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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello ladies. AF struck me right on time saturday morning. Very bummed, because i woke up vomitting and had been naseated for a week only to have her show her mean face a couple hours later. We thought this was finally it. (sigh). Sooo it's back to ttc month 9. Best of luck to all of us!!!

11 years ago

Awwwh man @bdash I thought this was your month with those faint lines and everything. Well hope next month is your month!

11 years ago

Hi ladies, sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Intense period as usual. Hopefully we will all be cycling buddies for March too. Not willing to get the thermometer and temp or chart. I don't wake up at a consistent hour every morning and I wake up throughout the night to pee, ect.. so probably not the best route for me. Although it would be nice to pinpoint temp dips and rises so I could obsess over that I think I will try being intimate every other day rather than every day. Give my honey time to rebuild, that's if we can do that with our very high libido's... sorry for the tmi.

How is everyone doing?

Hey at least we had one get a bfp last cycle right? Now let's hope St Patties' Day (Luck of the Irish) brings all of us our little bundle of magic and joy this month. :)

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hello everyone lookslike we all have our hands full wit af this witch came angry I'm over it though weird bu I guess since I bleed hard I'm over it went o doc today no cyct I can offically start medication over doc did ultrasound piecesgirl nope no baby no suck luck I'm back in la from arz piecesgirl ur on ur vaca I have u in prayer still on my computer sorry cnt keep track on responding to everyone I am here though n wishes us all r month I'm wit miricalmomma let's do this st pattys luck

11 years ago

HI everyone. Today is March 7th and calendar day 7. This AF dragged on. It was hell day 1-3, thought I was done day 4 and then it came back day 5 and lingered day 6 and spotted day 7. Dang. Ok it's out of the way now. O day is around the corner. Usually "O" on day 12 or 13 of my cycle. Here we go again Ladies.

@Topwifey-glad you don't have a cyst. Hope you had a nice time in AZ :) Did you and piscesgirl start temping/charting already?

@piscesgirl - How are you? Thing your in Texas til the 11th? Still praying for you and your family. Oh and hopefully your body 'O's in perfect timing to be with your honey this month. Since your name is Piscesgirl, I will let you know that this month on March 11th there will be 7 planets in the sky all in the sign of pisces... so this very well could be your magical month hon... fingers crossed for you.

Everyone else... Bring on the intimacy, fun and baby making days ahead of us all... :)

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11 years ago • Post starter

miraclemama2be arizona was misrable lol i got sick got my period everyone was on my nervous it wasnt my time lol. i am sorry AF was horrible to u she was to me day 1-2 3 was spotting barley noticable and 5 over. i am back on my medication again and back to trying looks like we all r i am going to be postive and try not to symptom spot just wait till AF doesnt show bad news this will be the last time i could try TTC till after surgery doc said if no postive this time when he is going hard i will have to have horposcopy surgery to scrap scar tissue on upper right side of uterus which might be preventing he wants to try before surgery again and will save my last iui till after surgery if this is not my month. as for the charting and tempting i didnt know when i was suppose to start work has been so crazy i been working crazy shifts because we had a audit and i had alot of preperation to do. i think it is two late to temp huh all that other stuff checking cervix and cm idk how sad face.
@piecesgirl she is also in my prayers she has been so quiet i am worried i know she has alot on her plate i just pray everything is good with her.

11 years ago

@topowifey ~ sorry az was miserable. Hopefully you will get a bfp this cycle as to avoid surgery..however if that is what your body needs in order to conceive then bring it on right? As for checking cervix (I don't know how either) But checking cm is just using a clean dry finger and checking for types of cervical mucous inside your vagina and up near the cervix area. After period, it's usually dry for a few days. Then it turns creamy, lotion like, watery and then like egg whites on or very near ovulation day. I guess you are suppose to be able to stretch it 1 to 2 inches between thumb and index finger without it breaking and that is when you are having egg white consistency type cervical fluids...which means very high fertility sign. As far as opk's, I am not positive they work for me yet. Just for fun, I tried them out last month, but not as many days as I should have to get a accurate reading. I want to temp this cycle but thinking it might be too late. I started today anyways. I am going to see if I see a slight increase in temp rise. They say opk's can only detect the LH surge hormone meaning ovulation could take place within 12 to 48 hrs of detection, but it can't confirm that you actually O'd. Now temping can confirm if you do it right that you are O'ing. That's just from what I have been told... I feel eager and urgent about it all, because time is a ticking for me... if it's meant to be it will be, this I know to be true.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@mircalmomma2be yes ur right buit is so costly I really wish not to lol fingers crossed for bgp I'm still medicating been so emotional suspisious is a new one jelous like idk wanna beat up dh for two days nit picking on him then right now wanna cry these dame hormones that's theonly thing diffrent this time noticable wit medication nothing like last month

11 years ago

@topowifey hey sweeties...believe it or not, I haven't missed a single post but I have been two, busy, or too exhausted to respond. But funeral business is all behind us and now we have to push forward. I got to go to a Spurs game tonight (not a fan of either team but I LOVE basketball. It's about our time. Are you doing iui?

@mirclemama heyyyy girlie! Thanks for the quick astrology :-) happen to rotate around 11' and both my daughters were born on the 29th ...2+9=11. Also thanks for the cervix lesson but I am not sure what I would be feeling up there, let alone be able to tell if it felt think the OPK's will have to due this month because I definitely have not been taking my temp. (Shameful)

I missed everybody! I'm still around.

11 years ago

@miricalmomma2b I seen the astrolgy report u did fo pieces sounds promising do me do me lol I'm a vrgo
@piecesgirl I missed u glade ur doing okay luv u had me worried. Glade its time for u to rest I'm just getting my rest had a awful week at work but glade its over n overtime is over the day I could sleep in I'm awake yes luv I'm on my meds go for ultra sound to check follicals praying for a lot praying dh sperm goes up looks better got him on vitimans fingers crossed iui should be next week keeping my fingers crossed hoping this is our month

11 years ago

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