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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Wowzers that is looking positive. I wonder if your ovulation date is off? FINGERS crossed it is.

7 years ago

Right Cronins!! But first response was negative this morning though. Just stupid indent. No color that I can see and you have to zoom in to see it. Thinking of calling dr office tmtw if no af by then. I posted it for records. Bad lighting in my bathroom. But didnt want to bring it out for my hubby to see.

7 years ago • Post starter

I just looked at the FRER test. I can definitely see a line on invert, grayscale, and with the naked eye. I am not seeing much color to it though. I highly suspect that maybe your ovulation date is off. Hard to tell though. You are definitely not out till the witch shows up.

As for me, I just took my last dose of letrozole. This time I took 10 mg, to see if that gives my ovulation some zest, lol. NOW it just a waiting game for the remaining testing tomorrow and then ovulation.

7 years ago

yeah, pretty sure its an indent. I have went back and looked at my period app that i write everything on. Going by the very last opk, I had some cramping the next day, so if that was O then that would put me at 11dpo. Something should still be showing up on the hcgs. Maybe I didnt O at all. Didnt do day 21 bloods this time. When I do call the dr office, whether it is to report af or absence of, I am going to ask for a trigger ( for next cycle) I have no more tests till the wondofos get here tmrw. But I dont think I am going to use them. I think Im waiting out the witch at this point.
Hope the higher dose helps you out this cycle. Did dr give you a higher dose? Or do you just have extra?

7 years ago • Post starter

No, I have the extra medication and read the studies that indicates that a higher dose is better for those with a little bit more weight to them, lol. Can't hurt to try, lol.

7 years ago

Cronins hopefully that higher dose will help. Have you thought about injectibles?

Dandy hopefully you get that BFP or AF very soon:-) this waiting stuff is for the birds lol

7 years ago

no cant hurt to try! hope it works for you xx

7 years ago • Post starter

Lucky : we will most likely go to injectibles next. I used to use Gonal-F with Ovidrel trigger with my monitored cycles Probably heading that direction again.

7 years ago

Thank you lucky, me too.

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins- not to be nosy but did you have to use meds with all your pregnancies? You don't have to answer, I'm just curious lol. Also, will you do IUI or ivf?

AFM- yesterday I asked the nurse about my egg quality and she said the embryologist said all 4 mature eggs were poor quality :-( so on top of coq10 I added a couple other supplements lol. I'm going to try and get these little eggies in shape by the end of December lol

7 years ago

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