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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Lol we have. We bd everyday since af ended so far :) trying so hard not to stress bc I know that dosent help, but so ready for our rainbow baby and would be the perfect Christmas present. I will be able to test the 21st I think. Af due around that date. Good luck!!! Keep me posted and I'll do the same!

7 years ago • Post starter

Got my positive opk today! So here we go!!

7 years ago • Post starter

@Candi I did as well...which is early for me..I've ov cd17 the last two cycles

7 years ago

Congrats Ladies! I'm testing in the morning at 9dpos ;) How many dpos are you both when getting a positive?

7 years ago

Really! Thats awesome!! Were almost to our tww agaIn!! ????Im on CD 15

7 years ago • Post starter

@emily i got mine today im on CD 15. Which is a little later than last month, but a couple months ago I ovualted on CD 16 so I guess it's normal lol

7 years ago • Post starter

@Brittany I'm sorry I read your name wrong????

7 years ago • Post starter

Lol geez!! I can't get this right today lol...idk why it out a bunch of ???...that's not what I put lol I give up

7 years ago • Post starter

Don't worry candi I read the whole thing wrong and thought you both got a bfp hpt today ???????? yikes lol

7 years ago

Lol it's alright @Candi!! 1dpo tomorrow well today..

7 years ago

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