my egg.

I sat there, undressed from the waist down as is the required fashion for this event, LOL, for 30 minutes. I read a magazine and tried to breathe, thinking what now. I can feel twinging in my abdomen and I am wondering if this is not going to happen again. But then, the nurse came in and prepped the sample. I felt a big relief and happiness wash over me at this point.

A little later, the doc came in and introduced himself and said it's nice to meet you. I've been going there over 2 years. He's met me several times. He found my cyst 4 weeks ago. Well, I am not so good with faces and names myself. Anyway, he is a good doc and I was very glad to see him. He did the insemination. I was kind of wondering why no sonogram, but I was thinking they were probably like, this crazy lady is going to demand this sperm no matter what so what's the point.

But then, he did an ultrasound after the IUI to check on the cyst, which was still on the left ovary. Then, his face lit up! He said, "You literally just ovulated from the right ovary. I can see the follicle fluid. You could not have timed this better."


When I went to check out, I got another nice surprise. My new insurance is paying for the IUI. My old one was refusing to pay for them because I had an IVF already.

So all in all, I am a little less aggravated at them today, but I am still considering moving to another place for the future. Thanks for sharing the aggro! Sometimes I really wonder if I am nuts.

9 years ago

I can barely hold my eyes open so I'm going to bed, BUT I saw where you posted @late & I just had to tell you how excited I am for you!! All that nonsense yesterday, even though it was so stressful was part of His plan. He knew today would be they perfect time & He made sure the timing worked out on the dot! Fingers & toes crossed, positive thoughts & a hundred prayers going up for you!! *Let this be the month!!!*

9 years ago

Thank you, Jess! I was thinking the same thing. All part of the Plan.

9 years ago

Jess, I am sitting here with tears of gratitude falling down my face at the thought of you out there somewhere in the night sending up prayers - for me! - after all you've been through. Thank you. I agree with you; it is hard to believe this is pure coincidence.

9 years ago

@late - despite what in going through, I will never stop praying for you all!! I have such high hopes for all of you, and I pray harder & longer for you than I do for myself! Y'all have sent up many prayers for me just as I have been praying for you. I know that my time will come, I have faith in that - I have to. With my last loss I let my faith waiver.. it was this forum & Tara that I found (definitely not by chance, He knew exactly what I needed to see & who I needed to meet) & through her & this forum I found strength that I never knew existed & my faith renewed & made stronger than ever. Of course I have bad days, & lately they've been mainly bad, but I still know that I'm blessed beyond what I deserve & for that I thank Him every single day - and to have friends like you to pray for also, well that just makes me happy! I find it extremely hard to tale my own advice, but I'm trying. I'm trying to just pray harder & know,that this is all His plan & His path for me.. whether I'll ever understand or not, and to help others along the way.

9 years ago

Jess, You are an inspiration. I am starting to appreciate how this can be a journey in faith and self-knowledge. And humility! I am praying for you, too, and everyone here and TTC.

9 years ago

Hallo Ladies

@late - soooooo glad everything went well the second time. I pray for you to Show us the 2 beautiful lines in 2 weeks!

@Jace's - my heart is next to yours ...

Ladies, i have a weird weird month... i am day 32 today, BFN and no signs of af... In the last years i only had a couple cicles with 30 or 31 days... plus the 2!!! episodes with ewcm... no idea what is going on...

Wish you all a great day!

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9 years ago

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