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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Dd will be 8m on the 1st. I quit bf a month ago due to a medication they started me on for liver disease. I still havent got my period, but I am glad. Not having any more. Lol.

5 years ago

Thanks for the info Kelliria! How long did it take your period to come back after your first baby?

5 years ago • Post starter

I'm not planning on giving up, but it's getting a bit tiredsome. Bought a test from another brand yesterday, to check if the line I got on the strip was a real one. Much fainter than I was hoping for...

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5 years ago

Sadly, all other tests after that darker strip has been faint or non existent. So that must have been a fluke. I've started getting cramps too and some pink spotting as well, that combined with the acne that showed up yesterday are some sure signs that af will be here any day now. I'm feeling a bit torn about it actually. On one hand I'm really bummed that it's taken us so long to conceive, but on the other hand I have to do an "internship" for around 6 weeks next spring before I graduate in June. So it's not all bad if we doesn't conceive up until september.

5 years ago

Hey Ladies I need advice on what to do or what you guys think. So I got a vfl @9dpo & I confirmed it with digital @12dpo I am currently 14dpo but my lines are barely progressing. Do you guys have any experience with a slow rising hpt lines if so was it a viable Pregnancy or did it end up a Miscarriage? I'm freaking out here because my fmu seems lighter today than last night's test. Please Help

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5 years ago

Af arrived this morning, 2 days earlier but well within my normal. I'm bummed but not actually that beat up about it. It wouldn't be a bad thing if I didn't get pregnant until the fall anyway, that way I have the chance to graduate before a little one arrives. I graduate in june 2020 and have to take an internship for a few weeks before I that, and that would be a little difficult with a newborn. So I think we'll be practicing a little bit of NTNP from now on and then get back to ttc in a few months.

5 years ago

@Kimberke - I don't have any experience with this. Did you try another digital? It could be that your urine was just more diluted at 14dpo? I would post as a questions to the whole community and see what they say. You could also go get your betas drawn if you are worried. That would give you a clear answer. Praying for you.

@Pandorica - I think NTNP for a few months is a good idea. That will certainly give you a break from the constant TTC and might help your body relax. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks @Flamingogirl23 it's considered a chemical Pregnancy/early Pregnancy loss. I guess I'm back on the TTC board. ????

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5 years ago

@Kimberke - I'm sorry to hear this hun.

5 years ago • Post starter

We've stopped TTC for a while now and I started BC around 2 weeks ago. Even though I want another child, I also want to be able to graduate before that and also hopefully be able to buy our own small farm. I graduate in june next year, so it's not that long. In the meantime I'm focusing on trying to get my thyroid problems sorted out and are currently on a few weeks of cortisone and beta blockers, waiting for my referral to the endocrinologist. Even if my thyroid isn't disturbing my fertility, at least I'll hopefully be feeling better once it's sorted out.

4 years ago

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