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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Happy Hump Day! I feel like the past few weeks have crept by yet been in fast forward. Everytime I turn around I feel like it's friday. Finished my pills on monday so AF will be here in 3 days and counting! Happy dance . My cd3 appointment will be on monday. Which should be fun cause I have my nephew that day. Luckily dh has time off to burn every month or he loses the vacay time. So he'll be taking a half day that day so he can help wrangle him. He's going through the 'my way or else phase', so it's nice having dh there in case of a tantrum. My doctor is sorta adhd during appointments so I have to pay really close attention when he talks. And ya'll are so sweet! I hope I get a sticky baby this cycle for you guys. We need all kinds of bfps so we can celebrate! I'm almost done reading my book. It's like reading my life. The writer nails 99% of what I'm feeling and it's helped grow my faith more in the past couple weeks. There's been times I've literally punched the page I'm reading and screamed....YES! Finally someone has put into perfect words how I feel. lol!

@astrid- Love you too darling! I was thinking about you the other day. I started myo inositol again.

@2frsty- Not hippy at all. I'm a massage therapist and love using essential oils. If anyone calls it weird, ask them if they've ever used Vicks. Same thing. I have a recipe book with essential oil treatments etc that I'm dying to use. When I started using essential oils in massage treatments, my own mother looked at me like I was nuts. She worried I was learning to make witch's brew or something !! The way I see it...God put everything on earth for a purpose. Why not use it?

@jacesmama- Never thought telling people I felt crazy would lead to this! LOL. Over 3 years now and still kicking....lot of us crazies in th world lol. I'm sorry AF showed. But I'm glad your cycles are returning to normal :).

@athena- It's like winning the ovulaton lottery! Everytime I OV, I feel like throwng my hands in the air and yelling YATZHEE!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara I guess I hit the ov lottery temp was still up this morning. I can't wait to see how this cycle goes for you! It is your time to shine :)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

Went to the pumpkin patch with some family this morning. Couldn't believe it's already been a year since I was last there. The thought of not having a baby to bring yet ran through my head but I was determined to have a fun day.
Tripped in the hay maze and went down face first...Jumped in a pile of dent corn with my nephew and landed on a mcdonalds happy meal toy-circa 1996...Rode on a horsey tire swing that turned sideways and spun around in circles like a bat out of hell (should have received a rodeo trophy for that! ). You'd think it would have been a horrible day but it was actually quite nice. Played with my nephew like I was 5 again, fed piggies and ponies, saved a baby mouse, and something happened that surprised me. Now...I usually get sad when I'm around babies. I was standing there by myself as parents ran around with their kids and someone tapped me on my shoulder. It was a father with his baby daughter. He was wanting to get a picture of his daughter behind a disney princess halloween cutout but couldnt do it by himself so he asked if I could help. I figured he'd hand me his phone, but instead he handed me his baby. It was hard not to giggle. As he fumbled with his phone, I held her in my arms and she just smiled at me. I held her up behind Rapunzel and he quickly snapped the picture. I handed her back to her dad and they walked away. At this point, I would have been depressed but as I watched her, she quickly turned her head to look at me. She had the warmest, most peaceful smile on her cheeks. And then I did I . My moment is coming. Just have to hold on a little longer...

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Glad you had si much fun at the pumpkin patch Tara!! We're planning on taking the kids this coming week sometime.

I'm thinking it might take a lil bit for my cycles to return to normal .. I did ovulate, af came 2 days early but only lasted 2 days..? Usually last 7 so that's a big difference .. guess we'll see what this month brings!

8 years ago

Hello, everyone! Crazy me here in the TWW, and my first RE appointment is tomorrow. I'll let y'all know what goes on.

Tara - I'm glad you had a wonderful time!

Jessica - your lining probably didn't have enough time to build up after your d&c. Hope this cycle is yours!!

8 years ago

Hi Ladies! I'm lurking and hoping for some great news and BFPs soon!

Phat and Tara, good luck on your RE appointments this week! How exciting!

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8 years ago

@phat-I'm so excited about your RE appointment tomorrow!

@jacesmama- strange...but nice you only dealt with af for a short time. I feel like my af goes on and on. I usually bleed for 6-7 days but last cycle I bled for 8 .


CD2! AF showed full force saturday morning. I was a little worried about af cause dh and I had to go to Pinnacles Park in Columbia, MO to see his brother. He's apart of a Dag group. They dress as a character that they created and have foam sword fights. It sounds silly but it's actually quite intense to watch. They have these amazing handmade costumes and weapons. We were there for 7 hours so I was worried about needing to replace my softcup since I was bleeding heavy. The bathroom was basically an outhouse with no door ! You turn the corner and it's one toilet in the center of the room surrounded by spiders ! I took one look, said NOPE and walked out. The group members were running over an hour late so dh and I went for a hike. There are these huge limestone rock formations called pinnacles that were formed by a large creek doubling back on itself causing the the limestone to be cut thin. It's 75ft tall, 1000ft across and only a few feet wide in some areas. We walked down through huge partially dried creek beds, climbed up steep cliffs and made it all the way to the top of the pinnacles. It was GORGEOUS! All the fall colors, the cool autumn was beautiful.

After we were done climbing, we watched his brother do his endurance trials (bow and foam arrow battle plus sword fights). Then they got into character and did a monster hunt where they battled members that pretended to be monsters. It was really hilarious. Most of the members have a theatre background and are great at comedy improv so we spent most of the time laughing . Surprisingly, no issues with the causing trouble so it turned out to be a fun day :).
I do have an issue facing me tomorrow...I called the RE friday morning and talked to the nurse. I told her that I was spotting and cd1 would be saturday. She said she'd talk to the doctor to see if there were any meds he wanted me to start saturday and then call me back before the end of the day to schedule my cd3 appt. She never called ! They sometimes call me after hours so I waited, but nothing. So now I get to call them tomorrow morning as soon as they open to try to get in for my baseline appt...sheesh

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hope you dont mind if I share some of the pictures I took. Too pretty not to share :)
[URL=]User Image[/URL]

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Holly - thank you!!

Tara - good luck tomorrow!!

8 years ago

Wow Tara, that place is absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm so jealous right now! Great hearing what a weekend you had.. and glad the witch didn't take any fun out of it. I was always pretty much immobile when af first hits, luckily after I had Jace they're nowhere near what they used to be!

Good luck with your RE appts this week girls!! I'm gonna cuddle up to my boys & get some shut eye. Its really weird having dh in bed with us after being on 3rd shift for so long! They're saying that they should be getting back to work around Thanksgiving so keep your fingers crossed & pray they do.. we really can't make it any longer that that without both of us having to work.

8 years ago

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