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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Calvingirl, get it in! Lol. I cramp bad for a few hrs the day after peak, so i just guess i O then. May try the day after too. I use cbe and once there is a peak, that's it. I just guess from there.

6 years ago

Positive OPK last night and this morning! Thinking O will be sometime today. Hubs and I made sure there was a good chance of swimmers waiting so... onto the TWW! Starting my progesterone cream tomorrow.

6 years ago

Hi ladies I am joining in... Trying for baby #2. Best of luck to all!

6 years ago

@SheRiskers. Good luck with the progesterone cream. Worked wonders for me and I am sure it will work for you as well.

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6 years ago

I.had a weird period last month and some insane amount of nausea and vomiting for the past 3 days weird ctp says that i should o today but i have yet to experience any ovulation symptoms that i typically get every month i actually feel pregnant but i know i am not this is strange. Stress related probably ugh.

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies and happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone is having a better day than me. I think I’m out this month. I’ve been taking opks this month as I don’t sleep well enough for accurate temping and I never got a true strong positive. It had a “peak” for about 36 hours and for the past two days has been going back down to almost nothing. I really had my hopes up this month with taking clomid and almost miraculous timing. I was supposed to O on the 12th which was my moms birthday, I was hoping for good luck. Was gonna test on March 1st and I have an ultrasound already scheduled with my OB for other things on the 9th. Then my EDD was to be the 5th of November, my half birthday. It just felt “right” to me this month. I suppose I’ll still test on the first just in case but I’m feeling so lousy and depressed. My partner is trying to cheer me up and it’s not working, I feel guilty for feeling so upset. Anyways I just needed to vent. I hope everyone is having an amazing day and that this is your month, even if it’s not mine

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6 years ago

@aprilluvsmoz hi and welcome! How are you?

@emrabbttc did you get in some bd around your pos opk? Hoping you have a better day tomorrow and this your month this month! Hugs baby dust and good luck!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

katyfootballmomma thanks for the support! Hugs back to you too, I really needed it tonight. Yeah I got lots of bd in around my darkest opk but I’m still worried as it was never dark enough to be considered positive. I’m hoping that I might have just missed my peak and that it still happened as I’ve been bding all around that time. It’s hard to hang onto hope but it’s important to stay as positive as possible. I hope you have loads of good luck and baby dust

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6 years ago

Thanks Kelliria for the positive reply. I'm now in CD4 and day 3 of clomid. Did any of you guys get pimples while taking clomid? I had a really bad breakout throughout the last cycle, unsure if it is due to clomid. I hope this cycle will be better!

6 years ago

Emrabb, clomid can cause false positives if taken too soon. I wait a few days after last clomid pill to start ov testing. Could that be it? It is a little weird to get used to.
Lavendar, yes. I break out and get all kinds of "pregnancy" symptoms as well. The month i actually did get pregnant on clomid i had no symptoms til 8 dpo and my boobs got very sore. Hope you and sheriskers get your bfp soon!
Im 11 dpo. Started opk yesterday but the first is always negative to get baseline. Use clearblue easy digital. Figure I'll O in 3/4 days. Bd starts today til tues. Taking rasp leaf tea, clomid, prenatal, vit e, b complex, co q 10 and baby asprin. Hope im not over doing it with supplements.

6 years ago

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