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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi everyone! Can I join? I'm new here but just started our 8th cycle TTC for baby #1. It definitely hasn't been the "easy" journey we expected so far. Last month we found out DH has low morphology (3%) We don't know of anything else working against us yet, but I haven't had any tests done yet either.

Anyone else out there know anything about low morphology (count/motility all normal), or how long it took to conceive? Really hoping we can get a BFP on our own before the year mark...

Good luck to everyone this month!

6 years ago

Hello! I hope you ladies are feeling lucky this month. I am on cd 2. Going to dr tomorrow for some testing and clomid refill. Hopefully, this is my month as well.

6 years ago

Hi ladies, i'm joining you from spetember / october group. hopefully this month is our month !
I've been taking pregnancy vitamins ( Elevit ) for 8 months now. my plan for this month is to use opk, Preseed ( first response lube ) and get my hubby to take zinc on top of his usual vitamins.

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6 years ago

hello ya'll! i have been MIA lately..just want to welcome the new ladies i am seeing and wishing us all ! women are using the soft cups/instead cups that are rubbery cups that you insert inside up to your cervix after BD in hopes to keep the swimmers close to your cervix so they can get to the egg! one lady said that she layed down for about 15 minutes after BD got up to insert her soft cup and removed it after 8 hours ish. i hope this helped

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

Thanks @katyfootballmomma re:soft cups.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

That is exactly how i use my cups. Lay down for 15 min tgen insert cup til that night. I also use preseed. Bf takes co q10, omega 3, multi. I take prenatal, vit e, b-complex, co q10. Drink red rasp leaf tea af-O. Take clomid.
A little bummed. Today was my cd 3 day hormone testing. They just called and closed due to snow. I have an appt at 745am in morning but idk if they can do the tests on cd 4. Anyone know? Hopefully they can. I dont want to waste a month because of this but i guess i have to keep on trying.

6 years ago

Heeey everyone,

I’ve been lurking on the October group but AF arrived today (8 days late, way too many pregnancy tests wasted on negatives) so here I am, CD 1.

I have 2 precious boys already. Both conceived on Clomid, suspected PCOS never confirmed. Thought we were done and then we had the most incredible, happy, surprise last year which ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks. My world was thrown completely.

These groups can be such a sanctuary - I feel like I can’t talk about TTC with those around me. Feels good to part of it together.

Relieved to know where I stand with AF, feeling hopeful and positive. (Hopefully that continues into the craziness that makes the 2WW!!) Looking forward to seeing many BFP outcomes this month. *Baby Dust* to you all x

6 years ago

hey yall! after thinking about the soft cups i think i am going to partake in using them next time DF and i BD. this month i am holding on to fate and praying without ceasing for my i am an emotional wreck and will not stress about CP/CM fertile windows etc. i am just going to hang in there and do my thing!

AFM i am on CD10. i haven't been charting everything but my AF days. i am going to own this month and call it mine. of course be on the cautious side and not get my hopes for siure! i hope that you all adopt the same mentality because it simply takes the stress out of this journey

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Hello everyone! I am on cycle 4 now. My AF came this morning. I was very hopeful the last cycle, and felt like it was my month. Guess not, my tracker says I should ovulate in 10 days. Wish me luck!

Son 1- 2007. Son2 -2010 son3- 2012

6 years ago

HI Ladies
so i got my blood results, and everything including insulin and glucose ( i mentioned metformin to my doctor and suggested maybe i can use it ) came back ok. even though i had a chicken pox vaccination 6 months ago , they couldn't find anti body and i have to do another round of vaccination. my doctor said there's nothing that we can do at this stage , and i should go back home and try and try till it's at least one year of trying to be considered infertile. he gave me a blood test for progesterone to do in second half of my cycle to check ovulation. he said there's no point in using progesterone cream at this stage. i suggested maybe my Fallopian tube is blocked and he said it's very unlikely if i never had STD before. so i left his office without any answer. we'll see how it goes this month.

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6 years ago

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