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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Yes I see something too!!! Light shadow xx

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5 years ago

I'm currently 6dpo (I THINK. Not 100% sure when I O'd) and have the bubbles/fluttering plus watery/creamy cm and my cervix is high and medium/soft. I also came down with a NASTY cold/minor cough. Good sign I hope? Waiting to POAS!! I didn't start taking temps until two days ago, so I don't know how reliable it will be. FX'd!

5 years ago

Scuba & Becky I see a line on both of your tests

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5 years ago

@alex did you test again? xx

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5 years ago

I just had pink in clear cervical mucus whenever I went to the bathroom. I thought I was only 4 dpo, but maybe this means I am a few days ahead. I didn’t do an ovulation test until I saw EWCM since I hadn’t shown any signs of AF/ovulation postpartum. My first test was 1/31 and that read as high on my app. If that was my ovulation day or earlier then I would be 6 dpo or more. I posted a photo in the gallery. Let me know what you guys think please!

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago • Edited

@jl could be implantation spotting! Good luck! xx

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5 years ago

Scuba, I see a little something on yours, but I can't tell if it's an indent or not. Hopefully it darkens!

5 years ago

@Becky and Scuba I see a shadow of a line on both of yours!

@Alex 10 dpo is still really early I wouldn't even expect a positive at that point at all

5 years ago

@scuba @becky good luck i hope your tests show super positive in a few days

Absolutely love the NO AF emoji lol

@alex give us an update if you tested again okay babe I'm excited to see your results!!

@matariki I'm sorry AF showed babe but stick around in the forum im sure your new due date should still be October/November?

So we had sex last night again which makes it 5 nights in a row Lol me and SO had a conversation in the shower and he's like "it's okay to say no to sex when you are tired we are hard working people with busy lives" so I just told him "not this week" and he nodded his head and replied "not this week" and continued showering lol... He's been so sweet lately so 2 of my friends are pregnant now one 7 weeks and one 6 weeks and when I told him about the latest he said "good for her but I'm angry it's not us" which absolutely broke me... But we'll see what happens this month im just gonna stay calm about it

5 years ago • Post starter

Can’t wait to see some darker lines in the next few days!! I’m really hopeful all those faint lines and shadows turn to BFPs!
Not much to report on my end. 6 dpo (AF due on the 13th) and not sure if or when i’ll test. I’m pretty sure I will in a few days because I got a brand new pack of 25 Clinical Guard tests last month so i bet they'll start calling my name soon

5 years ago

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