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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@FlamingoGirl yayyyyy hopefully we will be pregnant at the same time!!

4 years ago

Been irritable all day today. I just feel pregnant. I keep peeing on all the sticks and they’ve all been negative. Now when I just went pee and wiped there was a tinge of light brown blood. I’m thinking g this could be implantation bleeding. It’s only there when I wipe, not enough that it’s on underwear and I’m not due for next period til this coming Friday.

Who wants to jump in and say if you think it’s implantation or AF coming very early?!?! I think it’s implantation!!

Anyone else in the wretched TWW and waiting in anticipation?

4 years ago

BGB2020 Have you tested!? The implantation sounds promising!

I'm still not ovulating so I'm not in the TWW but the anticipation to start my cycles again is growing. I don't want my babies too far apart and if it takes us 9 months to conceive again I need those cycles to start!

4 years ago • Post starter

Hi Flamingo! Yes, I tested - saw some very faint second lines on Wondfos and a second line on a dollar store and FRER that came up after the 5 min mark. I had ALL the symptoms. I think I had a CP because I got AF yesterday and I NEVER EVER EVER get it early like that (I wasn't due til Friday). Wamp wamp. I am hoping it happens this month then it says my Due Date would be Aug 18th... here's to hoping! I really truly was just waiting to see that blatent second line... I'm so sad.

4 years ago

So this past weekend I had brown spotting for two days. Enough to use a panty liner but that's it. I find it hard to believe this was my first postpartum period but I'm also not sure what it could be? Does anyone have an idea?

4 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. I hope everyone is doing well and is keeping safe from COVID. Hard to believe that Isaiah will be two in October. Time is just flying by. Found out a few months ago that I am pregnant with baby #3 and I am due February 2, 2021. We were going to hold off for a couple more years but then he surprised me on our wedding anniversary and didn't pull out. I have my Nuchal scan tomorrow afternoon and we will not be finding out the gender this time around, but I have a suspicious feeling that it will be a girl. My daughter on the other hand is adament that I am having twins; one of each as I am showing a lot earlier than normal. My first scan only showed one sac but did not perform a vaginal ultrasound. I guess we will find out tomorrow afternoon for sure.

I was thinking that a lot of us have Facebook accounts and was thinking of creating a private/secret group and the only way to gain access is to state your username. Then I will post the link here for others to join. That way we can post updates, etc. After further looking, for non-friends, I would need an email addresses to send the invite. If you are interested, please PM me and I will send an invite to you. Let me know what you all think about it.

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4 years ago

Hey dragonfly23 this is our news baby Kataleya. She was born 11days ago. We all have been doing great. Congratulations on your pregnancy. My lil guy will be 2 in October as well & he is super excited about his lil sister. He's been very gentle & not jealous of her but still jealous of the rest of the kids. I'm glad your doing well. It be nice to get updates on everyone else!!!

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4 years ago

Kimberk. Oh my goodness, she is so adorable and such a wonderful name. My husband thinks it's a girl too and deciding on names is a hard one.

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4 years ago

I created the group but won't allow me to search for names. I made the group Private but Visable. Hope the link works. Please let me know.

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4 years ago

Untrasound went well with a heartbeat of 138. Didn't find out the gender but we both think its a boy. Can't wait to meet the little one.

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4 years ago

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