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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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871 - 880 of 916 Replies | Last Page

@Beautiful38 - That does sound overwhelming. Did you get the results back from the amnio? If it missed you saying that somewhere else I'm sorry.

I'm just starting to go to visits every two weeks, but only one doctor. I think if baby measures 3 weeks or more behind they will want to do another ultrasound. I've only had the one ultrasound at 18weeks so far. If baby is still just 2 weeks behind that is considered within normal so I guess I will have to stop worrying about it! I will know tomorrow what I'm measuring.

5 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13 & @Beaut1ful38 - Thanks girls. I really hope our bfp will come soon, the wait is getting a bit tiredsome. Got a delayed ovulation this month, first time I got a positive opk and didn't ovulate the same or following day. Which means af is expected dec 26th. That's the date we got a bfp with our son, 6 years ago (although on 11 dpo). I'm having mixed feelings as always. I pray it's a good sign about the date, but are also feeling very pessimistic.

5 years ago

Got light brown when I wiped yesterday and today too. A bit early, since I normally only gets it at 12-13 dpo. So I either ovulated earlier despite the bbt (maybe slow to catch on), or it's IB. I actually got a faint line this morning, one where I didn't have to question my own eyes. And my boobs are SO tender! Now I only have to keep my fingers crossed for a darker line tomorrow.

Do you see it too? Or is the pic that crappy?

user submitted image

5 years ago

I can see it was a crappy picture, so hopefully this is a bit better.

user submitted image

5 years ago

@DiviniumLiv - When I go use tools on the picture you posted in your gallery I do see a shadow/line starting.

5 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13 - It was much more clear when looking at it, than in the pics. What confuses me is the brown spotting. I could be 10 dpo tomorrow, or ovulated earlier and wake up to af.. Hopefully not af.

5 years ago

Seems like my body fooled me and I ovulated a few days early despite the temp. Almost negative test today and my spottings are increasing. The sharp pinching I have right before af arrives..

5 years ago

Anyone in here TTC again?! I plan to start again in September so two more periods then game on!! lol

5 years ago

Hi BB2018! When was your LO born and how old are they? Mine was born on February 14th just turned 5 months this past weekend.

DH and I are planning on TTC again. I have two and half packs of birth control left and then I'm going to stop taking it and we'll see what happens. Looks like we will be starting again around the same time! I have not gotten my period back yet but I think it's a combination of the birth control and exclusively breast feeding. When did you get your period back? I'm hoping mine comes back this fall so that we can start trying for baby #2.

5 years ago • Post starter

Hey Ladies it's been a long time since I've posted on here. My little guy was born on 10-13-18 & I just found out yesterday we are Expecting again due 3-28-20 How is everyone doing?

[url=]User image[/url]

5 years ago

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